Best Alchemical Theory Talent Build Guide for Alchemy in Dragonflight
This page goes into detail on the Alchemical Theory specialization of Dragonflight Alchemy, and will guide you through multiple talent builds capable of covering the various aspects of the tree and profession.
Best Alchemical Theory Talent Builds in Dragonflight
The Alchemical Theory tree has many efficiency gain talents and options for crafting toxic potions and phials, reagents and transmutes.
It is also the starting point for the best personal benefit Alchemy build available, explained below.
Best Alchemy Talents for Raiding and Mythic+
- 5 points into Alchemical Theory for pathing;
- 30 points into Decayology for up to 50% less damage taken from Toxic consumables;
- 10 points into Potion Mastery for pathing;
- 15 points into Frost-Formulated Potions for improved self-healing when you use a potion;
- 10 points into Potion Mastery for further pathing;
- 15 points into Air-Formulated Potions for improved speed boost when you use a potion;
- 10 points into Phial Mastery for pathing;
- 1 point into either Frost-Formulated Phials or Air-Formulated Phials, depending on your favored Phials;
- 10 points into Phial Mastery for further pathing;
- 1 point into Frost-Formulated Phials or Air-Formulated Phials, depending on which you took before.
Decayology is taken first to lower the global damage over time you take
from drinking Toxic potions, although it will unfortunately not work on
potion-specific damage effects, such as the one on Potion of Withering Vitality.
Potion Mastery and its associated talents are taken for their small benefits when you drink a potion.
It can be tough to have enough skill to unlock Phial Mastery as most recipes do not award it, and you are not specialized in researching, leading to a high chance of failed experiments with no skill gain. Consider taking a differently ordered path if you value the increased Phial duration bonuses highly, as it is likely that you will only be able to get 2 out of the 3 tree bonuses in short order.
Best Alchemy Talents for Reagent and Incense Mass-Production
- 5 points into Alchemical Theory for pathing;
- 40 points into Chemical Synthesis for more skill and Multicraft chance and yield;
- 10 points into Alchemical Theory for further pathing;
- 30 points into Inspiring Ambience for more Inspiration chance and effect;
- 10 points into Alchemical Theory for further pathing;
- 30 points into Resourceful Routines for large material savings over time.
While easily overlooked, Omnium Draconis and
Primal Convergent
are essential reagents for a lot of important crafts across all Dragonflight professions
, such as
Elemental Potion of Power. Incenses, especially
Sagacious Incense,
are a fun new addition that can provide mood and also some Inspiration to yourself
and other crafters. Improving the efficiency of crafting these types of items is
relatively quick and, when done at scale, can represent a significant amount of
gold generation.
Best Alchemy Talents for Daily Transmutes
- 5 points into Alchemical Theory for pathing;
- 20 points into Transmutation for lower cooldown on transmutes and the ability to turn one
Awakened Order into one Awakened Fire, Frost, Earth and Air;
- 10 points into Alchemical Theory for further pathing;
- 30 points into Resourceful Routines for large material savings over time when doing the transmutes;
- 10 points into Alchemical Theory for further pathing;
- 20 points into Decayology for the ability to transform
Awakened Decay into multiple rousing pieces of other elements.
A great option for a character you are not looking into actively crafting with,
transmutations incur a large cooldown when used, which goes down with talents and
skill, and can be a great way to make gold, especially with the new Dracothyst
transmute in Season 2! Make sure to use CraftSim
to automatically calculate the profit of each transmute option before starting,
as prices fluctuate regularly.
- 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 02 May 2023: Added Dracothyst to the transmute spec considerations.
- 27 Nov. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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