Warning: Radiant Echo World Soul Memory Bug Is Still Present + Possible Solution

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More than two weeks after we first reported it, the 5-Radiant Echo bug is still alive and well. It was probably active since launch, but it is a little strange it still hasn’t been fixed.

The Bug

The Worldsoul Memory World event is still bugged, still in that one specific difficulty/mode. Players have been reporting issues with it pretty much since the event became available. The problem is around the version where you spend 5 of the Bountiful Delve-dropped Radiant Echo iconRadiant Echoes. The event is supposed to scale its rewards based on how many you place. 1 Echo yields the lowest rewards, 5 more and 10 the most. Well, the middle option is not working out great for some players.

Players were getting upwards of 1,000 score with full raid groups, and still only getting rewards as if they only spent one echo instead of 5.

And It’s Still Going

The reports are still coming in, with some players having to see their entire raid get hundreds of Coffer Key Shard iconCoffer Key Shards, while they get a measly few dozen, with same scores.

The latest reports came in on this reset as well, so we know the issue has still not been resolved. This particular group was extremely unfortunate, as most of them received the bugged amount.

A Possible (But Unlikely) Solution

One of the things players have been trying to avoid the issue is either not being in a raid group to start with, or leaving the group before the end of the event. Some players reported not getting the issue outside of raids. The success of this is extremely anecdotal, however. There’s no particular reason to think raids are the issue. But, if you’re going to spend 5 echoes, why not jump out of the raid in the last 10 seconds just to be sure!

This has certainly made some players very cautious about spending their echoes at all, but they’re definitely starting to stack up. Blizzard are aware of the bug, but we haven’t heard anything about specific work being done to fix it. So it seems it’s a tricky one, but hopefully it can be resolved soon.