We’ve had a very stable week as Mythic+ hasn’t changed all that much since the patch. Both the top and overall percentile charts are extremely stable, with the top 6 and top 13 being basically set in stone, so let’s dive in.
Warcraft Logs Points
The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing. This means that they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor. It is a much, much smaller factor, granting only a few points for significantly faster completions compared to just any in-time finish. We’re also using the Normalized Aggregate Scores numbers, for clarity. This means that the top spec is marked as 100 and then the rest are ranked in relation to that peak point.
95th percentile DPS
Mythic+ seems very unphased by the patch tuning, as the top 6 remain the same! Down in 7th, we see Frost Mage pushing up, taking Unholy down a peg. The other two Rogue specs are moving up fast, as Outlaw and Subtlety gain two spots together, coming in at No.10 and 11. The hero of the hour for raids, Marksmanship, is still very much unwanted in dungeons, as its single-target surge isn’t quite as useful here. The same story seems to be happening with Devastation, as it surged up the raid chart but is still down in the dumps with the two Hunters here.

All Percentiles
The Death Knight-Shaman sandwiching continues and we have an even more stable generalist chart! We need to go down all the way to 13 to see any shift, where Fury gains a spot and Feral follows it up.

Specific Keys
Let’s also take a look at specific key levels, starting with +10s and ramping up. The top percentiles are all pretty perfectly lined up for the lower keys, as the players playing those specs do not fail.
+ 10s

+ 13s

+ 15s

U.gg Raw DPS Rankings by Hero Talent Tree
We’re taking a look at the raw DPS once again as the two-week period has elapsed. Enhancement is still at the top, but we see Unholy burst up into 2nd. The rest is actually surprisingly close to before the patch, with Assassination taking down Frost Mage and Survival Frost DK.
For even more in-depth data for each individual key head on over to Warcraft Logs and check out u.gg for more stats. If you’re interested in more info on the specs themselves you can always check out our class guides, as well as our Mythic+ guides.