What to Do Before the War Within Launch (Comprehensive Guide)

Last updated on Jul 31, 2024 at 16:25 by Stan 2 comments

The following guide covers rewards that will be permanently removed from the game when the War Within pre-patch and expansion will launch.


Harder to Get Items in the War Within Pre-Patch

All 3 Dragonflight raids will be Awakened at the same time until the expansion launches on August 26, making it harder to obtain the Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of the Blazing Icon Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of the Blazing, Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of the Storm-Eater Icon Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of the Storm-Eater customizations.


What's Going Away in the War Within Pre-Patch?

When the War Within Pre-Patch arrives, select achievements, rewards, titles, and customizations will no longer be obtainable, so you will want to take some time to do them before it is too late. This mostly applies to Mythic+ and PvP, as the ongoing season will conclude on July 23/24.


Fyrakk Ahead of the Curve Mount

Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of Shadowflame Icon Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of Shadowflame will continue to drop until Season 2 ends on Heroic Difficulty, but it is removed with the pre-patch.


Cutting Edge Fyrakk Achievement

With the release of the pre-patch, Cutting Edge: Fyrakk the Blazing Icon Cutting Edge: Fyrakk the Blazing achievement will no longer be attainable.


Draconic Hero Mythic+ Title

The Mythic+ leaderboards will lock at 10:00 pm PDT the night before maintenance in each region on July 22 at 10:00 pm PDT for NA and July 23 at 22:00 CEST for EU. With the season's end, ratings that qualify for the 0.1% Draconic Hero title and Draconic Hero: Dragonflight Season 4 Icon Draconic Hero: Dragonflight Season 4 achievement will be recorded. You will receive the title in the following weeks after the season ends.


Gladiator Mount

Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Draconic Gladiator Icon Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Draconic Gladiator, the Season 2 gladiator mount, will no longer be attainable. The mount's a full transformation for the Highland Drake Icon Highland Drake.


PvP Achivements and Titles

The Draconic Legend: Dragonflight Season 4 Icon Draconic Legend: Dragonflight Season 4 rewarding the Draconic Legend title will be removed alongside Draconic Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 4 Icon Draconic Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 4 and the Draconic Gladiator title. The Combatant, Challenger, Rival, and Duelist titles will no longer be obtainable.


The War Within Season 2 PvP Elite Weapon and Transmog Sets

The Season 2 sets currently available for purchase for Mark of Honor Icon Mark of Honor in Valdrakken will be removed. You can buy Orboreal Distinguishment Icon Orboreal Distinguishment containing 5 Marks of Honor for 2,000 Honor from Seltherex in Valdrakken.


PvP Cosmetics

Draconic Gladiator's Prestigious Cloak Icon Draconic Gladiator's Prestigious Cloak from Legend: Dragonflight Season 4 Icon Legend: Dragonflight Season 4, Draconic Gladiator's Tabard Icon Draconic Gladiator's Tabard and Draconic Legend's Pennant Icon Draconic Legend's Pennant from Elite: Dragonflight Season 4 Icon Elite: Dragonflight Season 4 will be removed along with the Verdant Weapon Illusion.


What's Going Away at War Within Expansion Launch?

The following rewards will be available during the War Within pre-patch but will be gone when the expansion goes live.


Infinite Armoredon (KSM Mount)

Infinite Armoredon Icon Infinite Armoredon from the Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Four Icon Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Four is going away at launch.

Infinite Armoredon

Mythic+ Dungeon Teleports

When you complete this season's dungeons at Keystone Level 10 or higher, you will receive a dungeon teleport. However, these are going away with the pre-patch.


Slime Cat Mount

When the new expansion goes live, you will no longer be able to buy Jigglesworth, Sr. Icon Jigglesworth, Sr. from Kirioszin for 3 bullions.

Here is what the mount looks like.


Voyaging Wilderling Mount

Fated Raids will no longer exist, and the Voyaging Wilderling's Harness Icon Voyaging Wilderling's Harness mount from the Awakening the Dragonflight Raids Icon Awakening the Dragonflight Raids achievement.


Awakened Hero Title

The Awakened Hero title from Heroic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids Icon Heroic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids will no longer be attainable.


Fated Raids Teleports

Path of the Primal Prison Icon Path of the Primal Prison, Path of the Bitter Legacy Icon Path of the Bitter Legacy and Path of the Scorching Dream Icon Path of the Scorching Dream earned from Mythic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids Icon Mythic: Awakening the Dragonflight Raids will be removed.


Mythic Fyrakk Mount

Mythic Fyrakk currently drops 2 Reins of Anu'relos, Flame's Guidance Icon Reins of Anu'relos, Flame's Guidance as Personal Loot per kill. When the new expansion launches, the drop rate will be reduced to 1%.



  • 31 Jul. 2024: Updated with Fated Raid mounts and teleports.
  • 21 Jul. 2024: Updated with more details.
  • 17 Jul. 2024: Guide added.
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