The first encrypted build for Patch 11.1, the next major update for The War Within, has officially arrived on the wowv3 (WoW Vendor 3) CDN.
This early build signals Blizzard’s progress toward the first content patch, likely to be previewed during the 30 Years of Warcraft Direct event on November 13. With no BlizzCon this year, the Warcraft Direct may offer us a first glimpse into what’s next.
What to Expect: New Zones and Raids
Based on datamined icons, Patch 11.1 could take players to goblin– and ethereal-themed raids.

Additionally, players might explore the Rootlands, a fifth rumored War Within zone located between Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet, initially planned for release but scrapped at launch.

This mysterious zone is the home to the Haronir, a key figure seen in the official trailer.
With Patch 11.0.7 expected soon and Patch 11.1 on the horizon, The War Within is setting the stage for a steady content cadence!