Operation: Floodgate Dungeon Guide Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash

Last updated Yesterday at 12:22 by Petko 6 comments

This page will cover everything you need to know about the Operation: Floodgate Dungeon in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.


Operation: Floodgate Dungeon Guide

This guide will be an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital information on how to complete it across all difficulties. We will cover all 4 Boss fights, as well as the most notable trash enemies in the dungeon and their important abilities. If you would like to learn about the rest of the dungeons in The War Within Season 2, please see our overviews linked below. Otherwise, without further ado, let us begin!

To summon the Swampface (the third boss of the dungeon) and continue forward, you must destroy the 5/5 Weapons Stockpile Explosion Icon Weapons Stockpile Explosion located through the first area of the dungeon.

Weapons Stockpile Explosion

Big M.O.M.M.A. + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Big M.O.M.M.A.

  • Interrupt Darkfuse Hyena Bloodthirsty Cackle Icon Bloodthirsty Cackle.
  • Use defensive cooldowns when Darkfuse Bloodwarper is casting Warp Blood Icon Warp Blood. Any spare interrupts should be used for Blood Blast Icon Blood Blast.
  • Be aware of Mechadrone Sniper and their Snipe Icon Snipe ability, it deals a ton of damage! Any spare kicks should be placed on Trickshot Icon Trickshot.
  • Avoid being hit by Darkfuse Demolitionist's R.P.G.G. Icon R.P.G.G..
  • Darkfuse Inspector will shadow step behind you with Surprise Inspection Icon Surprise Inspection, make sure to stay close to melee so they don't run away!

Big M.O.M.M.A. Guide

Big M.O.M.M.A.

All Roles

  • Make sure to defeat the 4 Darkfuse Mechadrones and interrupt Maximum Distortion Icon Maximum Distortion, before the boss reaches maximum energy and casts Kill-o-Block Barrier Icon Kill-o-Block Barrier.
  • Avoid being hit by the Sonic Boom Icon Sonic Boom.
  • Once you defeat the 4 Darkfuse Mechadrones, the boss will enter intermission via Jumpstart Icon Jumpstart, dealing damage to the whole party and taking 200% increased damage (save your major cooldowns if you can!), after which he will erupt Excessive Electrification Icon Excessive Electrification and resume the encounter.


  • Always do your best to position the boss around the 4 Darkfuse Mechadrones and away from any Excessive Electrification Icon Excessive Electrification ground patches.


  • Use your major cooldowns during Jumpstart Icon Jumpstart intermission.
  • If Kill-o-Block Barrier Icon Kill-o-Block Barrier last too long, call out for external defensives and use everything you have to keep your team alive.

Demolition Duo + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Demolition Duo

  • Be mindful of the Loaderbot's Wind Up Icon Wind Up fixate. This can be especially dangerous if you are a melee player!
  • Interrupt Venture Co. Diver's Harpoon Icon Harpoon. Sidestep any Seaforium Charge Icon Seaforium Charge ground bombs!
  • Interrupt Venture Co. Surveyor's Surveying Beam Icon Surveying Beam.
  • Avoid Shreddinator 3000's Shreddation Sawblade Icon Shreddation Sawblade and sidestep the Flamethrower Icon Flamethrower channel cast.
  • Use your defensives if Venture Co. Architect casts Nailed Icon Nailed on you, use defensive or a movement-impairing removal ability (like Paladin's Blessing of Freedom Icon Blessing of Freedom or Monk's Tiger's Lust Icon Tiger's Lust. When they cast Rapid Construction Icon Rapid Construction, focus their construction as otherwise, they take reduced damage.

Demolition Duo Boss Guide

Demolition Duo

All Roles

  • Make sure to defeat both bosses simultaneously to avoid the Divided Duo Icon Divided Duo Enrage effect.
  • Use the Barreling Charge Icon Barreling Charge and Kinetic Explosive Gel Icon Kinetic Explosive Gel to remove the bombs. If you don't clear all the bombs before the timer runs out, they will deal massive group-wide damage and apply Deflagration Icon Deflagration.
  • Dodge the incoming B.B.B.F.G. Icon B.B.B.F.G. frontals from Keeza Quickfuse.


  • Be careful as Bront will cleave targets in front of you with Wallop Icon Wallop frontal.
  • Always do your best to position both bosses together, allowing your team a better cleave.


  • Dispel the Kinetic Explosive Gel Icon Kinetic Explosive Gel on top of a bomb to remove them. Be mindful as the debuff ticks hard, consider asking for a defensive.
  • Use all of your major healing cooldowns if a bomb goes through as the Deflagration Icon Deflagration does immense damage.

Swampface + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Swampface

  • Be mindful at the quantity of Bombshell Crabs you are pulling as upon death they will detonate Crabsplosion Icon Crabsplosion - a group-wide stackable DoT effect.
  • Interrupt Disturbed Kelp's Restorative Algae Icon Restorative Algae and use your crowd-control when they cast Jettison Kelp Icon Jettison Kelp.

Swampface Boss Guide


All Roles

  • Razorchoke Vines Icon Razorchoke Vines is the main mechanic to play around, as it will bind 4 random players (2 by 2). Your goal is to avoid being hit by Mudslide Icon Mudslide frontal and the incoming waves coming from Awaken the Swamp Icon Awaken the Swamp without breaking the 14 yards binding (else you will be pulled in together and likely die).
  • Organize prior to engaging the boss, at what direction exactly you will be moving to avoid the Mudslide Icon Mudslide.


  • Use your active mitigation when Swampface casts Sludge Claws Icon Sludge Claws.


  • Use your major healing cooldowns to heal through the Awaken the Swamp Icon Awaken the Swamp as it will do group-wide damage.

Geezle Gigazap + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Geezle Gigazap

  • Avoid being hit by Bubbles's Bubble Icon Bubble ground visuals. In addition, use your defensives when the mini-boss is casting Backwash Icon Backwash.
  • HIGH PRIORITY Interrupt Venture Co. Electrician's Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt. Your healer must focus on dispelling Overcharge Icon Overcharge DoT as swiftly as they can.
  • Darkfuse Jumpstarter is the hardest non-boss-enemy in this dungeon, as they will periodically do continuous group-wide damage while spawning Battery Discharge Icon Battery Discharge lighting puddles (which you must avoid otherwise you will die).

Geezle Gigazap Boss Guide

Geezle Gigazap

All Roles

  • Use defensive cooldowns during Turbo Charge Icon Turbo Charge and dodge the incoming frontals.
  • Avoid the Dam Rubble Icon Dam Rubble ground puddles.
  • If targeted by Gigazap Icon Gigazap, stay away from any water puddles to avoid electrifying them. This will help you with a follow-up boss ability - Leaping Sparks Icon Leaping Sparks as the only way to remove it is through leading the spark onto a fresh water puddle.


  • Use your major defensive cooldowns before each Thunder Punch Icon Thunder Punch.


  • Use your major healing cooldowns during the Turbo Charge Icon Turbo Charge channel, as it will deal massive group-wide damage.

Operation Floodgate Loot Table


Big M.O.M.M.A.

Type Item Stats
Warglaives Sonic Ka-BOOM!-erang Icon Sonic Ka-BOOM!-erang Haste/Crit
Leather Shoulder Mechanized Junkpads Icon Mechanized Junkpads Vers/Haste
Mail Shoulder Skystreak's Hidden Missiles Icon Skystreak's Hidden Missiles Crit/Mastery
Cloth Boots Nonconductive Kill-o-Socks Icon Nonconductive Kill-o-Socks Vers/Haste
Trinket Darkfuse Medichopper Icon Darkfuse Medichopper Int

Demolition Duo

Type Item Stats
Gun Keeza's 'B.' B.B.B.F.G Icon Keeza's 'B.' B.B.B.F.G Crit/Haste
Leather Head Waterworks Filtration Mask Icon Waterworks Filtration Mask Haste/Crit
Mail Chest Bront's Singed Blastcoat Icon Bront's Singed Blastcoat Mastery/Haste
Plate Waist Venture Contractor's Floodlight Icon Venture Contractor's Floodlight Crit/Haste
Trinket Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker Icon Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker Str/Agi


Type Item Stats
Polearm Gallytech Turbo-Tiller Icon Gallytech Turbo-Tiller Mastery/Crit
Plate Chest Muckdiver's Wading Plate Icon Muckdiver's Wading Plate Mastery/Crit
Leather Wrist Disturbed Kelp Wraps Icon Disturbed Kelp Wraps Mastery/Haste
Cloth Legs Razorchoke Slacks Icon Razorchoke Slacks Crit/Mastery
Trinket Ringing Ritual Mud Icon Ringing Ritual Mud Vers

Geezle Gigazap

Type Item Stats
2H Sword Circuit Breaker Icon Circuit Breaker Haste/Mastery
Dagger Geezle's Coercive Volt-ohmmeter Icon Geezle's Coercive Volt-ohmmeter Agi, Haste/Vers
Back Electrician's Siphoning Filter Icon Electrician's Siphoning Filter Haste/Mastery
Cloth Chest Saboteur's Rubber Jacket Icon Saboteur's Rubber Jacket Haste/Crit
Plate Hands Jumpstarter's Scaffold-Scrapers Icon Jumpstarter's Scaffold-Scrapers Mastery/Haste
Mail Waist Portable Power Generator Icon Portable Power Generator Haste/Crit
Trinket Gigazap's Zap-Cap Icon Gigazap's Zap-Cap Int

Operation Floodgate Achievements

There are 4 total achievements to obtain in Operation Floodgate:

Achievement Criteria
Operation: Floodgate Icon Operation: Floodgate Defeat Geezle Gigazap in Operation Floodgate.
Heroic: Operation: Floodgate Icon Heroic: Operation: Floodgate Defeat Geezle Gigazap in Operation Floodgate on HeroicHeroic difficulty or higher.
Mythic: Operation: Floodgate Icon Mythic: Operation: Floodgate Defeat Geezle Gigazap in Operation Floodgate on MythicMythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Keystone Hero: Operation: Floodgate Icon Keystone Hero: Operation: Floodgate Complete Operation Floodgate at MythicMythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit. Reward, Teleport to Operation Floodgate.


  • 25 Feb. 2025: Page added.
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