Artisan's Mettle and Spark of Ingenuity Guide for The War Within

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 00:00 by Seksixeny 1 comment

On this page, you will discover what the critical crafting spark reagents and Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity reagents do, and how to farm more of them for your end game crafts.


Spark of Fortunes Purpose and Farming in The War Within

The Spark of Fortunes Icon Spark of Fortunes is a rare reagent that serves as a time gate to Season 2 combat crafting gear in The War Within. You can get them by doing one of the open-world weekly quests given at the center of Dornogal.

By default, items created with the Spark can go up to 645 item level, but you can add the optional reagents Enchanted Runed Undermine Crest Icon Enchanted Runed Undermine Crest or Enchanted Gilded Undermine Crest Icon Enchanted Gilded Undermine Crest, bought from the Enchanting vendor, in order to make them go up to 658 or 675 item level at maximum quality!

There is also Enchanted Weathered Undermine Crest Icon Enchanted Weathered Undermine Crest, which can be used on basic gear crafts such as Malleable Band Icon Malleable Band without a spark in order to get the gear to up to 629 item level.

To summarize:

Crest Enchanted Crest Source Item Level Range
Weathered Undermine Crest Icon Weathered Undermine Crest Enchanted Weathered Undermine Crest Icon Enchanted Weathered Undermine Crest LFR Awakened Raids and World Content 616 to 629
No Crest Spark of Fortunes Icon Spark of Fortunes alone Weekly Dornogal emissary world quest 632 to 645
Runed Undermine Crest Icon Runed Undermine Crest Enchanted Runed Undermine Crest Icon Enchanted Runed Undermine Crest Heroic Awakened Raids, M+ from 2 to 6 645 to 658
Gilded Undermine Crest Icon Gilded Undermine Crest Enchanted Gilded Undermine Crest Icon Enchanted Gilded Undermine Crest Mythic Awakened Raids, M+ 7 or higher 662 to 675

Spark of Fortunes Icon Spark of Fortunes, while rare, are easy to obtain. You will be able to create one right away in the first week from the starter quests and can obtain another one every other week from there on, allowing you to have a new spark ready for crafting every other week!


Artisan's Acuity Purpose and Farming in The War Within

Artisan's Acuity Icon Artisan's Acuity is a rare reagent used for Recrafting and for high-end profession crafts, most notably in the profession best in slot gear crafts, which require over 200 Acuity per craft!

If you are a crafter, you can get some from Patron NPC work orders, with the rest being obtained from gaining Profession Knowledge points (5 Acuity per point gained) and First Craft bonuses, which are awarded every time you craft an item you have never crafted before.

First Craft Bonus


  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated with the new crests and spark of Season 2.
  • 26 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 22 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within launch.
  • 18 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 07 Nov. 2023: Corrected all item levels and clarified Whelpling crest text.
  • 04 Nov. 2023: Added new spark of dreams and relevant info related to acquisition and new item levels.
  • 04 Sep. 2022: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 02 May 2023: Small text fixes.
  • 30 Apr. 2023: Added details on the Spark of Shadowflame for Dragonflight Season 2.
  • 27 Nov. 2022: Page added.
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