Best Specialty Smithing Talent Build Guide for Blacksmithing in Dragonflight
This page goes into detail on the Specialty Smithing specialization of Dragonflight Blacksmithing, and will guide you through the various aspects of the tree and profession.
Best Speciality Smithing Talent Builds in Dragonflight
The Speciality Smithing tree has many efficiency gain talents and options
for crafting profession gear and consumables, such as Primal Razorstone
Shadowed Belt Clasp.
It is recommended to invest in profession tools or consumables separately, as their bonuses apply to very different item types.
Notably, in order to craft the best profession tools and consumables possible, it is recommended to also have the Hammer Control tree maxed out, as its high skill and inspiration bonuses are needed for maximum ranks on most items, especially if you do not have Weaponsmithing talents for the profession tool you are crafting.
Best Blacksmithing Talents for Profession Gear
- 5 points into Speciality Smithing for pathing;
- 30 points into Toolsmithing for extra skill and secondary stats when
creating profession gear, as well as learning
Khaz'gorite Blacksmith's Toolbox.
With these talents maxed out, you will be well on your way to learning how to create profession gear with Blacksmithing as efficiently as possible, although it is very likely that you will also require a lot of Hammer Control points in order to be able to get maximum quality crafts.
Best Blacksmithing Talents to create Consumables
- 5 points into Speciality Smithing for pathing;
- 20 points into Smelting to maximize your ability to create Blacksmithing
reagents such as
Primal Molten Alloy;
- 10 points into Speciality Smithing for pathing;
- 20 points into Stonework to maximize your ability to create Blacksmithing
consumables such as
Shadowed Belt Clasp;
- 25 points into Speciality Smithing to finish maximizing skill for consumable crafts.
With these talents maxed out, you will be able to craft consumables with Blacksmithing very efficiently, gaining a massive amount of Multicraft and a massive 50% extra goods from your Multicraft procs!
- 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 13 Jun. 2023: Revamped for Season 2.
This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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