Patch 8.3 Lesser Visions Guide (BfA 8.3)
Lesser Visions are part of the new Assaults on Uldum and the Valley of Eternal
Blossoms. These are entered through a portal in the area being assaulted and show
the future of the zone if N'Zoth wins and conquers Azeroth. You can get various
rewards from completing them, including Breath of Everlasting Spirit,
Corrupted Mementos
Coalescing Visions.
What are Lesser Visions?
Lesser Visions of N'Zoth are miniature versions of Horrific Visions, and are accessible from portals located in Assaults zones.
Within these areas, players will fight off minions of N'Zoth, who often consist of corrupted faction members, rescue souls spread among the area, and complete quests such as Minions of N'Zoth.
Note that you can only enter a Lesser Vision when the area is being assaulted.
The portals you can interact with to enter the Lesser Visions are:
- within Uldum, to the close Northeast of where you arrive via capital city portal, in the 55,31 map coordinates;
- within the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, to the close North of the main Pandaria hub, in the 84, 51 map coordinates.
Goals and Quests
The main goal is to finish your daily quests, which are given by a NPC standing near the entrance. Because you can only enter a Lesser Vision once per day, make sure to grab all the quests before entering and also to finish them before exiting the vision by clicking on an obelisk near the place you entered at.
Your time inside the Vision is limited by your (1000) Sanity bar, similar to how Horrific Visions operate, but it drains at a much slower pace of 3 sanity / second and your Legendary Cloak will allow you to stay in the Lesser Vision for longer, by decreasing the amount of sanity drained every second.
The quests you will can be given are:
- Vanquishing the Darkness is a typical bar quest, which you will fill by killing enemies and interacting with various things in the vision;
- Visions of a Dark Destiny requires you to collect 100
Corrupted Mementos inside the vision, which come from killing enemies and looting chests;
- Preventative Measures can be completed by clicking 3 void portals inside the vision;
- A Dark, Glaring Reality gives you a quest item,
Darksight Potion which allows you to see the enemies you must kill to finish it;
- Minions of N'Zoth is completed once you kill 20 minions of N'Zoth inside the vision;
- A Hand in the Dark asks that you save 8 friendly souls inside the vision.
Unlike most daily content, rewards depend on how many times you did the
Lesser Visions in a given week, with a disproportionate reward being given for
the first weekly completion: 1 Breath of Everlasting Spirit, 50
Corrupted Mementos
and 3000
Coalescing Visions.
Further completions of the daily quests in the week reward 1500 Coalescing Visions
and 30
Corrupted Mementos every day, adding up to a total of 10.500
Coalescing Visions
and 210
Corrupted Mementos if you never miss Lesser Visions dailies, which
is more than enough for a
Vessel of Horrific Visions, allowing for extra Legendary Cloak
upgrades in a single week if you are behind on quests.
Players are also able to gain small amounts Corrupted Mementos and
Coalescing Visions when looting enemies or chests inside the
You can find an example video of a Lesser Vision run by XinYenFon here. In this video, he was mostly exploring with a maxed out cloak but it should give you and idea of what you will find inside if you stick around and explore.
For more information on what you can find in the Assaults zones, check out our complete Assaults guide!
- 02 Feb. 2020: Updated guide with the buffed reward values.
- 14 Jan. 2020: Guide added.
BfA Guides
Patch 8.3 Profession Changes
This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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