War Within Season 2 Mythic+ DPS Class and Spec Tier List Rankings: March 17th

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It’s time to check back in on our DPS rankings for Mythic+, as Season 2 is finishing up its second week!

S and A+ Tier Changes

We last checked in on the tier list before Season 2 launched, so here are the main changes since then. Unholy came into the top tier, almost dethroning Fire, as Elemental moved down to the bottom of S-tier. A little lower down in A+ we saw Frost Mage climb from the middle to 2nd place, as Feral still reigns supreme. While one frost rose, another fell, as the cold Death Knight dropped into A-tier. Assassination and two-thirds of Warlocks moved up, but Affliction had to pay the price and drop down to A.

The Top Tiers

Now let’s take a look at full top tiers and the many DPS specs populating them. These are curated and made by our guide writer Petko.

You can check out the full tier list with all the categories, as well as commentary for each spec and all the utility they bring to groups in our guide.

S Fire Mage
S Unholy Death Knight
S Balance Druid
SElemental Shaman
A+Feral Druid
A+Frost Mage
A+Shadow Priest
A+Assassination Rogue
A+Destruction Warlock
A+Demonology Warlock
A+Beast Mastery Hunter
A+Retribution Paladin
A+Enhancement Shaman
A+Havoc Demon Hunter