Discover how one World of Warcraft player’s jaw-dropping theory about Dalaran’s fate was spot-on—three months before The War Within launched! Warning: Spoilers ahead!
Archmage Drended’s True Identity Revealed: The Xal’atath Connection
Earlier today, we explored the Fate of Dalaran cutscenes and one particular stood out. Xal’atath has revealed to Alleria that she’s been orchestrating the attack disguised as Archmage Drenden the whole time.

Player’s Theory on Dalaran’s Fate Was Right All Along
Three months ago, Cool-Watercress8730 posted an interesting theory on Reddit, speculating that Drenden was, in fact, Xal’atath. Drenden’s particular quote: “And I mean to put those talents to good use, you can be sure of that,” triggered this suspicion.

Now that the Early Access has launched, the player’s theory has proven to be 100% accurate! You can read their post from 3 months ago here.
Xal’atah is hidden in plain sight and nobody noticed
byu/Cool-Watercress8730 inwow