Very Useful Brann Delve Interrupt WeakAura

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Delves and their ever-fluctuating difficulty are definitely in the spotlight right now. So how about a tool that helps make them a bit easier?

Just Make a WeakAura!

GoldArrig noticed they were wasting a lot of their interrupts on things Brann had already interrupted mere moments earlier. So, being a good WoW player and addon creator, the obvious answer was to create a WeakAura! It tracks when Brann’s interrupt comes off cooldown so you know not to use yours then!

You can find the progress bar version here, and it looks like this:

A text version is also available here.

Wait, What’s a WeakAura?

WeakAuras is an addon that allows you (or players like GoldArrig) to add your own custom visuals, timers and similar. An individual WeakAura is one of these visuals, which you can download and then add to the WeakAuras addon to get the desired effect.

You can download it here.

So thanks to GoldArrig and hopefully this helps you out!