Unleash Your Inner Explorer With the Dystinct Earthen Skyriding Addon

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Here’s a great way to upgrade your Earthen exploratory escapades and level by just exploring the world of Azeroth. As you’re probably aware, one of the Earthen’s racial traits is called Wide-Eyed Wonder. It grants 200% additional exploration experience, making you a veritable James Cook and David Attenborough rolled into one. Or another exploration person.

Get to 70 or Higher Much Faster

The Dystinct Earthen Skyriding addon will help you find the best traveling routes and use that 200% additional experience to maximum effect. It’s arguably the best method for leveling your Earthen from 10-70+. Pacifist style. You can also take it far beyond 70 if you so choose, as there are players that actually got to 80 with it!

It’s also been rebuilt from scratch to be standalone, instead of relying on the RestedXP addon like it used to. One of its great features, apart from maximally cashing in on the Earthen’s bonuses, is automatic discovery tracking, which moves your waypoint as soon as it detects you’ve discovered a zone.

Optimized routes, a route editor, the ability to import routes as new leveling paths emerge, and even an export for your run logs round out this great addon. And if you use it in combination with TomTom you will get directional assistance as well. Truly every adventurer’s dream.

Now if only the 20th Anniversary and other experience bonuses worked with exploration. Ah, well, an Earthen can always dream.