Paladin Soulbind Conduit List
This guide lists all of the Paladin Conduits that you can use in Soulbind trees in the Shadowlands expansion.
The following page lists all Paladin Soulbind Conduits available in Shadowlands and links to our guides for choosing the best Conduits for your spec.
If you want to know more about Soulbind Conduits in general, please read our Soulbind Conduits Guide.
Best Conduits for Paladins
For more information regarding the best Conduits for each Paladin spec, please refer to our spec-specific pages:
Paladin Endurance Soulbind Conduits
Divine Call —
Divine Shield's remaining cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds when you take damage. This effect can only trigger once every 48-20 seconds.
Golden Path —
Consecration heals you for 10-24% of Attack Power every 1 second while standing within it.
Resolute Defender —
Shield of the Righteous extends
Ardent Defender's duration by 20% and reduces its cooldown by 1-2.4 seconds.
Royal Decree —
Guardian of Ancient Kings's cooldown is reduced by 15-36 seconds, and casting it causes your next
Word of Glory to cost no Holy Power.
Shielding Words — Casting
Word of Glory grants you a shield that prevents damage equal to 15-36% of healing done by Word of Glory. Lasts 10 seconds.
Paladin Finesse Soulbind Conduits
Echoing Blessings —
Blessing of Freedom increases the target's movement speed by 5-12%.
Blessing of Protection and
Blessing of Sacrifice reduce the target's damage taken by 5%. These effects linger for 8 seconds after the Blessing ends.
Light's Barding —
Divine Steed's duration is increased by 50-100%.
Pure Concentration —
Crusader Aura reduces the duration of incoming Fear effects on your allies by 20-48%.
Wrench Evil —
Turn Evil's cast time is reduced by 40-96% and its range is increased by 10 yards.
Paladin Potency Soulbind Conduits
Enkindled Spirit —
Aura Mastery increases the healing of your next 3
Light of Dawns by 30-72%.
Expurgation — Your
Blade of Justice critical hits cause the target to burn for 32-76.8% of the damage dealt every 2 seconds for 6 seconds.
Focused Light —
Holy Shock's critical effect chance is increased by 5-12%.
Hallowed Discernment —
Ashen Hallow strikes the lowest health ally and enemy within it for 40-96% of its effect.
Punish the Guilty —
Shield of the Righteous deals 15-36% more damage to targets affected by
Resplendent Light —
Holy Light heals up to 5 targets within 8 yards for 4-9.6% of its healing.
Righteous Might —
Vanquisher's Hammer deals 20-48% increased damage and heals you for the damage done.
Ringing Clarity —
Divine Toll has a 40-96% chance to cast 2 extra times on the main target.
Templar's Vindication —
Templar's Verdict has a 30-72% chance to strike again for 30% of its damage.
The Long Summer —
Blessing of Summer lasts 25-60% longer.
Truth's Wake —
Wake of Ashes burns the target for an additional 13-31.2% damage over 6 seconds.
Untempered Dedication —
Light of the Martyr's damage and healing is increased by 5-12% each time it is cast. This effect can stack up to 5 times and lasts for 15 seconds.
Vengeful Shock —
Avenger's Shield causes your target to take 3-7.2% increased Holy damage from you for 5 seconds.
Virtuous Command —
Judgment grants you Virtuous Command for 5 seconds, which gives your
Templar's Verdict,
Crusader Strike,
Blade of Justice, and auto attacks a 40% chance to deal 8-19.2% additional Holy damage.
Other Class-Specific Soulbind Conduits
Here are links to the Soulbind Conduits of other classes.
- 27 Jun. 2021: Reviewed for Patch 9.1.
- 09 Mar. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.0.5.
- 06 Dec. 2020: Punish the Guilty Potency Conduit nerfed.
- 24 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands launch.
- 26 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35938.
- 17 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35854.
- 05 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755.
- 31 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35679.
- 22 Aug. 2020: Guide added.
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