Odyn Mythic Strategy/Tactics
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, you will find a list of changes between Normal/Heroic modes and Mythic mode, as well as a working strategy to defeat Odyn in Trial of Valor in Mythic mode.
The other pages of our Odyn guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
About our Reviewer
This guide has been reviewed and approved by Pottm from Serenity.
Mythic Mode Abilities
Odyn will perform all the same abilities in the Mythic version of the encounter, with a few notable augmentations to existing abilities and some unique new additions.
Phase One
Just like the other versions of the fight, the goal in Phase
One is to bring both Hymdall and Hyrja down to 25% in the same
10-second widow. Failing to do that will cause them to heal back to
50% with Revivify.
Odyn will regularly summon Valarjar Runebearers with
Draw Power. Each add will be have a mark corresponding
with a rune on the ground and fixate a player, who will also receive
the same mark. The adds can only be damaged when standing
inside their matching runes. When the Valarjar Runebearers
die they will mark 3 additional players with their rune. A marked
player who steps into the matching rune will receive the
Protected buff.
Unerring Blast deals significantly higher damage on
Mythic. Players without
Protected buffs will be
instantly killed.
Phase Two
Just like the other versions of the fight, Odyn will regularly summon Hyrja and Heimdall to assist him in combat, and they will depart upon reaching 85% health.
Draw Power and
Unerring Blast function
identically to Phase One.
Odyn will spawn 3 Spear of Lights on Mythic difficulty,
roughly every 15 seconds (though it can be delayed by other
abilities such as
Unerring Blast.
Phase Three
Phase Three is the same on Mythic difficulty, with the addition
of one new ability; Runic Brand. Odyn will brand all
players with a rune, and after 6 seconds he will cast
Radiant Smite. All players will also trigger an
Echo of Radiance when
Radiant Smite is cast.
Players with matching runes will be immune to the damage of
Echo of Radiance. There are 5 different runes and Odyn
will mark 4 players with each individual rune upon the casting
Runic Brand.
Phase One
Phase One is nearly identical to the other versions of the
encounter, however, it is much more punishing of mistakes due
to the greatly increased damage of the abilities. The main threat
in this phase is Hyrja's Shield of Light. The raid should
have a designated point for which to soak the shield, otherwise
there will certainly be deaths. Generally speaking, pointing the
shield through the circle in the center of the room is the easiest
solution for both melee and ranged.
When Odyn casts Draw Power the adds should be dealt
with as normal (killing them on the correct pedestals). When the
Valarjar Runebearers die the freshly marked players have
to quickly run to the rune corresponding to their mark to receive
Protected buff. Any players without
Protected when
Unerring Blast occurs will be
instantly killed. This means the Valarjar Runebearers
must be killed quickly and all players should quickly obtain their
corresponding buff.
Heimdall's abilities are very telegraphed; simple do not stand
in Dancing Blade and spread out for his
Horn of Valor
cast. Ensure both Heimdall and Hyrja are pushed to 25% health at
the same time.
Phase Two
Phase Two also bears great resemblance to the other versions
of the fight. The main difference in Mythic is the additional spears
that are present as it greatly increases the movement of the raid
as well as the number of Glowing Fragments that need to
be avoided.
The ranged and healers should be loosely centralized
in this phase; try and put down an Efflorescence and/or
Healing Rain in the center and spread out around the edges
of it. Being somewhat grouped greatly aids in raid healing and is
very helpful for dealing with
Shield of Light and quickly
spreading to the runes during
Draw Power.
Whenever Hyrja is active all DPS should focus heavy damage and
cooldowns into her, as the Shield of Light is extremely
threatening in Phase Two, as there will be
Spear of Lights
Glowing Fragments taking place simultaneously. The
easiest solution is to continue to point the shields toward the
center, however, mark a player for the raid to follow and
stack on in the event a
Spear of Light spawns on the stack
point. If you have enough damage you should only get a single
Shield of Light.
Heimdall is less of a concern, but should still be prioritized
above boss damage. Pay close attention to his Horn of Valor
cast and ensure your group is spread appropriately.
Phase Three
During Phase Three, part of the room is always unavoidable to the raid
because it is covered in Cleansing Flame. It is important to tank
Odyn in the middle of the space that remains. This way, players
can move out when targeted by
Storm of Justice and leave their
Raging Tempest tornadoes at the edge of the available space.
Similarly, having Odyn in the middle allows the tank targeted by
Stormforged Spear to run out and take reduced damage from
You should place 5 world markers for each rune color when you move
the boss to a new location, ideally in a circle around the boss'
location (green, blue, red, orange, and purple). When Odyn casts
Runic Brand, players of the same mark should group up and
stack on their corresponding color together until
Radiant Smite
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