Paragons of the Klaxxi Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included)
Table of Contents
This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of the encounter with Paragons of the Klaxxi in Siege of Orgrimmar. It is targeted at anyone who desires to understand the fight mechanics.
This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.1.2.
The Paragons of the Klaxxi have stayed true to their word, and have respected their allegiance to the Old Gods. As such, you must now fight and defeat them if you are to continue through the instance. The fight will pit your raid up against all 9 Paragons, although you will only ever fight 3 of them at the same time.
General Information
Health Values
Difficulty | Klaxxi Paragons | Hungry Kunchongs | Amber Parasites | Bloods |
10-man | 43.6M | 7M | ??? | 4.2M |
10-man Heroic | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
25-man | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
25-man Heroic | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
LFR | ???M | ??? | ??? | ??? |
Enrage Timer
This encounter has a 12-minute hard enrage timer.
Raid Composition
Difficulty | Tanks | Healers | DPS |
10-man | 2 | 2-3 | 5-6 |
10-man Heroic | 2 | 2-3 | 5-6 |
25-man | 2 | 5-7 | 16-18 |
25-man Heroic | 2 | 5-7 | 16-18 |
In addition to the items listed below, the Paragons of the Klaxxi drop the tokens that you will need for buying your Tier 16 Legs parts:
Leggings of the Cursed Conqueror (LFR, Flexible, Heroic);
Leggings of the Cursed Protector (LFR, Flexible, Heroic);
Leggings of the Cursed Vanquisher (LFR, Flexible, Heroic).
The Paragons of the Klaxxi have a chance to drop a rare pet: Kovok.
Item Name | Armor | Slot | Main Stats |
![]() |
Cloth | Wrists | Intellect |
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Leather | Chest | Intellect |
![]() |
Chest | Intellect | |
![]() |
Plate | Hands | Intellect |
Item Name | Type | Main Stats |
![]() |
Dagger | Intellect/Hit |
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One-Hand Axe | Agility |
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Bow | Agility |
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One-Hand Sword | Strength |
Amulets, Cloaks, Rings, and Trinkets
Item Name | Type | Main Stats |
![]() |
Ring | Intellect/Hit |
![]() |
Ring | Agility |
![]() |
Trinket | Strength/Critical Strike on hit |
Overview of the Fight
The encounter against the Paragons of the Klaxxi pits your raid up against a total of 9 bosses, henceforth referred to as Klaxxi Paragons. Do not worry, though - you will only ever fight 3 Klaxxi Paragons at once.
When the fight starts, three Klaxxi Paragons will engage your raid, and as soon as your raid kills one of them, the other two heal themselves to full, and another Paragon joins the fight. This continues until all 9 Klaxxi Paragons are dead.
The order in which the Paragons engage your raid (including the initial 3 Paragons) is fixed.
Each Paragon has a few abilities, and each dead Paragon can be interacted with once per fight by one raid member, granting this raid member a specific buff or ability. Each raid member can only interact with one Paragon per fight, and the abilities granted by the Paragons are role-specific.
- PTR Preview — a short overview of the boss, based on PTR testing, which is extremely useful for getting a rough understanding of the fight.
- Video Guide — a video guide of the boss, based on live-realm experience.
Class-specific Advice
On our forums, we are maintaining threads with class-specific advice for each of the fights of Siege of Orgrimmar. So, make sure to check them out, and if you have things to share, do not hesitate to contribute!
Class | Forum Threads |
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Fight and Guide Structure
As we have mentioned above, your raid will face a total of 9 Klaxxi
Paragons in this fight, 3 at a time. Each time one of the three existing
Paragons is killed, the other two Paragons are healed to full health, and
they each gain a stack of a buff increasing their damage done by 10% until
the end of the fight. At the same time, a new Paragon will join the fight. You
can tell which Paragon will engage your raid next because they will have the
Ready to Fight buff on them (the Paragons currently not fighting your raid
are located on several small platforms above the floor of the room).
The first three Paragons to be active are Skeer the Bloodseeker, Rik'kal the Dissector, and Hisek the Swarmkeeper. As Paragons are killed, the remaining Paragons join the fight in the following order:
- Ka'roz the Locust
- Korven the Prime
- Iyyokuk the Lucid
- Xaril the Poisoned Mind
- Kaz'tik the Manipulator
- Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver
Since multiple bosses will be alive at the same time (and the actual kill order of the bosses is more or less up to you to decide), we cannot offer strict strategy for only a certain combination of boss interactions.
Skeer the Bloodseeker
Hewn is a stacking tank debuff that causes the tank to take 10% increased damage from the melee attacks of Rik'kal the Dissector per stack.
Bloodletting summons a number of small adds called Bloods that move towards a damaged Klaxxi Paragon. If they reach the boss, they will heal him based on how much health the adds have left. 2 Bloods spawn in 10-man, and 3 spawn in 25-man.
Bloodthirsty is a buff that DPS players can gain from Skeer's corpse. It grants them an extra action button that grants their attacks a chance to summon blood orbs around the room. Raid members who walk over blood orbs have 10% of their maximum health restored. This ability has a 10-second duration.
Hewn is only a concern when
Rik'kal the Dissector is also active at the same time. When this
happens, it simply means that Skeer's tank cannot tank Rik'kal.
Your raid members will have to immediately DPS and kill any Bloods as soon as they spawn. Even if you fail to kill a Blood before it reaches its target, at least the healing it does will be lowered on account of its health being lower.
The Bloodthirsty ability should be used in times of heavy damage in
order to help your raid members maintain safe health levels.
Rik'kal the Dissector
Genetic Alteration is a stacking tank debuff that causes the tank to take 10% increased damage from the melee attacks of Skeer the Bloodseeker per stack.
Injection is a stacking debuff applied to Rik'kal's current target. It deals a small amount of Nature damage per second for each stack, and when it expires, it causes several Amber Parasites to spawn. These Parasites fixate on random raid members, deal high Physical damage to them through an ability called Feed. The Amber Parasites are healed to full health every 10 seconds. Stacks of Injection are not applied to tanks under the effects of their active mitigation abilities.
- Rik'kal will regularly turn a random raid member into an Amber Scorpion
for 30 seconds. This essentially places the player inside a vehicle, causing
them to take a moderate amount of Nature damage every second, and only having
access to certain Amber Scorpion abilities. The damage of these abilities is
based on the player's Attack Power or Spell Power (depending on their role).
Claw simply deals damage to the target.
Swipe deals damage to all enemies in a frontal cone. Enemies affected by
Sting (see below) take double damage.
Sting is a DoT that causes the target to suffer Nature damage every second.
- Prey instantly kills an Amber Parasite.
Mad Scientist is a buff that players of any role can gain from Rik'kal's corpse. It grants them an extra action button that, one a 2-minute cooldown, turns them into an Amber Scorpion for 30 seconds. This transformation is identical to the one described above.
Genetic Alteration is only a concern when
Skeer the Bloodseeker is also active at the same time. When this
happens, it simply means that Rik'kal's tank cannot tank Skeer.
Injection must be dealt with by having the tank time their active
mitigation cooldowns in such a way as to ensure that the stacks are never
applied to them.
If the debuff does get applied, and Amber Parasites do actually get to spawn, they should be killed as quickly as possible.
Players who are mutated into Amber Scorpions (whether by the boss or as a
result of having taken the Mad Scientist buff following Rik'kal's death)
will have to be healed more than usual, since being an Amber Scorpion does
damage to the player every second. While an Amber Scorpion, the player should
use the abilities at their disposal to deal increased damage to the boss or
any adds that are alive. The Prey ability is particularly useful for
instantly killing an Amber Parasite.
Hisek the Swarmkeeper
Multi-Shot is an ability that Hisek uses to deal Physical damage to random raid members.
Aim is an ability that Hisek regularly uses. It targets a random raid members, stunning them for 5 seconds. If the target is too close to Hisek, they are knocked back 45 yards. After the 5-second stun is over, Hisek will fire an extremely damaging beam between himself and the target, the damage of which is split between all players in a line. Each player who splits the damage creates a field of Sonic Resonance at their location, dealing a moderate amount of Physical damage to all players in a 5-yard radius.
Compound Eye is a buff that DPS players can gain from Hisek's corpse. It grants them an extra action button that allows them to fire a damaging shot at a targeted enemy. The shot deals higher damage the farther away the target is, and also afflicts it with a debuff increasing its damage taken by 15% for 10 seconds.
Hisek does not need to be tanked.
Hisek's Multi-Shot results in unavoidable damage to random raid
members, damage which your healers must respond to appropriately.
Whenever the boss casts Aim, several raid members (ranged ones,
ideally) should form a line between the targeted player and Hisek, while making
sure that they themselves are at least 5 yards apart from one another. Doing
so correctly will reduce the amount of damage that the target takes to a
reasonable amount. Note that it is not feasible for the entire raid to stack
together in an attempt to reduce the damage more, since players who are
soaking the damage also deal damage in a 5-yard radius themselves.
Finally, Compound Eye should be used on cooldown on the current target,
from as far away as possible (so that its damage is increased as much as
Ka'roz the Locust
- Flash is an ability that Ka'roz regularly casts. He charges random
players around the room, afflicting all targets in his path with
Whirling causes the affected player to spin in place for a few seconds, suffering a high amount of Physical damage every second, and inflicting the same damage to any other players in a small radius.
Hurl Amber is an ability Ka'roz regularly casts. He jumps up to a platform located above the raid (where he cannot be attacked), and then he throws pieces of amber down at the raid. When landing, these pieces of amber form damaging void zones.
Strong Legs is a buff that DPS players can gain from Ka'roz's corpse. It grants them an extra action button that allows them to leap up to a platform that Ka'roz used, and throw amber down from this location. Amber thrown down like this by players deals a high amount of Nature damage to any enemies in a 15-yard radius. If a boss encased in amber by Korven's
Encase in Amber ability is hit by one of the pieces of amber thrown by a player, their block of amber will be shattered.
Since Flash hardly seems avoidable given Ka'roz's speed, it is
important that players spread out in preparation for it, so that as few
players as possible are affected by Whirling, and so that those players
are then not in close proximity to anyone else.
Your raid members will have to avoid the void zones left behind by
Hurl Amber.
Players who have the Strong Legs ability should use it to try to
damage the bosses or any adds that are up, and if Korven is active, they
can even try to break a block of amber from
Encase in Amber with it.
Korven the Prime
Encase in Amber is a buff that Korven casts on himself or any other active Klaxxi Paragon when they reach 50% health. This renders the target immune to damage, and the raid must destroy the block of amber. If the amber is not broken in 10 seconds, then the Klaxxi Paragon will be healed to full health.
Shield Bash knocks Korven's tank down for 6 seconds. Shield Bash is followed up by
Vicious Assault.
Vicious Assault is a series of attacks that Korven casts, dealing very high Physical damage to all targets in front of him. Specifically, the first attack causes the targets to bleed for a few seconds, and the other attacks inflict increasing Physical damage.
Master of Amber is a buff that tanks can gain from Korven's corpse. It grants them an extra action button that allows them to encase a friendly player in amber for 5 seconds, rendering them immune to damage for that duration.
Whenever Korven casts Encase in Amber on a Klaxxi Paragon, all DPS
players should focus on breaking the amber block as quickly as possible.
Korven's tank will regularly sustain very high damage from the boss'
Shield Bash/
Vicious Assault combination, so tanks and healers must
be prepared for this. Since the damage of Vicious Assault is done in a frontal
cone, Korven should be faced away from other raid members.
The Master of Amber ability that players gain from Korven is essentially
a targetable
Ice Block. The ability should be used to save raid members
who are very low on health from dying, giving the healers a chance to top them
Iyyokuk the Lucid
Diminish is an ability that Iyyokuk regularly uses to damage a random raid member. It deals 34% of the target's current health in damage, and if the target is below 25% of their maximum health, it instantly kills them.
Calculate randomly assigns each player in the raid a shape, a color, and a number. The possibilities are as follows.
- Shapes:
- Mantid;
- Sword;
- Staff;
- Sonic Ring;
- Amber.
- Colors:
- red;
- purple;
- blue;
- green;
- yellow.
- Numbers: 1-5.
- Shapes:
Insane Calculation: Fiery Edge is a spell that uses the previously assigned shapes, colors, and numbers. Specifically, Korven will target a random raid member, and then all targets who match one of that player's criteria, linking all of them together with fiery lines (for example, the boss will link together all players who share the same color as the initial target). The linked players and anyone else who comes in contact with the lines take Fire damage every second, which decreases the farther away the linked players are from one another.
Ingenious is a buff that healers can gain from Iyyokuk's corpse. It grants them an extra action button that allows them to heal a targeted raid member. The heal is then copied over to all raid members who share the race or class of the target.
Diminish deals damage to random raid members, so this is something
healers simply have to react to. Since Diminish instantly kills its target
if they are below 25% of their maximum health, it is imperative to keep all
players over this amount while Iyyokuk is active.
The greatest difficulty comes from Iyyokuk's
Insane Calculation: Fiery Edge. Basically, as soon as the spell is cast and
the fiery lines are apparent, the linked players should move away from one
another (to reduce the damage of the lines), and all other raid members
should make sure not to be in contact with the lines. Naturally, depending on
what bosses are alive at the time, the lines may prove to inconvenience the
raid's ability to move around, but this is something that will have to be
dealt with then and there.
The Ingenious ability will probably be best used by casting it on
players who share their class and race with as many other raid members as
possible, so as to maximise the effect of the heal (in other words, do not
cast it on a Worgen Druid if there are no other Worgens or Druids in the
Xaril the Poisoned Mind
Tenderizing Strikes is a stacking tank debuff that causes the tank to take 10% increased damage from the melee attacks of Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver per stack.
Caustic Blood is a stacking tank debuff that deals moderate Nature damage every second, per stack. If the debuff reaches 10 stacks, then
Bloody Explosion occurs, dealing a massive amount of raid-wide Fire damage. Stacks of Caustic Blood are not applied to tanks under the effects of their active mitigation abilities.
Toxic Injection randomly assigns each raid member a color: red, blue, or yellow. After that, as long as he is alive, Xaril will regularly trigger an effect for the players affected by one of the three colors, as follows.
- Players affected by the red color deal a very high amount of Fire damage to all allies within 10 yards.
- Players affected by the blue color deal a massive (practically lethal) amount of Frost damage, divided among players in a 10-yard radius. In 10-man difficulty, the damage can only be split between 2 players, and in 25-man, it can only be split by 3. This means that any additional players in the affected area will take damage, but they will not "share the load" with the others.
- Players affected by the yellow color create a poison cloud at their location, which deals a high amount of Nature damage every second to players who come in contact with it.
Vast Apothecarial Knowledge is a buff that healers can gain from Xaril's corpse. This grants them an extra action button that allows them to use an ability called
Volatile Poultice. This ability has a 30-second cooldown and a 10-second duration. While active, all healing done by the player causes the target to receive a buff that essentially "stores" healing. When the target next takes damage, the stored up healing is released, and the target is healed for an amount equal to the healing done by the healer in the 10-second window.
Tenderizing Strikes is only a concern when
Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver is also active at the same time. When this
happens, it simply means that Xaril's tank cannot tank Kil'ruk.
Caustic Blood must be dealt with by having the tank time their active
mitigation cooldowns in such a way as to ensure that the stacks are never
applied to them.
The biggest issue while Xaril is alive is Toxic Injection, and the
effects that go along with it. Each effect is preceded by a 3-second cast and
an emote, warning players which color is about to be affected. Raid members
should spread out (red), stack on the affected targets (blue), or move out
of melee range and drop the gas clouds in non-problematic locations (yellow).
Regarding the blue effect, it is important to note that there is a maximum
number of players between which the damage is split (2 in 10-man and 3 in
25-man). For example, if the ability deals 1,000,000 damage (hypothetically)
split between players in 10 yards, then in 25-man, things would look as
follows. Having one player stack on the target would cause both to take 500,000
damage. Having another player stack there would cause all three tot take
333,333 damage. Any additional players who are in the area will not reduce the
damage further, but they will all take 333,333 damage as well. As such, it is
important that no more than the maximum number of splitters should
be in the affected area.
Regarding using the Vast Apothecarial Knowledge buff, we will simply
advise healers to make use of this buff on players who are sure to sustain
high damage in the future (such as tanks about to be hit by
Kaz'tik the Manipulator
- When spawning, Kaz'tik will create 4 Hungry Kunchongs located around
the edges of the room. Whenever one of them is killed, Kaz'tik will summon a
new one its place. The Hungry Kunchongs have several abilities, and they
interact meaningfully with one of Kaz'tik's abilities.
- The Hungry Kunchongs are stationary, and they do not need to be tanked.
Normally, they are shielded by
Thick Shell, rendering them immune to all damage.
- At regular intervals, Kaz'tik will cast Mesmerize on a random raid
member, causing that player to lose control of their character and to head
slowly towards one of the Hungry Kunchongs. While this is happening, the
Hungry Kunchong will channel
Devour onto that player, dealing a moderate amount of Physical damage each second, and gaining 7 energy for each tick. If the player reaches the Kunchong's melee range, they will be instantly killed, and the Kunchong's energy will be filled up. While Devouring players, the Hungry Kunchong's Thick Shell is disabled. Mesmerize is broken if the Hungry Kunchong takes 30% of its total health in damage.
- Kunchongs that reach maximum energy cast
Molt, and essentially evolve into more dangerous adds called Mature Kunchongs. These adds move around and attack raid members, using
Swipe, and extremely damaging frontal cone attack.
- Hungry Kunchongs' Thick Shell is disabled if they are struck by
Reave, the ability gained from interacting with Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver's corpse.
- The Hungry Kunchongs are stationary, and they do not need to be tanked.
Normally, they are shielded by
Sonic Projection is an ability that Kaz'tik uses to deal damage to a random ranged raid member. It fires a beam of energy towards that player, dealing very high Physical damage not only to them, but also to any other players located between Kaz'tik and the target.
Master of Puppets is a buff that players of any role can gain from Kaz'tik's corpse. This grants them an extra action button that allows them to summon an Immature Kunchong add to fight alongside them for 40 seconds.
While Kaz'tik is active, players must make sure not to position themselves
in such a way that they would be located between Kaz'tik and other players,
in order to minimise any damage taken from Sonic Projection.
The greatest threat to the raid while Kaz'tik is alive is his
Mesmerize ability, and its interaction with the Hungry Kunchongs.
Whenever Kaz'tik casts Mesmerize, ranged DPS players should quickly burn down
the active Hungry Kunchong until the Mesmerize effect is broken (they must
deal 30% of the Kunchong's health in damage). Provided that your DPS players
are quick enough to do so, no Kunchong should get to channel Devour
on players long enough to reach maximum energy. In the event that a Kunchong
does reach maximum energy and becomes a Mature Kunchong, then your raid
should try to kill it as quickly as possible, and players should avoid being
in front of it (in order to avoid being killed by
We would like to clarify that there is no benefit to trying to kill the
Kunchongs (since a new Kunchong will be summoned instantly to take the place of
the dead one), or even to damage them (since Thick Shell makes them
immune). Instead, you should simply focus on breaking Mesmerizes as quickly
as possible, and on doing damage to other targets the rest of the time.
Master of Puppets should be used on cooldown to maximise the damage of
the Immature Kunchong companion.
Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver
Exposed Veins is a stacking tank debuff that causes the tank to take 10% increased damage from the melee attacks of Xaril the Poisoned Mind (a different Paragon) per stack.
Gouge is an ability that Kil'ruk uses to incapacitate his tank. It is followed up by
Mutilate deals a very high amount of damage to Kil'ruk's tank.
Death from Above is an ability that Kil'ruk uses roughly every 20 seconds. He leaps up into the air and then lands at the location of a random raid member, dealing a high amount of Physical damage in a 5-yard area.
Reave is the buff that DPS players can gain from Kil'ruk's corpse. This grants them an extra action button that allows them to leap forward and deal high Physical damage to all enemies in a 10-yard area.
Exposed Veins is only a concern when Xaril the Poisoned Mind is
also active at the same time. When this happens, it simply means that
Kil'ruk's tank cannot tank Xaril.
Gouge and
Mutilate must simply be survived. The tank
and the healers should be prepared for the massive damage, and use cooldowns
Death from Above must be avoided. There is a brief warning animation
on the ground before Kil'ruk lands, but raid members can stay spread out
ahead of time to minimise the damage done by the ability, since avoiding it
can be a bit difficult.
Players who pick up Reave should just use it to deal damage to
enemies whenever they can.
General Strategy
Due to the nature of the fight, you will have to adapt, in practice, to several possible combinations of abilities, depending on the order in which you kill the bosses.
- Do not multi-DoT or cleave the bosses, since any damage you do to secondary targets will be nullified when the primary target dies (since the other Klaxxi Paragons are healed to full health when one of them dies).
- Given the existence of the
Paragon's Purpose stacking damage buff, you cannot avoid killing a particular Paragon for too long. While you can (and should) kill the Paragons in such a way as to avoid particularly problematic combinations, if a single Paragon survives more than 3 or 4 other Paragons, their damage will probably become too high to handle.
When to Use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp
We recommend using Heroism/
Time Warp at the start
of the fight, since this is when you will get the most benefit out of it due to
all your raid's DPS cooldowns being available. You can instead use it a
different time, if it turns out that certain Klaxxi Paragon combinations are
particularly difficult.
Summing Things Up
In this section, we will very briefly summarise what the players belonging to each of the three roles have to do during this fight.
- Use your active mitigation cooldowns to avoid the debuffs applied by Rik'kal and Xaril.
- Beware of debuffs that prevent you from tanking certain bosses
(such as
Hewn or
Exposed Veins).
- Beware of abilities that are particularly damaging to you
(such as
Mutilate or
Shield Bash/
Vicious Assault combinations).
- Face Korven the Prime away from the raid.
- Beware of the various abilities that deal burst tank damage such as
Mutilate or
Shield Bash/
Vicious Assault combinations).
- Heal raid members who are taking particularly high damage (players transformed into Amber Scorpions, players targeted by Amber Parasites).
- While Iyyokuk the Lucid is alive, do not allow any players to be
below 25% health (since
Diminish would instantly kill them).
- Be aware of which targets have a very high priority. Specifically, switch target very promptly to amber blocks, Hungry Kunchongs, Bloods, and Amber Parasites.
- Avoid the many ground effects present in the fight, and be sure to spread out or stack up as necessary.
- When a player is targeted by
Aim, form a line between them and the boss to soak some of the damage.
Helpful Abilities
Here is a quick list of the helpful abilities your raid members can gain by interacting with the Klaxxi Paragon corpses.
Boss | Ability | Role | Summary |
Korven the Prime | ![]() |
tank | targeted 5-second immunity |
Iyyokuk the Lucid | ![]() |
healer | heals copied to players of same race/class |
Xaril the Poisoned Mind | ![]() |
healer | heals create healing burst on target, triggered on damage |
Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver | ![]() |
DPS | leap forward, dealing damage in an area |
Ka'roz the Locust | ![]() |
DPS | jump to platform above raid, throw down damaging amber |
Skeer the Bloodseeker | ![]() |
DPS | attack have a chance to create healing orbs on the ground |
Hisek the Swarmkeeper | ![]() |
DPS | deal damage and debuff target to take increased damage |
Kaz'tik the Manipulator | ![]() |
any | summon a minion to fight by your side |
Rik'kal the Dissector | ![]() |
any | turn into Amber Scorpion with special abilities/more damage |
Heroic Mode
The Heroic mode of the Paragons of the Klaxxi is one of the most difficult encounters in the Siege of Orgrimmar, and once which requires near-perfect execution from your raid.
Differences From Normal Mode
As with all Heroic modes, the enemies have increased damage and health.
In addition to this, there are several small changes to existing mechanics, as well as a few new (but still quite small) mechanics.
- Skeer now summons one additional blood in each raid size (3 in 10-man and 4 in 25-man).
- Players turned into Amber Scorpions by Rik'kal can only exit the Scorpion form by using Prey to consume an Amber Parasite. Failing to do so will result in death.
- Hisek uses a new ability called
Rapid Fire. He creates many balls of light that slowly move outward from his location. Players who come in contact with these balls take high damage.
- The block of amber created by Korven's
Encase in Amber is no longer killable by raid members.
- Iyyokuk's
Insane Calculation: Fiery Edge is somewhat more challenging. Each player that is targeted is now linked to two other players by the lines of fire, and Iyyokuk now selects more targets than in Normal mode.
- The buff that healers gain from interacting with Iyyokuk's corpse now causes heals to be copied to all raid members who share the class of the initial target (as opposed to their race in Normal mode).
- The effects that Xaril triggers on players affected by
Toxic Injection are completely different. Xaril no longer triggers an effect on players affected by any one colour (red, blue, or yellow), but instead triggers an effect on orange, purple, or green. When orange is triggered, all players who have the red and yellow colours will be affected. When purple is triggered, all players who have the red or blue colours will be affected. Finally, when green is triggered, all players who have the blue or yellow colours will be affected. The effects are as follows:
- Orange causes raid members to have a halo form in a circle around them, expanding outwards, and damaging all raid members who are hit by it. Players are not damaged by their own halo.
- Purple causes raid members to be forced to run forward for about 5 seconds (during which time they can still change their direction). During this time, they will constantly leave damaging purple fiery void zones behind them, which last for 40 seconds.
- Green causes small gas clouds to spawn and move around. Players who come in contact with the clouds are affected by a 9-second DoT, and also receive a stacking debuff that increases the damage that they take from the clouds. The clouds disappear on their own after a certain amount of time, but each time a player comes in contact with them, their size shrinks, and when a cloud has damaged players 3 times, it immediately disappears.
- Kil'ruk has a new ability called Reave, which is a channeled spell that he casts. During this channel, he will pull all raid members to him and deal damage to players who are in a small radius around him. Running away from him greatly mitigates the pulling effect.
Finally, it is important to note that in Heroic mode, the Paragons no longer gain a damage buff when one Paragon is killed, but instead all active Paragons gain an 8% increase in damage done every 50 seconds, for the entire duration of the encounter.
In Heroic mode, there is an ideal kill order. This kill order also ties into particular strategy elements for each combination of boss abilities, all of which will be detailed below. You can try out different kill orders, though.
Given the recommended kill order, there is a number of steps that your raid will go through while executing the fight.
Skeer, Rik'kal, and Hisek
The first thing your raid should do is move away from the center of the
room. Hisek will be standing there (he cannot be moved, since he is not
tankable), and his Rapid Fire is much easier to avoid if raid members
are not close to Hisek when he casts this spell.
Skeer and Rik'kal cannot be tanked by the same tank (since the debuff applied by Skeer causes the tank to take increased damage from Rik'kal, and vice-versa).
The next step is to kill Skeer the Bloodseeker. While doing so, however, two things are worth mentioning.
First of all, you should bring either Hisek or Rik'kal down to about 90% health before DPSing Skeer. This will cause the Bloods that spawn to head to the damage boss, healing it, instead of healing your kill target. A second set of Bloods may spawn before Skeer dies (if your DPS is not high enough), and you will need to slow and stun these to prevent them from reaching Skeer before he dies.
Second of all, Rik'kal must be allowed to successfully cast
Injection on the tank once, which in turn will spawn a wave of
Amber Parasites. This means that Rik'kal's tank should not use their
active mitigation in such a way as to block the application of the debuff.
This is important because each time Rik'kal turns a raid member into an
Amber Scorpion, this player needs to kill an Amber Parasite (by using their
Prey ability) to exit the Amber Scorpion and avoid dying.
The Amber Parasites cannot be tanked, but they are susceptible to crowd-control and slows, so you should just keep them around so raid members who are turned into Amber Scorpions can use them when needed.
Ka'roz Enters
Once Skeer dies, Ka'roz will enter the fight. At this point, you will be killing Rik'kal while dealing with the abilities of the bosses.
Rik'kal's tank should now use active mitigation cooldowns to prevent and
further Injection applications. Once Rik'kal is dead (and no more
players will be turned into Scorpions), it is safe to kill any remaining
Amber Parasites.
Ka'roz will charge around the room using his Flash ability, and he
must be avoided as much as possible. Whenever he leaps up onto of the
platforms, in preparation for casting his Hurl Amber void zones, raid
members must be very quick to move if a void zone is cast on them. Ideally,
players should stand near the edges of the room during these stages, so that
the void zones do not land in undesirable areas.
Korven Enters
Korven is the next kill target. As soon as he enters, you should begin DPSing him. There are only two things worth noting about this stage of the fight.
Firstly, your tanks will need to perform a tank switch on Korven, since
the damage of his Vicious Assault will end up killing a tank otherwise.
Second of all, in order to avoid Korven protecting himself with
Encase in Amber (which, again, cannot be killed in Heroic mode), you will
need to bait the boss into using Encase in Amber on a different Paragon.
So, you should bring Korven to roughly 55% health, then bring another one of
the other two Paragons below 50% health (causing Korven to encase them in
amber), and then quickly finish off Korven.
Iyyokuk Enters
Once Korven dies and Iyyokuk enters the fight, you will kill Hisek. By this point Hisek's stacking buff will have reached a high number of stacks, meaning that he is too dangerous to leave alive any longer.
Since Iyyokuk has no new abilities, nothing of note is to be said about this
stage of the fight. Keep in mind, though, that Insane Calculation: Fiery Edge
deals considerably more damage (and to more players), so spreading out while
this spell is active is very important. You should consider using raid
cooldowns as well, especially later on in the fight when Iyyokuk's damage is
Xaril Enters
As soon as Xaril enters the fight, you must kill him. Dealing with his abilities is not very complicated, although their damage is very high so you must be careful.
When Xaril triggers the orange colour, then all raid members must spread out and make sure not to come in contact with any of the halos. When he triggers purple, everyone should try to move in a small area and place the fiery void zones in a contained fashion. When green is triggered, players will need to avoid the gas clouds.
Kaz'tik Enters
As soon as Kaz'tik enters the fight, you must kill him. Again, dealing with the abilities of the bosses at this stage of the fight is not complicated, and there is really nothing more to add here.
Kil'ruk Enters
When Kil'ruk enters the fight, it is important that he is not picked up by the tank who was tanking Xaril, since this tank will be debuffed to take increased damage from Kil'rul.
Players will have to run away from Kil'ruk whenever he is casting Reave, but aside from this, nothing much changes from Normal mode.
At this point of the fight, the kill order of the remaining bosses does not matter very much. We advise you to kill Iyyokuk and then Ka'roz, since they have been around for a long time by now, and their damage increase has reached substantial amounts. Finally, just finish off the fight by killing Kil'ruk.
Learning the Fight
Due to the very large number of abilities used against your raid, and due to the fact that in any given lockout, you have no choice over the order in which the abilities are presented to you, we feel that you will have to patiently work on mastering each and every ability in the fight.
Concluding Remarks
This concludes our raid guide for the Paragons of the Klaxxi. We hope you have found it helpful. Please do not hesitate to post any feedback you may have on our forums.
- 03 Feb. 2013: Added Heroic mode strategy, and made a few edits to the Normal mode strategy.
- 23 Oct. 2013: Updated Enrage Timer section (previously, it was listing the Spoils of Pandaria enrage timer).
- 08 Oct. 2013: Added link to video guide.
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