Pilgrim's Bounty 2022 Guide for World of Warcraft
Table of Contents
The Pilgrim's Bounty event is the World of Warcraft counterpart of
Thanksgiving. As a consequence, it always happens in November, around the
time of Thanksgiving.
Even though the event lasts a whole week, it only contains a handful of achievements to complete. For many players, the main incentive for participating is the very easy and very cheap Cooking skill-up (from 1 to 430) that the event offers.
Also, the meta-achievement for completing the Pilgrim's Bounty does not
count towards What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been.
The event received no changes in 2022.
New in 2021?
In 2021, the celebration overlaps with the 17-year anniversary event
and the The Spirit of Sharing buff stacks with
Celebration Package,
resulting in up to 27% increased Experience gains.
Venthyr players can make use of Theotar's Neverending Feast
buff inside the Ember Court by interacting with Theotar's Feast. The
buff increases Friendship gains with guests by up to 100% for the run.
Members of the Night Fae Covenant can obtain a turkey crittershape
( Turkey Soul) by interacting with feasts found at the entrances to
major cities. You must have the
The Spirit of Sharing buff and 5 other buffs
on you to unlock the crittershape —
Feast On Cranberries,
Feast On Pie,
Feast On Stuffing,
Feast On Sweet Potatoes, and
Feast On Turkey. You will get a designated buff by interacting with specific
feasts on the table. After having collected all buffs, you must eat each food
one more time in order to receive the crittershape.
The Pilgrim's Bounty event provides with a variety of tasks to complete, which can be broken down as follows:
- Doing cooking quests, for the
Now We're Cookin' achievement;
- Doing daily quests;
- Sitting at Bountiful Tables.
A number of achievements will automatically be obtained while doing these tasks. For the remaining achievements, we explain how you should proceed.
Most of the event can be completed by characters of any level, provided that they have a high enough cooking skill (280). This is usually not a problem since the event enables you to easily increase your cooking skill from 1 to 430.
One of the achievements requires players to venture in an Outland dungeon (on normal difficulty), something that requires level 55.
The event revolves around 5 types of food. As we keep mentioning them during the guide, we felt best to list them at the beginning of the guide:
Spice Bread Stuffing;
Pumpkin Pie;
Cranberry Chutney;
Candied Sweet Potato;
Slow-Roasted Turkey.
You will find Pilgrim's Bounty NPCs and Bountiful Tables in each of the main capital cities:
Darnassus (A) | Exodar (A) |
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Ironforge (A) | Stormwind (A) |
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Orgrimmar (H) | Silvermoon City (H) |
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Thunder Bluff (H) | Undercity (H) |
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In addition, you will find Bountiful Tables in many villages:
- Alliance
- Azure Watch, Chillwind Camp, Dolanaar, Goldshire, Kharanos, Westfall, and Wildhammer Keep;
- Horde
- Bloodhoof Village, Brill, Falconwing Square, Hammerfall, Razor Hill, Revantusk Village, Sepulcher, Shadowprey Village, Stonard, Tarren Mill, and Tranquillien;
- Neutral
- Light's Hope Chapel and Ruins of Thaurissan.
The event lasts for a week, but most achievements can be completed on
the first day. Only Turkey Lurkey requires you to play for a second and a
third day (to get the items you need to complete it).
For 2014, the event will start on the 24th of November and will end on the 1st of December.
The Pilgrim's Bounty only has one vanity pet and a few achievements to rewards players participating in it. There is also a reputation buff that some players will be interested in.
The Spirit of Sharing is obtained by interacting with Bountiful Tables
(see the related section of the guide). The reputation buff that it gives will
interest players who are keen on grinding reputation.
Vanity Items
Turkey Cage used to be the only item rewarded by the Pilgrim's Bounty event. The
2014 event added a
Frightened Bush Chicken (second pet), a
Silver-Plated Turkey Shooter (toy), and a
Fine Pilgrim's Hat
(cosmetic hat for transmogrification purposes).
As of 2017, the following items (which you can get while doing the daily quests) can be used for transmogrification while the event is active:
Pilgrim's Hat;
Pilgrim's Attire;
Pilgrim's Dress;
Pilgrim's Robe;
Pilgrim's Boots.
Achievements and Title
Now We're Cookin';
Pilgrim's Paunch;
Pilgrim's Peril;
Pilgrim's Progress;
Sharing is Caring;
Terokkar Turkey Time;
The Turkinator;
Turkey Lurkey;
Pilgrim: meta-achievement that requires all the other ones; it grants the The Pilgrim title and a
Turkey Cage pet. This achievement does not count towards
What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been.
Do Not Forget Your Chef's Hat
This event involves a lot of cooking, so if you have obtained
a Chef's Hat (sold in Dalaran for 100 Dalaran Cooking Awards), do not forget
to use it!
Introductory Quests
Pilgrim's Bounty (Alliance/Horde) is given by commoners in capital cities and smaller towns. It takes you to the main Pilgrim's Bounty area for your faction: Stormwind for Alliance players and Undercity for Horde players.
After completing it, you can take Sharing a Bountiful Feast (Sharing a Bountiful Feast/Sharing a Bountiful Feast), which will give you a first experience at sitting at a Bountiful Table.
After completing these two quests, you are all set to enter the event.
The "Now We're Cookin'" Achievement
Obtaining the Now We're Cookin' achievement requires a cooking skill of at least 280.
First of all, you will need to purchase a
Bountiful Cookbook (Alliance/Horde) from
Wilmina Holbeck just outside of Stormwind (Alliance) or
Dalni Tallgrass just outside of Orgrimmar (Horde). This cookbook
contains the 5 recipes that you will need to learn to complete
the achievement:
Recipe: Spice Bread Stuffing (Alliance/Horde)
Recipe: Pumpkin Pie (Alliance/Horde)
Recipe: Cranberry Chutney (Alliance/Horde)
Recipe: Candied Sweet Potato (Alliance/Horde)
Recipe: Slow-Roasted Turkey (Alliance/Horde)
All of these recipes count for the Chef de Cuisine achievement (and
all the other lesser achievements of the same kind).
Once you have learned all the recipes, you need to cook them. All of these recipes, save one, have one ingredient that can only be bought in a specific capital city. Therefore, you will need to visit three of your capital cities to get this achievement. At the same time, you can also do the quest chain started by Spice Bread Stuffing (Alliance / Horde).
- Spice Bread Stuffing (Alliance / Horde) (Stormwind/Undercity)
- Cooking this item requires:
Spice Bread, the ingredients of which can be bought from a Pilgrim's Bounty vendor;
Autumnal Herbs (which can be bought from the Pilgrim's Bounty vendors outside of capital cities, as the tooltip says.
- Make 10 Spice Bread Stuffings. 5 are needed to complete Spice Bread Stuffing (Alliance / Horde) and 5 are needed to complete another quest later on in the chain.
- Hand in the food and get the follow-up quest, Pumpkin Pie (Alliance / Horde).
- Cooking this item requires:
- Pumpkin Pie (Alliance / Horde) (Stormwind -> Ironforge / Undercity -> Orgrimmar)
- Cooking this item requires:
Honey, sold by Pilgrim's Bounty vendors outside of capital cities;
Ripe Elwynn Pumpkin/
Ripe Tirisfal Pumpkin, sold by the Pilgrim's Bounty vendor outside Stormwind/Undercity.
- Make 10 (5 if you play Horde) Pumpkin Pies. 5 are needed to complete Pumpkin Pie (Alliance / Horde) and 5 are needed, if you play Alliance, to complete another quest later on in the chain.
- Go to Ironforge/Orgrimmar to hand in the food and get the follow-up quest, Cranberry Chutney (Alliance / Horde).
- Cooking this item requires:
- Cranberry Chutney (Alliance / Horde) (Ironforge -> Stormwind / Orgrimmar -> Thunder Bluff)
- Cooking this item requires:
Honey, sold by Pilgrim's Bounty vendors outside of capital cities;
Tangy Wetland Cranberries/
Tangy Southfury Cranberries, sold by the Pilgrim's Bounty vendor outside Ironforge/Orgrimmar.
- Make 10 (5 if you play Alliance) Cranberry Chutneys. 5 are needed to complete Cranberry Chutney (Alliance / Horde) and 5 are needed, if you play Horde, to complete another quest later on in the chain.
- Go to Stormwind/Orgrimmar to hand in the food and get the follow-up quest, They're Ravenous In Darnassus (Alliance) or Candied Sweet Potatoes (Horde).
- Cooking this item requires:
- Alliance: They're Ravenous In Darnassus (Stormwind -> Darnassus)
- This quest requires you to go to Darnassus and hand in the extra food we made you cook during the previous steps. Then, you will get the follow-up quest, Candied Sweet Potatoes.
- Alliance: Candied Sweet Potatoes (Darnassus -> Stormwind)
- Cooking this item requires:
Autumnal Herbs and
Honey, sold by Pilgrim's Bounty vendors outside of capital cities;
Teldrassil Sweet Potato, sold by the Pilgrim's Bounty vendor in Darnassus.
- Make 5 Candied Sweet Potatoes.
- Go to Stormwind.
- Complete the Candied Sweet Potatoes quest and get the follow up quest (Slow-roasted Turkey).
- Cooking this item requires:
- Horde: Candied Sweet Potatoes (Thunder Bluff -> Orgrimmar)
- Cooking this item requires:
Autumnal Herbs and
Honey, sold by Pilgrim's Bounty vendors outside of capital cities;
Mulgore Sweet Potato, sold by the Pilgrim's Bounty vendor in Thunder Bluff.
- Make 5 Candied Sweet Potatoes.
- Go to Orgrimmar.
- Complete the Candied Sweet Potatoes quest and get the follow up quest (Undersupplied in the Undercity).
- Cooking this item requires:
- Horde: Undersupplied in the Undercity (Orgrimmar -> Undercity)
- This quest requires you to go to Undercity and hand in the extra food we made you cook during the previous steps. Then, you will get the follow-up quest, Slow-roasted Turkey.
- Slow-roasted Turkey (Alliance / Horde) (Stormwind -> Darnassus / Undercity -> Orgrimmar)
- Cooking this item requires:
Autumnal Herbs and 2
Honey, sold by Pilgrim's Bounty vendors outside of capital cities;
- Wild Turkey, creatures that can be found all over Elwynn Forest and Tirisfal Glades. Hunters and Druids
can track them with Track Beasts. Other classes can track them by eating
Tracker Snacks.
- Make 5 Slow-roasted Turkeys then go to Darnassus/Orgrimmar to complete the quest chain and
obtain your 7-day vanity item:
Turkey Caller.
- Cooking this item requires:
Leveling Cooking Skill Up To 430
You can use the cooking recipes from the Now We're Cookin' achievement
to easily level up a character's cooking skill up to 430, as the
ingredients can be bought without limit from the vendors and at a very
low cost.
- Make
Spice Bread Stuffing until you reach a Cooking skill of 100.
- Make
Pumpkin Pie until you reach a Cooking skill of 160.
- Make
Cranberry Chutney until you reach a Cooking skill of 220.
- Make
Candied Sweet Potato until you reach a Cooking skill of 280.
- Make
Slow-Roasted Turkey until you reach a Cooking skill of 430.
Daily Quests
The Pilgrim's Bounty event comes with 5 daily quests for which you need to have learned the 5 cooking recipes that the event offers (see the previous section):
- Don't Forget The Stuffing! (Alliance / Horde);
- Easy As Pie (Alliance / Horde);
- She Says Potato (Alliance / Horde);
- We're Out of Cranberry Chutney Again? (Alliance / Horde);
- Can't Get Enough Turkey (Alliance / Horde).
Each time you complete one of these daily quests, you get +150 reputation with a capital city of your faction and you can choose 1 of 6 possible rewards:
Pilgrim's Hat;
Pilgrim's Attire;
Pilgrim's Dress;
Pilgrim's Robe;
Pilgrim's Boots;
Pilgrim's Bounty, which
- always contains a
Turkey Shooter;
- has a 30% chance to contain each of the food from the event;
- has a 9% chance to contain a
Frightened Bush Chicken,
Silver-Plated Turkey Shooter, or
Fine Pilgrim's Hat.
- always contains a
Mosts of these items are needed to obtain the Pilgrim's Peril,
Terokkar Turkey Time, and
Turkey Lurkey achievements.
Tips for Completing the Daily Quests
Below, you will find instructions for doing the daily quests efficiently (i.e., without having to keep traveling from one capital city to the other).
- Stormwind
- Buy 20
Simple Flour, 20
Mild Spices, and 20
Ripe Elwynn Pumpkin from the Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor.
- Make 20
Spice Bread.
- Take the She Says Potato and We're Out of Cranberry Chutney Again? quests from Jasper Moore and Ellen Moore outside Stormwind.
- Hunt down 20 Wild Turkey in Elwynn Forest.
- Go to the Pilgrim's Bounty area outside Ironforge.
- Buy 20
- Ironforge
- Buy 60
Autumnal Herbs, 100
Honey, and 20
Tangy Wetland Cranberries from the Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor.
- Make 20
Spice Bread Stuffing and 20
Slow-Roasted Turkey.
- Take the Don't Forget The Stuffing! and Can't Get Enough Turkey quests from Caitrin Ironkettle.
- Complete these quests by handing in the 20
Spice Bread Stuffing and 20
Slow-Roasted Turkey that you have just made.
- Go to the Pilgrim's Bounty area in Darnassus.
- Buy 60
- Darnassus
- Buy 20
Teldrassil Sweet Potato from the Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor.
- Make 20
Pumpkin Pie.
- Take the Easy As Pie daily quest from Mary Allerton.
- Complete this quest by handing in the 20
Pumpkin Pie that you have just made.
- Go back to the Pilgrim's Bounty area outside Stormwind.
- Buy 20
- Stormwind (again)
- Make 20
Candied Sweet Potato and 20
Cranberry Chutney.
- Complete She Says Potato and We're Out of Cranberry Chutney Again? by handing in the food that you have just made.
- Make 20
Horde players will need to travel more than Alliance players to complete these quets.
- Orgrimmar
- Buy 20
Simple Flour, 20
Mild Spices, 60
Autumnal Herbs, and 20
Tangy Southfury Cranberries from the Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor.
- Take the Can't Get Enough Turkey and Don't Forget The Stuffing! quests from Ondani Greatmill outside Orgrimmar.
- Make 20
Spice Bread and 20
Spice Bread Stuffing.
- Complete Don't Forget The Stuffing! by handing in the food that you have just made.
- Go to the Pilgrim's Bounty area in the courtyard of Lordaeron, above Undercity.
- Buy 20
- Undercity
- Take the She Says Potato and We're Out of Cranberry Chutney Again? quests from William Mullins and Roberta Carter.
- Buy 100
Honey and 20
Ripe Tirisfal Pumpkin from the Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor.
- Make 20
Cranberry Chutney.
- Complete We're Out of Cranberry Chutney Again? by handing in the food that you have just made.
- Hunt down 20 Wild Turkey in Tirisfal Glades.
- Go to the Pilgrim's Bounty area in Thunder Bluff.
- Thunder Bluff
- Take the Easy As Pie quest from Mahara Goldwheat.
- Make 20
Pumpkin Pie.
- Complete Easy As Pie by handing in the food that you have just made.
- Buy 20
Mulgore Sweet Potato from the Pilgrim's Bounty Vendor.
- Go back to the Pilgrim's Bounty area in the courtyard of Lordaeron, above Undercity.
- Undercity (again)
- Make 20
Candied Sweet Potato.
- Complete She Says Potato by handing in the food that you have just made.
- Go back to the Pilgrim's Bounty area outside of Orgrimmar.
- Make 20
- Orgrimmar (again)
- Make 20
Slow-Roasted Turkey.
- Complete Can't Get Enough Turkey by handing in the food that you have just made.
- Make 20
Pilgrim's Progress
Doing all the daily quests will automatically complete the
Pilgrim's Progress achievement.
Terokkar Turkey Time
To complete
Terokkar Turkey Time, simply wear a
Pilgrim's Hat
together with a
Pilgrim's Dress, a
Pilgrim's Robe, or a
Pilgrim's Attire, and, in this outfit, go kill Talon King Ikiss in
Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls.
Turkey Lurkey
To complete Turkey Lurkey, you need to use the
Turkey Shooter from the daily quest on 10 rogues, each of a different
race. Note that the Turkey Shooter only has one use, so you will need 10
of them to complete the achievement.
Finding rogues of your faction should not be problematic. For rogues of the opposing faction, we advise you to try the battlegrounds, the opposing faction capital in Pandaria, the daily quest locations for the various Mists of Pandaria factions, and the Timeless Isle.
Bountiful Tables
Bountiful Tables are found outside capital and minor cities during
the Pilgrim's
Bounty event. There are 4 achievements that you can get by interacting
with them:
Pilgrim's Paunch,
Sharing is Caring,
Pilgrim's Peril.
Before explaining how to get the achievements, it is important that we detail how these tables work.
How Does It Work?
Bountiful Tables are made for you to sit at them. To this end, each table is equipped with 5 chairs on which you can sit down, each of them allowing you to interact with a different kind of Pilgrim's Bounty food:
- The Stuffing Chair for interacting with Spice Bread Stuffing;
- The Pie Chair for interacting with Pumpkin Pie;
- The Cranberry Chair for interacting with Cranberry Chutney;
- The Sweet Potato Chair for interacting with Candied Sweet Potato;
- The Turkey Chair for interacting with Slow-roasted Turkey;
In front of each chair, you will find a plate (possibly empty).
When you sit on a chair, you get a new action bar that enables you to do the following:

- Button 1 will pass around a bit of food associated to your chair
(Pumpkin Pie on The Pie Chair, for example):
- If you are targeting an empty chair, then you will deposit food in the plate in front of this chair.
- If you are targeting a player sitting right next to you, then you will deposit food in their plate.
- If you are targeting a player sitting on the opposite side of the table or sitting at another table, then you will throw food at their face.
- Buttons 2 to 6 will make you eat a kind of food, if someone
from a different chair had put some on your plate (by using their Button
1 and targeting your plate) or if you are sitting at the food's chair.
- Button 2: Slow-roasted Turkey;
- Button 3: Cranberry Chutney;
- Button 4: Spice Bread Stuffing;
- Button 5: Candied Sweet Potato;
- Button 6: Pumpkin Pie.
Find a Bountiful Table with at least one other player sitting at it. Sit down
at this table on the opposite side from this player.
Target this player (or the chair they are sitting on), and pass
them food (press the Button 1) repeatedly until you get the "FOOD FIGHT!"
achievement (only a handful of attempts are usually necessary).
Sharing is Caring
Note that you can do the Sharing is Caring achievement while completing
Pilgrim's Paunch,
as we explain in the next section.
To complete Sharing is Caring, you need to pass each
of the 5 kinds of food that you can find at a Bountiful Table. The easy
way to do it is to find an empty table and sit down on each of the
5 chairs, each time passing the food associated with the chair.
Pilgrim's Paunch
To complete the Pilgrim's Paunch achievement, you need to
eat the 5 kinds of food at a Bountiful Table, 5 times (this give the
The Spirit of Sharing buff), outside each of the
capital cities of your faction.
The easy way to do it is to sit down on every chair at an empty
Bountiful Table, every time passing the food to the plate in front
of the 5th chair on which you will sit. When you sit down on the last chair,
you can eat all the food that you have been passing 5 times. This also
enables you to complete Sharing is Caring, if you pass the
food from the 5th chair.
Pilgrim's Peril
To complete the Pilgrim's Peril achievement, you need to sit at a Bountiful Table
in each of the capital cities of the enemy faction, while wearing either
Pilgrim's Dress, a
Pilgrim's Robe, or a
Pilgrim's Attire (obtained
by doing the daily quests, see section above):
- For Alliance: Orgrimmar, Undercity, Thunder Bluff, and Silvermoon City.
- For Horde: Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, Exodar.
In most cities, completing the objective will be made easier by the fact that the Pilgrim's Bounty area is outside the city. In Darnassus, however, the event area is inside the city, at the Warrior's Terrace.
To make it easier to reach the tables, you can use a Lesser Invisibility Potion
or do your attempts early in the morning.
The Last Achievement: The Turkinator
Completing the
The Turkinator requires you to kill 40 Wild Turkey
while never allowing 30 seconds to elapse between two successive
kills. Basically, each time you kill a turkey, you get a new stack of
a 30-second buff. If you allow the buff to drop, you have to start over.
If you reach 40 stacks, you earn the achievement.
We do not advise you to attempt this achievement during peak hours, as you will struggle to find Wild Turkey in Elwynn Forest or Tirisfal Glades (the only places where they spawn).
Go for the achievement early in the morning or late at night. Additionally, if your server has a very low population for the opposing faction, you can go to their area to hunt for the turkeys. If you are Alliance, try your luck in Tirisfal Glades. If you are Horde, try your luck in Elwynn Forest. The Venomweb Vale in Tirisfal Glades is perfect for the achievement, according to one of our readers.
A final piece of advice is to use a macro along the lines of:
- /tar Wild Turkey
- /cast Ice Lance
Replace Ice Lance by whatever instant-cast ranged ability you want to
use to kill the turkeys.
Hunters and Druids can track these beasts by using Track Beasts, while other classes
can do so by eating Tracker Snacks.
By the time you reach this conclusion, you should have earned
all the possible achievements and the Turkey Cage reward that this
event has to offer. We hope that you found the guide satisfactory and if
you have any remarks, we would be glad if you could leave them as a comment
- 21 Nov. 2022: No updates needed for 2022.
- 24 Nov. 2021: Updated with Ember Court buff and Turkey Crittershape.
- 23 Nov. 2021: Updated for 2021.
- 29 Nov. 2019: No updates needed for 2019.
- 19 Nov. 2018: No update needed for 2018.
- 20 Nov. 2017: Cosmetic items can be used for transmogrification during the event.
- 21 Nov. 2016: No update needed for 2016.
- 25 Nov. 2014: Updated for 2014. Added new items that you can obtain from daily quests.
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