In addition to the already announced class tuning, Blizzard have now shared plans for item tuning as well. Various pieces of gear will be either buffed or nerfed, depending on current performance with the weekly reset. The changes will affect Great Vault rewards for this week.
Ara-Kara Sacbrood and
Spymaster’s Web, among others, have received nerfs, while
Swarmlord’s Authority and
Cinderbrew Stein got some of the largest buffs. Here’s the full list:
During scheduled weekly maintenance on September 17, we will adjust items that have been over- and under-performing in the first few days of The War Within Season 1.
Our goal is to get these changes out ahead of the first Great Vault of the season, to lower the impact on players’ gearing journey.
- Ara-Kara Sacbrood – Primary stat reduced by 5%.
- Burin of the Candle King – Absorb increased by 15%.
- Cinderbrew Stein – Primary stat increased by 5%, absorb increased by 20%.
- Cirral Concoctory – Effects increased by 5%.
- Harvester’s Edict – Damage and Mastery effect increased by 5%.
- Mereldar’s Toll – Versatility effect increased by 8%.
- Overclocked Gear-A-Rang – On-use damage increased by 10%.
- Refracting Aggression Module – Absorb increased by 25%.
- Scrapsinger’s Symphony – Absorb increased by 15%.
- Shadow-Binding Ritual Knife – Primary stat reduced by 5%.
- Shining Arathor Insignia – Damage and healing reduced by 10%.
- Sikran’s Endless Arsenal – Damage effects increased by 5%.
- Spare Meat Hook and Bottled Flayedwing Toxin now correctly deal reduced damage for tank specializations.
- Spymaster’s Web – Intellect on use reduced by 5%.
- Swarmlord’s Authority – Absorb increased by 20%.
- Tome of Light’s Devotion – Absorb and Armor increased by 15%.
- Twin Fang Instruments – Damage increased by 8%.
- Viscous Coaglam – Effect increased by 5%.
Our intent is to do these itemization tuning passes rarely, usually within the first week or so of a patch, and then take a more hands-off approach with room for a follow-up a few weeks after if any extreme outliers still exist unaddressed.
We’ve received feedback about the inconsistency in performance across Delves trinkets as a whole, and we will look to address them in a larger Delve-specific itemization sweep in the coming weeks.