Outlaw Rogue Best Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits — Dragonflight 10.2.5
Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits are the most important character customization options in Shadowlands. They have a substantial impact on your toolkit and performance as Outlaw Rogue. This page's purpose is to help you pick the right options according to the content you intend to do in Shadowlands.
Dragonflight Disclaimer
Please be aware that as of the Dragonflight Pre-Patch and Dragonflight expansion, all Covenant abilities, Soulbinds, and Conduits will only function while within the Shadowlands. This page will temporarily remain as a reference.
Introduction: Prerequisites
This page assumes that you are already familiar with Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits. If that is not the case, we have a number of pages that can help you get up to speed:
- Covenants Guide, which explains what Covenants are, what perks they bring, and how you can join one;
- Rogue Covenant Abilities, which lists all the abilities that Rogues gain by joining each Covenant;
- How To Change Covenant?, which tells you how you can switch Covenant (rejoining a former Covenant will require you to perform a number of tasks to regain their trusts);
- General Soulbind Guide, which explains what Soulbinds are and how you can pledge yourself to them to open up their Soulbind tree;
- Rogue Conduits, which lists all of the Conduits available to Rogues.
Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 Covenant Disclaimer
Patch 9.2 brings almost no changes to the Covenants themselves. However, as you unlock the ability to wear your Covenant Legendary and a regular Legendary at the same time, and with the re-introduction of set bonuses, the value of individual Covenants changes depending on which of these you have already gained access to.
As all the Covenant choices for Outlaw Rogue have been fairly close to each other in raw performance, you can now experiment with other Covenants to see if their playstyle and class ability suits you more than your previous choice, and you can always go back if you prefer the old playstyle.
Overall Kyrian and Venthyr are the strongest options for Outlaw Rogue when it comes to Raiding, with Venthyr offering the highest single-target DPS potential.
On multi-target fights and in Mythic+ simulations, Necrolord takes the lead, being ~2% ahead of Kyrian as the second-best choice. Venthyr and Night Fae are at most 3-4% behind in each situation.
Thanks to the changes to the Covenant switching in 9.1.5 you can now pick the best Covenant for Outlaw Rogue without having to worry about how this affects your ability to play Subtlety or Assassination, and you can play different Covenants during the day and switch back to the best single-target one before your raid starts.
If you have just started your journey into Shadowlands or do not plan on switching Covenants frequently to gain minor performance benefits for each type of content, we will also recommend a single Covenant for you, that performs well in all kinds of situations.
Covenant Overview
The combined powers of your Covenants class ability, its specific Soulbinds as well as the Conduits you use in combination with your Soulbinds, allows for a lot of customization. All of these choices ultimately add to your core class-kit in the form of DPS boosts, increased utility, survivability or better mobility.
This guide will highlight the individual strengths of each Covenant, explain which Conduits are the most powerful for each Conduit-type and detail the best Soulbind setup for each Covenant.
If you have already decided on a Covenant that you would like to play, you can click any of these links to jump to the sections detailing the recommended Soulbinds and tips and tricks on how to optimally play around your Covenant Ability. Simply follow these links for the Night Fae, Necrolord, Kyrian, or Venthyr Covenant.
Recommended Outlaw Rogue Covenant: Venthyr
During the pre-patch, Venthyr offers the best damage out of all the covenants.
As we already gain access to Echoing Reprimand through the Class Talent
tree, and the Outlaw Talent tree offering up
Dreadblades as well, you
can quickly generate a lot of stacks for your
For more information on why the Venthyr Covenant is a very good all-around choice for Outlaw Rogue, as well as Information on how to set up your Soulbinds and Conduits as you gain more Renown with the Venthyr Covenant, you can check out our Venthyr Deep Dive section.
Best Conduits for Outlaw Rogue
Below you will find a selection of our best Conduits, sorted by type. If you are interested in the full details, continue reading through the next section of the guide. Please refer to our Rogue Conduits list if you want to see all Rogue Conduits.
- Best Potency Conduits: You will always want to run
Count the Odds. Additional Potency slots can be filled with your Covenant Conduit (unless you are playing Night Fae), as well as
Sleight of Hand and
Triple Threat.
- Best Finesse Conduits:
Quick Decisions for raid encounters or
Fade to Nothing when focusing on non-raid content.
- Best Endurance Conduits:
Recuperator when taking sustained damage or
Nimble Fingers when taking bursts of damage.
Cloaked in Shadows replaces Nimble Fingers in Mythic+.
Outlaw Rogue Conduits
Regardless of which Covenant you pick, you will be able to gather and use the same Conduits, with the notable exception of the Potency Conduit that enhances your Covenant class ability.
Out of all the Conduit types, Potency Conduits are the only ones actively improving the throughput of your damaging abilities. You will oftentimes be forced to decide between either a Potency Conduit and a utility Soulbind, or a Finesse/Endurance Conduit and a DPS Soulbind. Most Potency Conduits will not improve your DPS as much as these DPS Soulbinds until you hit rank 7 or higher, so if your Conduits are still at low ranks, you should pick the non-Potency pathway as soon as you unlock the subsequent DPS Soulbind.
We will be listing the Conduits you can obtain below, ordered by perceived power and accompanied by an explanation on their place in the list.
Outlaw Rogue Potency Conduits
Two of these can (and generally should) be chosen once you unlock their slots at your chosen Soulbind. By order of preference:
Count the Odds is our best Potency Conduit. It gives each
Ambush and
Dispatch a chance to grant you a
Roll the Bones buff you do not currently possess for 5 seconds. With how often you cast Dispatch this happens quite often in a fight. It is also very strong in Mythic+ content due to the higher proc-chance when cast from stealth.
Sleight of Hand increases the chance to gain additional
Roll the Bones buffs whenever you use it. It is our second best choice for both single-target and AoE.
Triple Threat is the next best trait choice, granting a small chance for your additional
Sinister Strike hits to deal even more extra damage. Venthyr Outlaw Rogues prioritize this as their third Potency Conduit.
- The Venthyr Covenant Conduit
Lashing Scars,
Sudden Fractures for Necrolords and
Reverberation for Kyrians should always be used as the second Potency Conduit.
- The Night Fae Covenant Conduit
Septic Shock is not worth using on either single-target or multi-target.
Ambidexterity is our dedicated AoE Conduit and provides no boost to single-target whatsoever. Sadly, it is so undertuned that it is barely a DPS gain, even on AoE. It is not recommended to ever play this Conduit.
Outlaw Rogue Endurance Conduits
Our Endurance Conduits all excel against a certain type of damage, so depending on the situation, each one of these could be best suited to counteract some of the damage you take.
Recuperator provides some passive healing while
Slice and Dice is active, which it should be at all times. It is the best all-around choice.
Nimble Fingers reduces the Energy cost of both
Feint and
Crimson Vial. On encounters where these abilities are used regularly to counteract large bursts of damage, you will save some Energy with this Conduit. Sadly, the DPS gained from this Energy cost reduction is very insignificant.
Cloaked in Shadows provides an absorb shield every time you enter stealth. While Outlaw wants to use
Vanish on cooldown due to its synergy with
Count the Odds it can be beneficial to hold onto it in preparation for a big damage spike. Vanishing right before taking a large chunk of damage will allow you to benefit from this absorb at its maximum value. It is also very powerful in Mythic+ and solo content like Torghast, where you will be able to stealth much more frequently.
Condensed Anima Sphere will heal you after taking damage, with an internal cooldown of 10 seconds. This heal can be quite potent on encounters that deal constant ticking damage, and is newly available in 9.1.
Outlaw Rogue Finesse Conduits
Quick Decisions reduces the cooldown of your
Grappling Hook and also increases its range. This is your go-to Finesse Conduit.
Fade to Nothing increases your movement speed when entering stealth, shrouding, and after using
Vanish for 10 seconds. It is most useful when getting around while you are not engaged in any kind of combat, but it is simply inferior to Quick Decisions when it comes to in-combat mobility.
Prepared for All provides a strong cooldown reduction to your
Evasion, especially when tanking multiple enemies at once. This Conduit is very useful for pulling large amounts of enemies, in particular when you are progressing through the halls of Torghast. The cooldown reduction to
Cloak of Shadows after successfully interrupting a spell is negligible.
Rushed Setup reduces the Energy cost of your disruptive abilities. It will not see use in any PvE scenario but might be a solid pick for PvP.
Covenant Deep Dives, Soulbinds and Progression
In this section, we will go into deeper detail about each individual Covenant, their strengths and weaknesses as well as which Soulbinds you should choose to optimize your DPS potential. Many of the Soulbinds have multiple paths that you can take, forcing you to choose between taking an additional Potency Conduit or a Soulbind ability. Which pathway is the most optimal for your character might differ based on your gear, talents or the ranks of your Conduits, and therefore we highly recommend simming your own character and comparing these options by using Raidbots.
Night Fae Outlaw Rogue Deep Dive
Sepsis is a 90-second cooldown damaging ability that applies a powerful
damage over time effect. If your target dies before this DoT has run its full
duration, its cooldown is reduced. If the target survives the full 10-second DoT,
you will be able to use an ability once that requires stealth. This
proc switches your main hotkey-bar to a new one that is different than your stealth
bar, similarly to how
Shadow Dance works for Subtlety Rogues. This can
be a bit disorienting at times, so it is recommended to track the duration of the
Sepsis debuff so you know when you will be able to use your
stealth ability.
This one-time use of a stealth ability does not benefit from any stealth-based
bonuses, whether they are Conduits like Count the Odds (it can still proc
it, just not at a higher chance) or Legendary effects like
Mark of the Master Assassin.
Sepsis deals mediocre damage and that damage is also further
boosted by any temporary damage increases like Ghostly Strike or
certain Legendary Powers like
Soulshape is a nice addition to a class that is already very mobile.
Next to
Sprint and
Grappling Hook, this ability also allows to you
teleport towards a specific direction, skipping any ground effects you would
normally have to travel through when running or grappling. It can be used
to stick to your target a little bit longer before running away with a dangerous
ability that might damage people around you, or can be used to teleport away in
an instant if some you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a damaging ground
Night Fae Outlaw Rogue Soulbinds
All three Night Fae Soulbind choices have their place and are powerful at specific points in time. As you gain more Renown, you will find yourself switching between all three Soulbinds to best use the Passives and Conduits they provide.
- Niya is a great starting Soulbind and offers early access to your first Potency Conduit. For DPS, this is one of the best early Soulbinds across all four Covenants.
- Dreamweaver is your second Soulbind and replaces Niya once you get
more Renown. At 13 Renown, Dreamweaver gains access to a second Potency Conduit
slot, which you should utilize once your Conduits reach higher ranks. Dreamweaver
also grants access to a defensive ability that is very similar to Cheat Death.
You can opt to pick a second Endurance Conduit and use
Social Butterfly instead of a second Potency Conduit, sacrificing some damage to gain survivability. This flexibility will come in very handy during progression raiding or when pushing deeper into Torghast.
- Once you finish the Night Fae Covenant campaign, you will unlock Korayn.
Korayn is best used on encounters that require heavy up-front damage, and once
you hit 31 Renown, it will also be your best choice for Mythic+ as you unlock
First Strike.
Once you have fully unlocked all Soulbind trees your best choice for single-target is Niya. You will want to use this Soulbind tree:
For Mythic+ you will want to use Korayn instead with this Soulbind tree:
Necrolord Outlaw Rogue Deep Dive
Serrated Bone Spike is the Rogue class ability for the Necrolord
Covenant. It is a 30-second cooldown Combo Point generator that has up to 3
charges and applies a damage-over-time effect on your target that remains until
your target dies or gets healed to full HP. Out of all the Covenants, it is the
only Class Ability that can affect multiple targets at once and, due to its high
cast range, can quickly be applied to additional enemies even if they are far
away from you.
Serrated Bone Spike is very powerful on any encounter with multiple
targets present, as it deals high initial damage that gets spread to other
targets with
Blade Flurry active. You regain one charge every 30 seconds,
and whenever any target afflicted by it dies. With its unlimited duration, it
is a very Energy-efficient ability to use on any target that lives longer than
10-15 seconds, and it is particularly useful in Mythic+ content. It synergizes
well with one of Necrolord's Soulbinds, Emeni, and her ability
Lead by Example.
Fleshcraft is the Signature Ability of the Necrolord Covenant and
adds some useful survivability to an already very durable melee class. While there
is little downtime in your regular Outlaw Rotation, the absorb is very potent and
worth losing a bit of DPS for if it saves your life.
Cloaked in Shadows
also provides another source of absorb, adding to the already-strong mitigation
toolkit Outlaw Rogue has thanks to
Feint and
Elusiveness. It
also provides a 20% damage reduction while you are channeling, which can be timed
with any instant damage by channeling for a fraction of a second as you get hit.
Necrolord Outlaw Rogue Soulbinds
Necrolord have two very powerful Soulbind choices, with both Emeni and Bonesmith Heirmir offering strong DPS bonuses. Emeni is your only good choice after joining the Necrolord Covenant. It will take some time to gain the required Renown and finish the Necrolord Covenant campaign before you unlock the third Necrolord Soulbind, Bonesmith Heirmir.
What makes Emeni so powerful is her very first ability, Lead by Example.
This ability procs every time you use your
Serrated Bone Spike and buffs
you with up to 13% additional Agility, as well as providing a smaller bonus to
up to 4 nearby players in your raid or party. While this buff only lasts for 5
seconds, it is still very potent. Thanks to the low cooldown of Serrated
Bone Spike and it having up to 3 charges to use, you can either use Serrated
Bone Spike every 5 seconds to maintain the buff for quite some time, or hold on
to additional charges to line them up with your
Ghostly Strike,
Between the Eyes or
Killing Spree burst windows instead.
Where this Soulbind really shines, however, is both in Mythic+, as well as on raid encounters that have frequent add spawns. Since you are recharging one use of Serrated Bone Spike every time an enemy dies, you can gain much higher uptime and not only boost your own damage this way, but also buff a few players in your raid or party for a short period of time whenever you re-cast it. In Mythic+, you will start each pull with 3 charges, allowing you to buff yourself and nearby players for up to 15 seconds on every single pull. Keep in mind that any encounter that requires melee to be spread or a Mythic+ group that mostly consists of ranged DPS and a ranged healers might lower the benefits that both you and the group will receive, due to Lead by Example only affecting players within a 15-yard range.
This is the recommended Soulbind pathing and Conduit placement for Emeni:
Bonesmith Heirmir, once unlocked, increases your Agility by 3% as
long as three of your equipped armor items have an enchantment on them. This is
a very strong bonus as it is always active as long as you ensure your gear is
enchanted correctly. Due to the limitations of Emeni in small groups
that do not have a lot of people close by, Heirmir becomes the go-to choice for
Mythic+ once unlocked. As you gain access to Heirmir's final Soulbind at
Renown 31, she is also a better choice for single-target.
Heirmir's Arsenal: Marrowed Gemstone is more potent than unlocking an
additional potency Conduit, so you should always choose it in your pathing.
This is the pathing and Conduit placement we recommend for Bonesmith Heirmir:
Kyrian Outlaw Rogue Deep Dive
Echoing Reprimand is the Kyrian Rogue class ability. It is
a 45-second cooldown ability that deals a high amount of arcane damage
immediately, generates 2 Combo Points, and Animacharges one of your Combo
Points. What this means is that the next time you use a damaging ability with
the exact amount of Combo Points as your Animacharge, you will significantly
enhance that finishers efficacy. The finisher will be used as if you had cast
it with 7 Combo Points, boosting either its damage, duration or both:
Dispatch will deal more damage.
Between the Eyes will deal more damage, and the critical strike chance debuff will last 21 seconds.
There is one caveat to Echoing Reprimand, however, and that is the
exact way the Animacharge effect works with Outlaw Rogue's Combo Point
generation. Only your second, third or fourth Combo Point can become
Animacharged. Since Outlaw has a very unpredictable Combo Point generation,
with additional
Sinister Strike hits,
Broadside and
Quick Draw generating additional Combo Points, hitting the exact amount
of Combo Points you need might not be as simple as initially thought. More
often than not, you will plan on casting a 7 Combo Point
Between the Eyes after using Echoing Reprimand, but a streak of
unfortunate Sinister Strike procs (or lack thereof) makes it impossible to hit the
exact number of Combo Points that you need. This is one of the major downsides
with the Kyrian Covenant Class Ability, and ultimately leads to you just using
Echoing Reprimand on cooldown and not playing around its secondary
mechanic on purpose. This issue will be further exacerbated by the new
Outlaw Rogue 2-Piece bonus. While this sounds bad at first, it is not at all
impeding your ability to do great damage, and you typically manage to hit your
Animacharged Combo Point before the ability is ready again.
Despite these issues Kyrian is still a very powerful choice for single-target
in particular, mostly thanks to its strong Soulbinds. Its Signature Ability is,
very useful as well, as you can use Summon Steward to receive a
Phial of Serenity. This Phial has 3 uses and is very similar in function
to a Healthstone, but does not share a cooldown with it. It has its own separate
3-minute cooldown, and can be used multiple times over an encounter. This offers
a large chunk of on-demand self healing which goes hand in hand with Outlaw
Rogues strong survivability kit.
Kyrian Outlaw Rogue Soulbinds
All three Kyrian Soulbinds are close to each other in performance. Most of
Kleia's entire strength is linked to one of the final Soulbinds you can unlock
with her, Pointed Courage. Until you do, Pelagos is the only
worthwhile choice for Kyrian Aspirants. The third Soulbind Forgelite Prime Mikanikos
has a similarly powerful ability,
Hammer of Genesis.
While all three Soulbinds provide decent damage benefits, Mikanikos stands out
as the strongest amongst the three at maximum Renown. Effusive Anima Accelerator
helps reduce the cooldown of Echoing Reprimand further, and combining this with
the Legendary power
Invigorating Shadowdust allows you to quickly cast
multiple ERs back to back.
You should use this pathing and Conduit placement for Mikanikos:
Venthyr Outlaw Rogue Deep Dive
Flagellation is the Venthyr Rogue class ability. It is a 90-second
cooldown ability that applies a debuff to the target that lasts 12 seconds. Any
Combo Point spent during this time will deal additional damage to the target and
increase your Haste by 1%. After the debuff expires, you will continue to
benefit from the Haste buff for another 12 seconds.
Flagellation is one of the stronger Covenant class abilities. Both
its damage and the Haste buff it provides are fairly powerful for Outlaw Rogues.
When running Deeper Stratagem and
Dreadblades you have regular
burst windows that are very potent, and combined with the
Legendary power you gain a lot of cooldown reduction on it this way. Once you
Unity you can further reduce its cooldown by playing
Invigorating Shadowdust as your second Legendary power, as you will
naturally reduce your
Vanish cooldown already.
Door of Shadows is the Venthyr Signature Ability. It allows you
to teleport to a target location within range after casting this ability for
1.5 seconds. This helps out our already strong mobility toolkit by providing
an ability that lets us teleport to a specific location, whereas
requires you to run through potentially hazardous ground effects and
Grappling Hook also travels through those.
Venthyr Outlaw Rogue Soulbinds
All three Venthyr Soulbinds offer multiple DPS bonuses. Theotar the Mad Duke is the most powerful of the three for raw damage output, edging out the other Soulbinds on both single-target as well as AoE.
Theotar the Mad Duke's first ability Soothing Shade will sometimes spawn
a shaded area with an umbrella. Standing within that area will grant you
a large amount of Mastery. The main benefit of Theotar is that he allows you
to run three Potency Conduits, which puts his damage output ahead of Nadjia.
The new final ability, Party Favors will also allow you to talk to
Theotar in your Covenant Hall in Sinfall. You will be given a consumable item,
The Mad Duke's Tea, which grants you a buff that will increase either your
Agility, Haste, Versatility, or Critical Strike. This item can be re-used
every hour to try to get another buff. Any of these buffs are usable, as the
difference between them is very minor.
This pathing and Conduit placement is the recommended one for Theotar:
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Rogue Guides
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This guide has been written and reviewed by Seliathan, who has been playing Rogue since the first day of Classic. He currently raids in Familiar with Drama, and is one of the foremost Mythic+ Rogue players. You can often find him streaming on Twitch, or follow him on his personal Discord server.
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