Patch 8.1.5 Change Summary (BfA 8.1.5)
Whether you are a new player starting in March of 2019, took a large break and are coming back for Patch 8.1.5, or are a veteran player and want to make sure you are not missing anything from the new patch, you have come to the right place! See below for our Patch 8.1.5 change summary with links to all of our relevant guides!
New Allied Races: Zandalari Trolls & Kul Tiran Humans
Finally, after a long wait, we are receiving access to the flagship allied races for the Battle for Azeroth expansion! All information about these two new allied races can be found in our Allied Races Guide.
New Raid: The Crucible of Storms
There will be one new raid released on April 16 during Patch 8.1.5. The raid will be the Crucible of Storms. The Crucible of Storms will be a two encounter raid, where each boss drops a series of gear with unique affixes!
Island Expeditions New Loot
New loot has come to the Island Expeditions with new Bind-on-Account gear. These
new items can be purchased using your Seafarer's Dubloon and can be found in our
Island Expeditions Guide.
Warlords of Draenor Timewalking
Six new Timewalking dungeons will be released in the rotating cycle of Timewalking dungeons from the expansion Warlords of Draenor. These dungeons will become available for the first time in May 2019.
War Campaign Story
The War Campaign for the Horde and Alliance efforts continue on each side. Progress in these War Campaigns ultimately play into unlocking the Allied Races. Along with these new quests come new World Quests and Naga Invasions.
Profession Changes
New Tools of the Trade questlines are available for all of the crafting professions, with each quest ending in a unique item. All details of what the items are, do, and how to craft them can be found in our Tools of the Trade Guide.
Brawler's Guild Returns
The Brawler's Guild returns in Patch 8.1.5 to give you a battlefield to test your solo combat capabilities in a bloodbath arena! More detailed information about how to overcome the challenges of the Brawler's Guild can be found in our Brawler's Guild Guide.
Raiding with Leashes VI: Pets of Pandaria
In Patch 8.1.5, you can return to some of your favorite Mists of Pandaria raids to pick up the new 11 pets in the Mogu'shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, and Terrace of the Endless Spring. Completing this achievement awards a unique Sha pet called Happiness.
These pets can be found in Mogu'shan Vaults:
- Stoneclaw —
- Wayward Spirit —
Wayward Spirit
- Comet —
Celestial Gift
- Baoh-Xi —
Mogu Statue
These pets can be found in Heart of Fear:
- Kor'thik Swarmling —
Kor'thik Swarmling
- Amberglow Stinger —
Tiny Amber Wings
- Spawn of Garalon —
Spawn of Garalon
- Living Amber —
Amber Goo Puddle
- Ravenous Prideling —
Essence of Pride
These pets can be found in Terrace of the Endless Spring:
- Azure Windseeker —
Azure Cloud Serpent Egg
- Spirit of the Spring —
Spirit of the Spring
Battlegrounds Remastered & The Return of Wintergrasp
Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch are classic battlegrounds that have been aesthetically improved in Patch 8.1.5. Wintergrasp, a massive battleground from Wrath of the Lich King, has returned as an epic battleground.
- 11 Mar. 2019: Guide added.
BfA Guides
Patch 8.3 Profession Changes
- Holy Paladin Finally Gets Buffed — Big Class Tuning Arrives Today
- Last-Minute Hotfix Targets Holy Paladin’s Beacon of Light Performance Issue
- Earn an Item Level 649 Piece This Week from a Simple Weekly Quest!
- Player Scores Swift Zulian Tiger on the Black Market for Only 70k Gold
- Patch 11.1.5 Release Date Confirmed by Blizzard Through Guild Name Change Update
- Elemental Shaman Buffs – How Big Are They?
- Holy Priest Just Got Stronger — Big Buffs Coming March 25th Reset
- Blizzard Revives Hardcore Characters Affected by DDoS Attacks