World First Neutral Level 80 Using an INSANE Method! GIGABEAR Takes the No-Faction Crown

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The War Within is a great expansion for going very fast it seems! After the lightning speed of the 1 hour 1 minute first level 80, we now have a VERY fast Neutral Pandaren!

What Is a Neutral Level 80?

This new category of speed leveling was initiated by Neutralagent many expansions ago. It revolves around a Pandaren never leaving the Wandering Isle and thus never having to choose a faction – remaining neutral in the great WoW faction conflict! Usually this meant spending a LOT of time gathering herbs and mining around the Wandering Isle. Getting those scraps of XP and running all over the place got a little upgraded with a few account-transferable pet battle quest turn-ins lately, but that’s about it.

That is, until now.

Who Got It and How Was it Not Neutralagent?

You may recall GIGABEAR from one of Dragonflight’s best bugs, as he, as the name implies, got VERY big and threatened Stormwind itself:

Well, it seems the GIGA doesn’t just stand for size, it’s also a measure of speed. After a LONG and thought-out plan, yesterday he managed to ding 80 a mere 18 hours after Early Access launch!

How the Hell Is It Already Done?! (Simple Version)

The plan is pretty simple, actually. Here’s the short version:

  • Get a ridiculous amount of Rogues Darkmoon cards from Inscription. 42,000+ (FORTY TWO THOUSAND) cards to be precise.
  • Collect the 3 cards needed for a deck.
  • Complete the deck and get XP for doing so. 14,000+ (FOURTEEN THOUSAND) DECKS.
  • Profit all the way to 80.

Now obviously it’s not THAT simple, as there were many hurdles to get over.

The Complicated Version

The Warbank plays a crucial role, as it allows access to the one key material needed, which would otherwise be impossible on the Wandering Isle. And that one key item is Mysterious Tarot iconMysterious Tarot. The move also required three characters, partly to get around the Warbank cooldown, and partly for the quest.

By spending a bunch of gold (over two million) and basically crashing the NA market for Hunter's Ink iconHunter’s Ink, GIGABEAR got a WHOLE LOT of Rogues Darkmoon cards via the tarot. When you get three specific cards from it, they combine into a deck. And when you go to complete that Rogues Deck iconRogues Deck, an NPC (Darkmoon Fortune Teller) teleports to you so you can complete the quest to get the deck. This is the other spot where the alts came in, as the NPC is only there for 2 minutes and has a 5 minute cooldown between appearances. And so the other two chars would summon her back so the main could continue completing quests.

That’s… quite a few tarots…

And that quest is what got GIGABEAR to max level on its own. Awarding between 260-290 XP, it took 18 hours of clicking (with a few macros) to get all those decks and complete all those quests. Now, that may seem like low XP, but it’s till around 10 times more than gathering individual herb or mining nodes around the island. And you don’t have to run around the whole time either! For comparison, Neutralagent, who is still leveling using the gathering method, is around level 73 at the moment.

The 3-man team and the key NPC

But, the deed was done, and the World First secured! Huge congrats to GIGABEAR on this insane achievement!

Let’s see what giga barrier gets broken next.