War Within Nerub-ar Palace Raid DPS Log Rankings, Week 7: Exploits Create Weird Charts

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We have some weird charts to take a look at today, as the massive Outlaw exploit that was patched has left quite the mark! And while those Rogue players did get suspensions, their presence is very much still in the charts, so we’ll just have to imagine they’re not there at all. There was also that Elemental bug that caused a spike earlier in the week, so there’s a lot to take into account. Not to mention this week’s massive class tuning pass!

Note: We are using normalized scores instead of raw DPS for the Warcraft Logs rankings. Normalized scores take into account the outlier boss fights where certain specs could stack massive DPS (due to the nature of the fight, whether it’s AoE spam or something else), which would then affect their overall score for the whole raid.


Overall Damage 95th Percentile

What an interesting and very yellow chart we have. The Outlaw bug that was abused to get Mythic+ 15s done with just a few Rogues is very much present in raids as well. Blizzard fixed the issue and actioned the accounts, but as we can see, the normalized chart is anything but normal.

The best non-exploiting specs could do was around 78% of the bugged spec, except wait – the second spec also had a bug that was used a lot! Elemental’s issue was nowhere near as bad as Outlaw’s and fixed swiftly, but it definitely affected the rankings. At No.3 we move to the non-bugged (well, mostly) specs, with Enhancement actually still being on top, same as last week. Beast Mastery and Marksmanship are moving up in the world, but are getting some adjustments in this week’s tuning, so they may not be this high next week. Then we have the law-abiding Rogues, with Subtlety moving up in the world and passing Assassination. Retribution finds itself down quite a bit, with Survival joining it on its downward spiral. But we’ll see where they land this week when the bugs are out of the way and the tuning arrives. Havoc is the steadiest of them all, claiming 10th and sticking to it! Arms joins Aug and Affli down in the dumps, but is getting some solid buffs this week.

Overall Damage All Percentiles

Same situation here in the top 4, with Assassination moving through into 5th, breaking up a potential triple Hunter stack! Survival beat out Marksmanship in the generalist bracket, and all three Hunters placed above Subtlety. Havoc moves into 10th here as well, pushing past Unholy for the spot. Balance finds itself down with Aug and Affli here, giving Arms a break. The Druid is also getting buffed in this week’s tuning. however.

Boss Only Damage All Percentiles

Even with the exploit, Outlaw wasn’t able to beat out Assassination in the direct boss damage overall chart! Same goes for Elemental versus Enhancement, as the Rogue on Rogue and Shaman on Shaman action reached a fever pitch here. BM is doing very well, and it’s Marksmanship that comes out on top in the Hunter skirmish lower down.

Heroic Damage All Percentiles

We don’t see quite as much cheating in Heroic, or at least its effects are smaller. Assassination takes down Enhancement in the regular spec battle, while Beast Mastery shows off its new (and brief) power. Devastation remains steady in 4th, as Elemental skyrockets up thanks to the Lightning Rod bug. Fire and Frost find themselves down in the dumps, joining the still incorrectly logged Augmentation.

U.gg Raw Mythic DPS Rankings by Hero Talent Tree

The u.gg table is a little slower to change, since it looks at data over 2 weeks, but there’s still very clear signs of the bugs here. Elemental was on top even before the issues, while Subtlety and BM rose up naturally. Outlaw is definitely benefiting from the exploit here, as it gained an insane 36 spots.

As always, you can check out our tier lists, our class guides, and our Nerub-ar Palace guide! And for even more stats, head on over to Warcraft Logs and u.gg.