World Boss Orta Available This Week on Live Servers!

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This week’s world boss Orta is available in Azj-Kahet. Check out the loot you can get!

Where to Find Orta?

Check for the epic world quest in Azj-Kahet called Orta, the Broken Mountain. It rewards more than 1K gold. Go to the location, click the eye near the quest in your log to find a premade group, and kill the boss.

Orta, the Broken Mountain

Long has this deepwalker strode through the chasms and legends of Azj-Kahet. His voice an earthquake, his will diamond, his strength adamant. Yet now he comes before Azj-Kahet, contaminated by the dark pustules of the black blood, in need of a good death. Who will rise to face him?

Loot Table

Orta drops the following ilvl 603 Champion gear.