Outlaw Rogue DPS Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 20, 2025 at 12:00 by Seliathan 98 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Outlaw Rogue for each boss of the following raid: Liberation of Undermine. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Liberation of Undermine. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Liberation of Undermine Boss guides.

On this page, you will find tips and tricks specifically tailored toward Outlaw Rogues and its toolkit based on the recommended talent build. It does not include general tips for mechanics, which are included in the full raid guide instead, whereas this page assumes that you are already familiar with most of the major mechanics of each encounter.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.


Liberation of Undermine Boss Guides for Outlaw Rogue


Liberation of Undermine Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Outlaw Rogue

Vexie Fullthrottle Cauldron of Carnage Rik Reverb Stix Bunkjunker Sprocketmonger Lockenstock One-Armed Bandit Mug'Zee Chrome King Gallywix

Tips for Vexie Fullthrottle for Outlaw Rogue


Defensive Tips

  • There are no specific tips on how to best use your defensives for Vexie. Try to use your Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to mitigate damage if the entire raid ends up dropping low HP.

Cooldown Usage

  • Make sure you don't end up losing Adrenaline Rush Icon Adrenaline Rush uptime during the intermission, and you might want to hold onto Vanish Icon Vanish for it as well, provided you can get Vanish into the burst window twice as a result.

Mechanical Tips

  • There are no specific tips on Vexie's boss mechanics.

Mythic Difficulty

  • There are no Mythic-specific tips here just yet. Make sure to check in again after the fight has been playable on live servers for a bit!

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Cauldron of Carnage for Outlaw Rogue


Defensive Tips

  • Make sure to use your Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to either get rid of Thunderdrum Salvo Icon Thunderdrum Salvo or to mitigate damage during the intermission.
  • You may also be able to use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to soak some of the Voltaic Image Icon Voltaic Images on Torq's side.'

Cooldown Usage

  • Use everything on cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • Remember that you do not have to continuously run with Thunderdrum Salvo Icon Thunderdrum Salvo, and can instead just stutter-step close to the boss to retain melee uptime.
  • When fixated by Voltaic Image Icon Voltaic Images, you can wait until it is very close and then use Grappling Hook Icon Grappling Hook to build maximum distance again.

Mythic Difficulty

  • There are no Mythic-specific tips here just yet. Make sure to check in again after the fight has been playable on live servers for a bit!

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Rik Reverb for Outlaw Rogue


Defensive Tips

  • You might be able to use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to survive one of the Resonant Echoes Icon Resonant Echoes if you misplay the knock-up mechanic.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use everything on cooldown.
  • You will be unable to hit the boss during the intermission, so do not re-use Adrenaline Rush Icon Adrenaline Rush right before the start of the intermission.

Mechanical Tips

  • There is no need to try and minmax uptime during the intermission, as the boss takes 99% reduced damage.

Mythic Difficulty

  • There are no Mythic-specific tips here just yet. Make sure to check in again after the fight has been playable on live servers for a bit!

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Stix Bunkjunker for Outlaw Rogue


Defensive Tips

  • If your raid ends up gaining multiple stacks of Toxic Fumes Icon Toxic Fumes, try to use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to remove it.
  • If you are in the middle of your cooldowns and Incinerator Icon Incinerator is about to be cast, you can pre-cloak the debuff so you do not have to worry about your positioning. This really shouldn't be necessary, however.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use everything on cooldown. If Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish is about to happen, wait with using CDs in case you are one of the players who has to deal with the mechanic.

Mechanical Tips

  • There are no rogue-specific tips to deal with mechanics for Stix Bunkjunker.

Mythic Difficulty

  • There are no Mythic-specific tips here just yet. Make sure to check in again after the fight has been playable on live servers for a bit!

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock for Outlaw Rogue


Defensive Tips

  • You may want to hold onto Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows in case the boss is being tanked in an inopportune spot, to keep DPSing while the Blazing Beam Icon Blazing Beam mechanic happens.
  • Depending on the raid's health, use Feint Icon Feint liberally every time a Foot-Blasters Icon Foot-Blasters is triggered.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use everything on cooldown. Hold onto your CDs if the boss is about to start the intermission.

Mechanical Tips

  • You might be able to hold onto Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows and Sprint Icon Sprint to deal with the intermission phase very quickly by running over the electrified ground, instead of the conveyor belts.

Mythic Difficulty

  • There are no Mythic-specific tips here just yet. Make sure to check in again after the fight has been playable on live servers for a bit!

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for One-ARmed Bandit for Outlaw Rogue


Defensive Tips

  • Hold onto Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows for particularly dangerous overlaps, or to remove Withering Flames Icon Withering Flames.
  • You can also use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to remove the Healing Absorb from Foul Exhaust Icon Foul Exhaust, or help counteract it with Crimson Vial Icon Crimson Vial.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use everything on cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • Hold your Sprint Icon Sprint to counteract the pull-in from the Reward: Coin and Shock Icon Reward: Coin and Shock mechanic.

Mythic Difficulty

  • There are no Mythic-specific tips here just yet. Make sure to check in again after the fight has been playable on live servers for a bit!

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Mug'Zee for Outlaw Rogue


Defensive Tips

  • On Heroic and lower difficulties, you can help soak the Unstable Crawler Mines Icon Unstable Crawler Mines with Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows, but only if you also receive Blessing of Protection Icon Blessing of Protection.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use everything on cooldown. The boss charges around a lot during the intermission at 40% HP, so do not use your cooldowns right before this phase begins, or you might drop too much Adrenaline Rush Icon Adrenaline Rush uptime.

Mechanical Tips

  • You might be able to use Grappling Hook Icon Grappling Hook to break out of the Earthshaker Gaol Icon Earthshaker Gaol.

Mythic Difficulty

  • There are no Mythic-specific tips here just yet. Make sure to check in again after the fight has been playable on live servers for a bit!

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Chrome King Gallywix for Outlaw Rogue

This boss was not testable on the TWW Alpha/Beta servers. Information will be forthcoming once it is available on Live servers.


Defensive Tips

  • This boss was not available for testing on the PTR, so please check back once the raid has been open for a week or two for updated tips and tricks!

Cooldown Usage

  • This boss was not available for testing on the PTR, so please check back once the raid has been open for a week or two for updated tips and tricks!

Mechanical Tips

  • This boss was not available for testing on the PTR, so please check back once the raid has been open for a week or two for updated tips and tricks!

Mythic Difficulty

  • There are no Mythic-specific tips here just yet. Make sure to check in again after the fight has been playable on live servers for a bit!

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


General Offensive Cooldown Usage

Outlaw Rogue has a few cooldowns to think about using optimally on the fights in Liberation of Undermine:

  • Outlaw doesn't really have cooldowns, due to how much cooldown reduction you get on each of your CDs.
  • Adrenaline Rush Icon Adrenaline Rush and Vanish Icon Vanish are your most important cooldown-based abilities, as they contribute in major ways to your overall DPS performance. Make sure to not waste these casts so you can get as much cooldown reduction on them as possible.

Make sure to use your cooldowns on cooldown as much as possible unless certain adds or DPS phases allow you to get more value out of them. This is typically something you will want to discuss with your Raidleader or the rest of the raid in static groups, while PUGs are more freeform than that. Simply keep an eye out on how you can best serve the raid.

Take special care to not use Adrenaline Rush Icon Adrenaline Rush right before a boss becomes unavailable or very difficult to attack for 10+ seconds, as it will cause issues with the amount of cooldown reduction you will gain, resulting in a much lower Adrenaline Rush Icon Adrenaline Rush uptime.


General Defensive Cooldown Usage

If you want to mitigate damage during some of the harder hitting moment of any given encounter, just Feint Icon Feint. You can use Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to remove a variety of debuffs, or simply use it when the entire raid takes massive chunks of damage or has a very strong DoT effect on all players, to alleviate some of the pressure on your healers.



  • 20 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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