Outlaw Rogue Guide for The War Within
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Outlaw Rogue changes in World of Warcraft's latest expansion, The War Within. This page is intended to help you navigate the new changes and help you know what to expect from Outlaw Rogue in the War Within.
In this guide, you will find detailed breakdowns of the new Hero Talent Trees for Outlaw Rogue. We will explore the most significant updates to the spec, and offer insights into how these changes will impact your overall gameplay. Whether you are an experienced Outlaw Rogue or new to the spec, this page will be useful in knowing what to expect come launch in late August.
Outlaw Rogue: The War Within Expansion Preview
Welcome to our War Within expansion guide for Outlaw Rogue. Prior to the expansion's launch, this page will detail everything you need to know about Outlaw Rogue in the upcoming The War Within expansion, including class and spec changes, Hero Talent Trees, and some very light predictions on the state of the spec.
This page is a constantly evolving work in progress, as there will likely be regular changes to parts of the spec's kit, talents and abilities throughout the TWW Beta process. This is not meant to be a launch guide for Outlaw Rogue. The purpose of this page is to serves as a resource for you to keep up to date with how the spec is evolving on Beta, and what you can expect from its playstyle and feel on launch.
The War Within Changes for Outlaw Rogue
Core Changes
Outlaw Rogue has received a number of changes to it's talent trees, which includes the shuffling of some talents, as well as changes to a handful of talents and abilities throughout. The most impactful ones in the class tree are:
Acrobatic Strikes no longer grants increased melee attack range. It was reworked to now grant additional auto-attack damage, and movement speed.
Cut to the Chase is now baseline for all Rogue specs.
Subterfuge now lasts 6 seconds, and is a 2-point talent right before the right-most capstone in the class tree.
Shadow Dance was moved into the Subtlety spec tree, and replaced with a new capstone that grants an additional charge of
Vanish instead.
Nightstalker was removed.
There have also been many changes in the spec tree. The most notable ones include:
Adrenaline Rush no longer grants a reduced GCD by itself, but instead reduces your GCD based on your Haste value. This finally makes Haste a valuable stat for Outlaw.
Count the Odds now provides the same benefits inside and outside of stealth.
Underhanded Upper Hand no longer affects
Slice and Dice, which now auto-extends via
Cut to the Chase already, and no longer grants
Sepsis was removed.
Outlaw's reliance on stealth-based benefits was lessened slightly, but with
Crackshot still being as strong as it is, the removal of
Shadow Dance
had no bearing on the choices in the class tree. Gaining a second charge of
Vanish makes the spec slightly less punishing to play, and adding Haste
as a valuable stat for the spec gives a little more variety in gearing choices.
Systems Changes
The War Within has major implications for all specs thanks to the Hero Talent Tree system, new tier sets, and the natural reduction in secondary stats when entering a new expansion.
Outlaw Rogue gets to choose between the Trickster and Fatebound Hero Talent Trees. In the sections below, we will take a small dive into the design and benefits of these Hero Talent Trees for the spec, and offer some thoughts on their potential performance and gameplay implications.
Hero Talent Trees for Outlaw Rogue in The War Within
Fatebound Hero Talents for Outlaw Rogue
The Fatebound Hero Tree Talents are largely centered around the idea of
flipping coins through Hand of Fate, offering either a percentage-based
damage increase or a cosmic damage proc. Everytime you spend 5+ Combo Points
on a finishing move, you either add a stack to the already existing buff, or have
it swap over to the opposite one instead. Monitoring and managing the buffs will
be key to optimizing the benefits of the Fatebound Hero Talents.
Gameplay-wise, Fatebound is very much a passive kit that offers only very few skill expression opportunities. This is not a bad thing at all, as it allows for a very predictable damage increase to the Outlaw damage profile. While the entire concept is very much centered on RNG, many talents offer additional control over the outcome of these Hand of Fate rolls, which will help you build higher stacks on either of the buffs throughout the fight. Due to how many finishers we end up casting during a 5+ minute encounter, the RNG will even out fairly reliably, so there is no need to worry about this Hero Talent tree adding a lot of DPS variance.
Power-wise, Fatebound needs some major adjustments to be competitive with
the DPS gain other classes get right now, which is an easy task once class
tuning goes into full motion in the TWW Beta. There are a few bugs that still
need ironing out as well, but Fatebound looks to be in a very comfortable
position right now with many of the talents offering small DPS increases or
making the rotation slightly more fluid, like Deal Fate. While it is not
the most interesting, flashy or exciting Hero Talent theme, it is a solid choice
for anyone who wants to focus on learning the ins and outs of their chosen spec
first without the choice of Hero Talents overcomplicating things.
Defensively, Fatebound adds further bonuses to the already strong toolkit we
have. Death's Arrival will allow us to cast
Shadowstep a second
time within quick succession, which could be used to stick to the boss just a
little longer before having to run away from it for a mechanic, as you could just
step to a friendly player who is already in a save position, and then immediately
jump back to the boss a second or two later. It also offers some minor defensive
benefits, with
Chosen's Revelry giving you some additional Leech, while
Tempted Fate has a chance to make you take less damage. Neither of these
choices are incredible, but with how strong our mobility and survivability
already are, they don't have to be.
Trickster Hero Talents for Outlaw Rogue
The Trickster Hero Tree Talents are centered around Unseen Blade, a
proc that applies after using
Sinister Strike and
Initially, this only applies a damage increase to your target in the form of
a debuff, with many talents further improving these benefits or granting different
ones entirely. You also gain more control over proccing Unseen blades as you
allocate more talent points in this tree.
Gameplay-wise, Trickster is a very passive tree, with the capstone putting
you into an animation lock that heavily disrupts gameplay flow. As a result,
this hero talent tree is a bit awkward to play, and the Unseen Blades debuff
further locks you onto a singular target -- something we just moved away from by
having Between the Eyes grant you crit-chance globally, and not just
against a single target.
Power-wise, Trickster seems to perform slightly better in low-cleave environments
but it is currently trailing behind Fatebound on pure-single-target or larger
AoE fights. The difference is very minor, however, so feel free to play around
and enjoy the Trickster theme. It bears mentioning, that any of the current
predictions are based on the idea that the animation lock of Coup de Grace
will be removed. If it does not, Trickster will become noticeably worse
than Fatebound.
Defensively, Trickster is very potent, giving a damage reduction against
enemies affected by your Unseen Blade, or improving the efficacy of Feint.
It also offers some great utility, with a permanent
Tricks of the Trade or
a reduced cooldown for
Blind which will be very useful in Mythic+.
Outlaw Rogue Tier Set in The War Within
Below are the Tier Set Bonuses for Outlaw Rogue in The War Within.
Rogue Outlaw Season 1 2pc — Your
Sinister Strike,
Pistol Shot, and
Ambush have a 20% chance to Ethereal Rampage, dealing 15% increased damage as Shadow.
Rogue Outlaw Season 1 4pc — Ethereal Rampage additionally increases the damage of your next Between the Eyes by 6%, stacking up to 3 times.
Both set bonuses are completely passive and are not expected to have any gameplay impact. We expect some numerical changes to the tier set, but in its current form, the bonus seems to provide roughly the same amount of DPS as other classes.
Outlaw Rogue Strengths and Weaknesses
Further cements the spec as one of the strongest sustained DPS specs in the game.
Low reliance on cooldowns (this can be a downside as well).
Hidden Opportunity and
Keep It Rolling are performing similarly well.
Better gearing opportunities as Haste is no longer a bad stat.
Trickster has some issues, locking you to a single-target in AoE, while also animation locking you with its capstone, disrupting gameflow.
Still reliant on stealth effects as Crackshot is too strong a capstone to skip out on.
- 17 Jun. 2024: Page added.
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This guide has been written and reviewed by Seliathan, who has been playing Rogue since the first day of Classic. He currently raids in Familiar with Drama, and is one of the foremost Mythic+ Rogue players. You can often find him streaming on Twitch, or follow him on his personal Discord server.
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