Outlaw Rogue DPS Spell List and Glossary — The War Within (11.0.7)
On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Outlaw Rogue in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.0.7).
If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Combat Rogue spells.
Outlaw Rogue Spell Summary
In this section, we will list almost all of the abilities you gain access to either passively or actively. We will also list commonly used abbreviations that you might find in other parts of this guide or when looking for additional information elsewhere on the Internet.
Main Resources for Outlaw Rogue
Energy is the main resource of Outlaw Rogues. Energy is generated passively, the rate of which can be increased by Haste, active abilities, talents, and procs.
Combo Points are another primary resource utilized by Outlaw Rogues. Some of your abilities generate Combo Points, while finishing moves spend them, dealing increased damage per Combo Point. You can generate additional Combo Points through passives and Roll the Bones buffs. Combo Point management is very important to maintaining your abilities and maximizing burst.
Unlocking Abilities
This page lists all the abilities that are available to you on a max-level character. If you have just started your journey by leveling a new Rogue, you can head over to our leveling section to learn more about when you get access to these abilities on your way to max level.
Basic Abilities for Outlaw Rogue
These are abilities that you acquire automatically early on as you level your Outlaw Rogue.
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Stealth | - | Turns you invisible until canceled or upon attacking. |
Sinister Strike | SS | Your main filler and Combo Point generator. It generates one Combo Point. |
Ambush | - | A Combo Point generator that can only be used from Stealth. Generates 2 Combo Points. |
Pistol Shot | PS | A ranged Combo Point generator that generates 1 Combo Point and applies a slow to your target. |
Blade Flurry | BF | Buff that allows you to deal 50% of all damage you deal to your target to 4 additional nearby enemies. |
Cheap Shot | CS | A Combo Point generator that can only be used from Stealth and against stunnable targets. Generates 1 Combo Point. |
Dispatch | - | Finishing move that consumes your Combo Points to deal physical damage. |
Between the Eyes | BtE | A ranged finisher that consumed Combo Points to deal damage and apply a debuff that increases your chance to critically strike. Damage and duration increase with CP spent. |
Roll the Bones | RtB | Cooldown that grants you one or multiple spec-specific buffs. The buffs are explained in greater detail in the rotation section of the guide. You should maintain a Roll the Bones buff at all times. |
Restless Blades | - | Allows you to significantly reduce the cooldown of most major cooldowns, as every time you use a finisher, you reduce the remaining CD of any of the listed abilities. |
Slice and Dice | SnD | Finishing move that spends Combo Points and increases your attack speed by 50%. Lasts longer per Combo Point spent. |
Kidney Shot | Kidney/KS | Finishing move that consumes your Combo Points and stuns the target for duration based on how many Combo Points were spent, up to a maximum of 6 seconds. 20-second cooldown. |
Sap | - | A crowd control ability that incapacitates an enemy for a long duration. You can run past a sapped enemy without getting into combat. If the enemy takes damage, it breaks free. |
Sprint | - | 2-minute cooldown that increases your movement speed by 70% for 8 seconds. Usable while Stealthed. |
Grappling Hook | - | A mobility skill that allows you to grapple to a target location. This is not a teleport, and you are still affected by spells you travel through. |
Crimson Vial | CV/Vial | Heals you for 20% of your maximum health over 4 seconds. 30-second cooldown. |
Kick | - | Interrupts targets spellcasting and prevents any spells from that school for 5 seconds. 15-second cooldown. |
Distract | - | Throws a distraction, forcing enemies hit by it to face towards that direction for 10 seconds. Usable while stealthed. |
Shroud of Concealment | Shroud | Provides Stealth for you and your party and raid members for 15 seconds. 6-minute cooldown. |
Vanish | - | Vanishes you from sight and enters you into Stealth. Breaks all movement impairing effects and usable while in combat. 2-minute cooldown. |
Feint | - | A defensive skill that reduces damage taken from area-of-effect skills. |
Talented Abilities
As part of the Talent Tree re-design in Dragonflight, every class and specialization now has a multitude of possible choices to spend up to 31 Class Talent Points and 30 Specialization Talent Points. We will break down most of them into individual sections based on the Rows in which you can unlock them, while providing some commonly used abbreviations and explanations as to their functionality.
If you are simply looking for a quick guide on which talents to play, you can head over to our dedicated Talent page instead!
Important Hero Talent Abilities
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Unseen Blade | - | Core ability for Trickster. Procs a damaging spell that also increases damage taken of your opponent while supplying a variety of buffs through other passives of the Talent Tree. |
Coup de Grace | - | The Trickster capstone. After every X amount of Dispatch casts, this proc will increase the potency of your next Dispatch while locking you into an enhanced animation. |
Hand of Fate | - | Core ability for Fatebound. Flips a coin every time you use a 5+ CP finisher, rolling either Heads or Tails. Consecutive coinflips of the same side stack the buffs you will be granted. |
Fateful Ending | - | Fatebound capstone. Flipping the coin and getting the same result 7-times in a row grants a noticeable damage buff for the rest of the fight. |
Talent Tree Rows 1-4
Active Abilities
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Shiv | - | 25-second cooldown ability that removes Enrage effects from your target applies a stronger version of your non-lethal Poison and generates 1CP. |
Blind | - | A crowd control ability that makes a mob wander around blindly for a long duration. Running close to a blinded enemy will put you in combat. If the enemy takes damage, it breaks free. |
Cloak of Shadows | Cloak | Makes you immune to most magic effects and also removes a variety of different debuffs, including poisons, curses, and diseases. Some effects cannot be immuned, resisted, or removed, however, especially if they are key aspects of a boss encounter |
Evasion | - | Increases your chance to dodge enemy attacks by 100%. You are still required to face the enemy hitting you to be able to dodge. |
Gouge | - | A crowd control ability that incapacitates an enemy for a short duration. If the enemy takes damage, it breaks free. Requires your target to face you. |
Shadowstep | Step | A mobility skill that allows you to teleport a target enemy or ally, and granting a very short movement speed increase when cast. |
Tricks of the Trade | Tricks/TotT | Allows you to transfer any threat you generate over the next 6 seconds after hitting an enemy to a target of your choosing. It is best used on the tank. |
Passive Abilities
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Airborne Irritant | - | Reduces the cooldown of Blind and turns it into an AoE spell. |
Master Poisoner | MP | Improves the effects of your non-lethal Poisons. |
Elusiveness | - | Changes your Evasion to reduce all damage you take by 20% and also enhances your Feint to reduce all damage you take by 20%. This is a choice node shared with Cheat Death. |
Cheat Death | Cheat/CD | A defensive skill that saves you from death as long as the damage taken does not surpass twice your health pool. Any killing blow will instead bring you to 7% hp, and for 3 seconds, you will take 85% reduced damage. |
Blackjack | - | Enemies have 30% reduced damage and healing after Blind or Sap expire. Works great together with Airborne Irritant. |
Improved Wound Poison | - | Increases the maximum stacks of your Wound Poison by 2, improving the healing reduction effect. |
Nimble Fingers | - | Reduces the Energy cost of Feint and Crimson Vial. |
Improved Sprint | - | Reduces the cooldown of Sprint. |
Shadowrunner | - | Grants extra movement speed while stealthed, i.e., when using Stealth or Vanish. |
Opportunity | - | Gives your Sinister Strike a chance to hit twice and grant a buff that makes your next Pistol Shot deal additional damage and cost half as much Energy. |
Retractable Hook | - | Reduces the cooldown and travel speed of Grappling Hook. |
Dirty Tricks | - | Removes the Energy cost of some of your crowd control spells. |
Combat Potency | - | Increases your passive Energy regeneration. |
Combat Stamina | - | Increases your Stamina. |
Hit and Run | - | Increases your movement speed. |
Blinding Powder | - | Reduces the cooldown and increases the cast range of Blind. |
Float Like a Butterfly | - | Restless Blades now also affects Evasion and Feint. |
Sting Like a Bee | - | Increases the damage taken of enemies by 10% for 6 seconds when you cast Cheap Shot or Kidney Shot on them. This effect only happens when the target is not stun-immune, and the duration is fixed regardless of the number of Combo Points spent on Kidney Shot.. |
Riposte | - | Allows you to get a Main Gauche proc everytime you dodge, with a 1-second cooldown. |
Precision Shot | - | Increases the range of Between the Eyes and Pistol Shot, while reducing the damage you take from targets hit by Pistol Shot. |
Talent Rows 5-7
Active Abilities
Outlaw Rogues gain no new active abilities in this section of the talent tree.
Passive Abilities
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Superior Mixture | - | Improves the effectiveness of Crippling Poison. |
Fleet Footed | - | Increases your unmounted movement speed. |
Iron Stomach | - | Improves the effectiveness of Health Potions, Health Stones, and Crimson Vial. |
Unbreakable Stride | - | Reduces the duration of movement slowing effects. |
Featherfoot | - | Improves the bonus movement speed provided and duration of Sprint. |
Rushed Setup | - | Reduces the Energy cost of your crowd-control abilities. |
Deadened Nerves | - | Causes you to take reduced Physical damage. |
Graceful Guile | - | Grants Feint an additional charge. |
Stillshroud | - | Reduces the cooldown of Shroud of Concealment. |
Deadly Precision | - | Increases the Critical Strike chance of all abilities that generate at least 1 Combo Point, including DoT effects caused by them. |
Virulent Poisons | - | Increases the damage of your weapon poisons by 10%. Only Poisons that appear as a 60-minute duration buff are affected. |
Recuperator | - | While Slice and Dice is active, you will heal for 1% of your max HP every 2 seconds. |
> Improved Ambush | - | Causes your Ambush to generate 1 additional Combo Point. |
> Tight Spender | - | Reduces the Energy cost of your finishing moves. |
Heavy Hitter | - | Increases the damage of all abilities that generate Combo Points, including those that deal damage over time. |
Devious Stratagem | DS | Increases your maximum Combo Points by 1, and the damage your finishers deal by 5%. Stacks with Deeper Stratagem for a total of 7 maximum CP. |
Fatal Flourish | - | Your off-hand attacks, including those from Main Gauche, have a chance to generate Energy. |
Ambidexterity | - | Main Gauche, your Mastery, has an additional 5% chance to proc while Blade Flurry is active. |
Quick Draw | QD | Uses of Pistol Shot while the Opportunity buff is active deal more damage and generate additional Combo Points. |
Deft Maneuvers | - | Increases the initial damage of Blade Flurry and it generates 1 Combo Point per target hit when cast. |
Ruthlessness | - | Gives you a 20% chance per Combo Point spent on finishers to immediately gain Combo Points again. When used with 6 or 7 Combo Points, this can return 2 Combo Points if you get lucky. |
Swift Slasher | - | Slice and Dice also grants additional attack speed based on your Haste value. |
Loaded Dice | - | Casting Adrenaline Rush guarantees two Roll the Bones enhancements on the next cast. |
Sleight of Hand | - | Roll the Bones has an increased chance of granting more than one buff. |
Ace Up Your Sleeve | - | Between the Eyes has a chance per Combo Point spent to immediately grant 5 Combo Points. |
Improved Between the Eyes | - | Increases the damage of Between the Eyes when it crits. |
Audacity | - | Uses of Pistol Shot while the Opportunity buff is active have a chance to allow you a single use of Ambush that does not require Stealth. The proc-chance of this is equal to the Opportunity proc chance, including boosts from talents. |
Triple Threat | - | Sinister Strike has a chance to strike with both weapons. This will still only grant one Opportunity buff. |
Improved Adrenaline Rush | - | You gain full Combo Points when casting Adrenaline Rush, and it grants full Energy when the buff expires. |
Improved Main Gauche | - | Increases the chance to proc Main Gauche. |
Dancing Steel | - | Increases the number of targets that Blade Flurry hits, and increases its duration. |
Talent Tree Rows 8-10
Active Abilities
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Supercharger | - | Using Shiv causes your next damaging finishing move to function as if they spent additional Combo Points. |
Thistle Tea | - | A cooldown that immediately grants you 100 Energy and also increases your Mastery for 6 seconds. It has multiple charges. |
Cold Blood | CB | Increases the critical strike chance of your next ability cast by 100%. |
Without a Trace | - | Grants a second charge of Vanish |
Sepsis | - | deals high Nature damage-over-time. If the target survives the full duration of this DoT, and once when cast, you gain a buff that allows you to use one ability that requires Stealth and all stealth-based benefits affect it. |
Ghostly Strike | GS | A Combo Point generator that causes the target to take increased damage from your Rogue abilities. |
Blade Rush | BR | Causes you to charge at your enemy, dealing AoE damage as you arrive and generating 25 Energy over 5 seconds. While Blade Flurry is active, this deals more damage to every enemy hit except your main target. |
Keep It Rolling | - | A high cooldown ability that allows you to extend the duration of all the Roll the Bones enhancements that currently affect you by 30 seconds. |
Killing Spree | KS | Finishing move that causes you to strike a target that is close for a number of times, based on how many Combo Points you spent. This ability will teleport you every time you hit, following your target even when they try to move away from you. Any damage you take throughout the duration of this ability will be dealt to you delayed and over time. |
Passive Effects
Ability | Abbreviation | Description/Effect |
Leeching Poison | - | Grants 10% Leech. Leech allows you to heal for all your damage and healing, in this case, for 10% of it. |
Lethality | - | Increases the critical strike chance and critical strike damage bonus of combo-point generating abilities. |
Acrobatic Strikes | - | Increases the range of all your attacks by 3 yards, including the radius of AoE spells. |
Alacrity | - | Grants your finishing moves a chance per Combo Point spent to increase your Haste. |
Soothing Darkness | - | Provides a Healing over time effect when using Vanish. |
Vigor | - | Increases your maximum Energy and Energy regeneration. |
Subterfuge | Subt/Subter | Allows you to cast abilities that require Stealth for up to 6 seconds after breaking it. Any bonus effects that apply to abilities cast from Stealth synergize with this. |
Resounding Clarity | RC | Causes your Echoing Reprimand to Animacharge 3 additional Combo Points. This is a choice node shared with Reverberation. |
Reverberation | - | Increases the damage of Echoing Reprimand by 75%. This is a choice node shared with Resounding Clarity. |
Deeper Stratagem | DS | Increases your maximum Combo Points by 1 and causes your finishers to deal increased damage. |
Underhanded Upper Hand | - | Allows you to extend the duration of Slice and Dice, Blade Flurry and Adrenaline Rush conditionally while also increasing the window of casting stealth-based abilities after losing Stealth by 3 seconds. |
Count the Odds | CtO | Allows you to gain Roll the Bones buffs you do not yet have when casting Ambush, Sinister Strike or Dispatch. The chance and duration is increased when either is cast from Stealth. |
Precise Cuts | - | Increases your damage when hitting fewer targets than your maximum cap with Blade Flurry. This makes it more potent when fighting two or three enemies, and synergizes with Dancing Steel. |
Take 'em by Surprise | - | Increases your Haste while stealthed and for a duration after losing Stealth. |
Summarily Dispatched | - | Grants you a short-duration buff every time you cast Dispatch with 5+ CP, which increases the damage and reduces the Energy cost of Dispatch. Each additional Dispatch cast over this duration increases the stack count, but the duration does not refresh. Once the duration runs out, you lose all stacks. |
Fan the Hammer | FtH | Supercharges your Opportunity procs, allowing them to stack and for you to consume multiple stacks at once. This alters the way you use Opportunity procs. |
Hidden Opportunity | HO | Allows all your modifiers to Sinister Strike hitting an additional time (or even hitting three times with Triple Threat) to also, affect any cast of Ambush. |
Crackshot | CS | Removes the cooldown from Between the Eyes and makes it also cast a free and automatic Dispatch at reduced strength when cast from Stealth. |
Greenskin's Wickers | GSW | Grants you a buff after using Between the Eyes that further boosts the damage of your Pistol Shot. This damage increase synergizes well with other damage increases that apply to Pistol Shot. |
Poisons for Outlaw Rogue
You can only have one Lethal and one Non-Lethal Poison active at a time. These are the only abilities affected by talents that improve "Weapon Poison" damage or efficacy.
Ability | Type | Description/Effect |
Instant Poison | Lethal | Deals Nature damage whenever it procs. You always have access to it. |
Wound Poison | Lethal | Deals a small amount of damage and reduces the efficacy of healing and absorb effects on your target, depending on how many stacks you have applied. You always have access to it. |
Crippling Poison | Non-Lethal | Applies a slowing effect to the targets it is applied to. Bosses are immune to it. You always have access to it. |
Numbing Poison | Non-Lethal | Reduces the target's attack and cast speed. You can talent into it in the Class tree. Does not stack with similar effects from other classes. |
Atrophic Poison | Non-Lethal | Reduces the damage the target deals, not just to you, but also all your allies, as long as your target is the source of the damage dealt. You can talent into it in the Class tree. |
- 15 Dec. 2024: Page has been reviewed for Patch 11.0.7.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Updated for The War Within Patch 11.0.5.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Page has been reviewed and updated for Dragonflight Season 4.
- 21 Mar. 2024: Page has been reviewed for Patch 10.2.6, no changes were necessary.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Page has been reviewed and updated for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Page updated for the Patch 10.2 Rogue rework.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Page was reviewed for Patch 10.1.7 and no changes were necessary.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Page was reviewed for Patch 10.1.5 and no changes were necessary.
- 01 May 2023: No changes were required to this page for 10.1, as no spell changes happened, besides numerical ones.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.5 changes.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Rogue Guides
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This guide has been written and reviewed by Seliathan, who has been playing Rogue since the first day of Classic. He currently raids in Familiar with Drama, and is one of the foremost Mythic+ Rogue players. You can often find him streaming on Twitch, or follow him on his personal Discord server.
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