Priory of the Sacred Flame Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, and Trash

Last updated on Feb 20, 2025 at 01:22 by Petko 2 comments

This page will cover everything you need to know about the Priory of the Sacred Flame Dungeon in the War Within Expansion, including strategies for events, trash, and bosses.


Getting into Priory of the Sacred Flame

Priory of the Sacred Flame is a 70-80 dungeon located in Hallowfall, Khaz Algar.


Priory of the Sacred Flame Location

Priory of the Sacred Flame Location

This guide will be an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital information on how to complete it across all difficulties. We will cover all 3 Boss fights, as well as the most notable trash enemies in the dungeon and their important abilities. If you would like to learn about the rest of the dungeons in The War Within Season 2, please see our overviews linked below. Otherwise, without further ado, let us begin!


Priory of the Sacred Flame Layout


Dungeon Class Buffs and How to Obtain Them

Right at the start of the instance, after the first initial packs, there is a buff located in the middle called Blessing of the Sacred Flame Icon Blessing of the Sacred Flame, which can be exclusively claimed by any Paladin or Priest specialization.

  • The buff lasts for 30 min.
  • The buff enables you to damage spells and abilities to inflict extra Holy damage.
  • The buff does NOT persist through death.
Ol' Waxbeard

Captain Dailcry + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Captain Dailcry

  • Use disturb effects to stop the Defend Icon Defend channel from Arathi Footman.
  • Stop casting before the Arathi Knight's Disrupting Shout Icon Disrupting Shout finishes to prevent you from being interrupted. In addition, they will apply Impale Icon Impale BleedBleeds on random members from your party.
  • Don't step in any of the Caltrops Icon Caltrops of the Fervent Sharpshooter to avoid unnecessary damage. They will continuously damage your party members with Shoot Icon Shoot and Pot Shot Icon Pot Shot.
  • War Lynx will Pounce Icon Pounce on a random member from your party and apply Grievous Rip Icon Grievous Rip BleedBleed effect.
  • Interrupt Fanatical Conjuror's Fireball Icon Fireball and sidestep their Flamestrike Icon Flamestrike cast.
  • Use your crowd-control abilities to stop Devout Priest's Greater Heal Icon Greater Heal. Any spare interrupts should be used for Holy Smite Icon Holy Smite.

There are 3 mini bosses located in the first area, each with a unique set of abilities: Guard Captain Suleyman, High Priest Aemya and Forge Master Damian. Upon death, each of the "mini-bosses" will call out the one of the guards surrounding Captain Dailcry - Elaena Emberlanz, Sergeant Shaynemail and Taener Duelmal, removing the Strength in Numbers Icon Strength in Numbers debuff from the boss (which is likely to be lethal for the whole party) or even worse, Bound by Fate Icon Bound by Fate on MythicMythic difficulty.


Captain Dailcry Guide

Captain Dailcry

Here is what you should know about each of the guards surrounding Captain Dailcry, if, for any reason (I don't recommend this), you decide to pull the boss with all 3 surrounding it:

  • Sergeant Shaynemail will cast Lunging Strike Icon Lunging Strike on your tank, dealing high about of upfront damage and applying a BleedBleed effect. Make sure you stay away from its Brutal Smash Icon Brutal Smash AoE ability to avoid unnecessary damage.
  • Interrupt Taener Duelmal's Cinderblast Icon Cinderblast and Fireball Icon Fireball.
  • At last, Elaena Emberlanz is the least dangerous one, your Healer must pay attention to her Holy Radiance Icon Holy Radiance group-wide damage, your Tank to be mindful of her Divine Judgment Icon Divine Judgment ability and your entire party to interrupt her Repentance Icon Repentance.

All Roles

  • Avoid the Hurl Spear Icon Hurl Spear frontal.
  • Interrupt its Battle Cry Icon Battle Cry Enrage Icon Enrage cast.
  • Use your defensive if you get targeted by the Savage Mauling Icon Savage Mauling cast.


  • Use your active mitigation when Captain Dailcry uses its Pierce Armor Icon Pierce Armor, applying stackable BleedBleed effect.


  • Spot-heal targets that get to be the victim of the Savage Mauling Icon Savage Mauling ability.
  • Make sure to keep everyone healthy after each Holy Radiance Icon Holy Radiance cast from Elaena Emberlanz.

Baron Braunpyke + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Baron Braunpyke

  • Be mindful of the quantity Ardent Paladins you are pulling due to their group-wide damage ability - Sacred Toll Icon Sacred Toll. Also, please stay away from Consecration Icon Consecration ground ability, or ask your tank to move the pack!
  • Zealous Templar will mostly be a danger to you tank through Seal of Light's Fury Icon Seal of Light's Fury. If you do have Purge effect in your team, remove their Templar's Wrath Icon Templar's Wrath buff.

Baron Braunpyke Guide

Baron Braunpyke

All Roles

  • Avoid the initial ground animation of Hammer of Purity Icon Hammer of Purity and its follow-up effect.
  • Interrupt Burning Light Icon Burning Light.
  • Move away from the Castigator's Detonation Icon Castigator's Detonation ground effect after the initial hit of the Castigator's Shield Icon Castigator's Shield.


  • You can help your team soak any existing stacks of Sacrificial Pyre Icon Sacrificial Pyre since the follow-up stackable debuff - Sacrificial Flame Icon Sacrificial Flame does high damage. Be mindful that each time a debuff is taken, it will do a group-wide damage. Magic immunities work like a charm!


  • When the boss reaches 100 energy, he will cast Vindictive Wrath Icon Vindictive Wrath, empowering each of their abilities, which can be extremely dangerous when Sacrificial Flame Icon Sacrificial Flame is active.
  • Top-up people swiftly when Castigator's Shield Icon Castigator's Shield is being cast.

Prioress Murrpray + Trash Mobs in the Area


Notable Trash Before Prioress Murrpray

  • PRIORITY: Interrupt Risen Mage's Fireball Icon Fireball and Fireball Volley Icon Fireball Volley at all times.
  • Move any existing mobs away from Lightspawn's Burst of Light Icon Burst of Light cast to prevent them from being healed (they cast it once they have low HP).
  • Be mindful when facing Sir Braunpyke due to its Radiant Flame Icon Radiant Flame aura & Light Expulsion Icon Light Expulsion that deals group-wide damage.

Prioress Murrpray Boss Guide

Prioress Murrpray

All Roles

  • Interrupt as many Holy Smite Icon Holy Smites as possible.
  • Avoid being hit by the Holy Flame Icon Holy Flame ground visual.
  • If you get targeted by The Sacred Flame Icon The Sacred Flame, keep on moving to avoid any unnecessary damage.
  • Face away during the Blinding Light Icon Blinding Light cast to reduce the incoming damage and avoid being disorientated.
  • When the boss reaches 50%, it will cast Barrier of Light Icon Barrier of Light shielding himself and flying in the upper platform where you must interrupt its Embrace the Light Icon Embrace the Light cast once you break through the absorb.


  • Move the boss away from any holy ground patches left by The Sacred Flame Icon The Sacred Flame.
  • Do your best to control the incoming Arathi Neophyte after the cast of Barrier of Light Icon Barrier of Light.


  • Use your major healing cooldowns during Inner Fire Icon Inner Fire duration, as it will deal group-wide damage.
  • Keep players healthy after each Blinding Light Icon Blinding Light cast.

Priory of the Sacred Flame Loot Table


Captain Dailcry

Type Item Stats
Polearm Glorious Defender's Poleaxe Icon Glorious Defender's Poleaxe Mastery/Haste
Shield Sanctified Priory Wall Icon Sanctified Priory Wall Vers/Crit
Plate Wrist Flameforged Armguard Icon Flameforged Armguard Crit/Haste
Mail Hands Holybound Grips Icon Holybound Grips Haste/Vers
Cloth Waist Honorbound Retainer's Sash Icon Honorbound Retainer's Sash Mastery/Crit
Leather Feet Stalwart Guardian's Boots Icon Stalwart Guardian's Boots Haste/Mastery
Trinket Signet of the Priory Icon Signet of the Priory Str, Int and Agi

Baron Braunpyke

Type Item Stats
1H Mace Hand of Beledar Icon Hand of Beledar Mastery/Crit
Leather Head Helm of the Righteous Crusade Icon Helm of the Righteous Crusade Crit/Mastery
Cloth Chest Zealous Warden's Raiment Icon Zealous Warden's Raiment Vers/Crit
Mail Wrist Consecrated Baron's Bindings Icon Consecrated Baron's Bindings Mastery/Haste
Plate Feet Devoted Plate Walkers Icon Devoted Plate Walkers Vers/Mastery
Trinket Tome of Light's Devotion Icon Tome of Light's Devotion On use effect.

Prioress Murrpray

Type Item Stats
2H Sword Emberbrand Zweihander Icon Emberbrand Zweihander Haste/Vers
1H Mace Starforged Seraph's Mace Icon Starforged Seraph's Mace Crit/Vers
Cloth Head Elysian Flame Crown Icon Elysian Flame Crown Mastery/Vers
Plate Shoulder Reanimator's Pyreforged Shoulders Icon Reanimator's Pyreforged Shoulders Crit/Vers
Leather Chest Seraphic Wraps of the Ordained Icon Seraphic Wraps of the Ordained Vers/Haste
Mail Legs Divine Pyrewalkers Icon Divine Pyrewalkers Crit/Vers
Ring Radiant Necromancer's Band Icon Radiant Necromancer's Band Mastery/Vers
Trinket Bursting Lightshard Icon Bursting Lightshard Int

Priory of the Sacred Flame Achievements

There are 4 total achievements to obtain in Priory of the Sacred Flame:

Achievement Criteria
Priory of the Sacred Flame Icon Priory of the Sacred Flame Defeat Prioress Murrpray in Priory of the Sacred Flame.
Heroic: Priory of the Sacred Flame Icon Heroic: Priory of the Sacred Flame Defeat Prioress Murrpray in Priory of the Sacred Flame on HeroicHeroic difficulty or higher.
Mythic: Priory of the Sacred Flame Icon Mythic: Priory of the Sacred Flame Defeat Prioress Murrpray in Priory of the Sacred Flame on MythicMythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Keystone Hero: Priory of the Sacred Flame Icon Keystone Hero: Priory of the Sacred Flame Complete Priory of the Sacred Flame at MythicMythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit.


  • 20 Feb. 2024: Reviewed and updated for Season 2.
  • 12 Dec. 2024: Reviewed and updated for 11.0.7 Patch.
  • 20 Oct. 2024: Reviewed and update for 11.0.5 Patch.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Page added.
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