Best Weaponsmithing Talent Build Guide for Blacksmithing in Dragonflight

Last updated on Apr 18, 2024 at 14:00 by Seksixeny 7 comments

This page goes into detail on the Weaponsmithing specialization of Dragonflight Blacksmithing, and will guide you through the various aspects of the tree and profession.


Best Weaponsmithing Talent Builds in Dragonflight

The Weaponsmithing tree has many efficiency gain talents and options for crafting all types of weapons.

As there are many types of weapons available, it is recommended to invest into one of two possible paths first, bladed or hafted weapons.

Notably, if you have the generalist Hammer Control tree maxed out, you will be able to craft the best version of every type of weapon well before you max out their individual path, making it a strong option for players who want to minimize their point investment into the Weaponsmithing tree.


Best Blacksmithing Talents for Daggers, Swords and Glaives

  • 10 points into Weaponsmithing for pathing;
  • 10 points into Blades for pathing;
  • 25 points into Short Blades, or Long Blades as you prefer. The final 5 points only unlock free repairs for that weapon type, and thus points are best invested going back into maxing Blades and Weaponsmithing, for extra crafting stats and unlocking the other nodes.

With these talents maxed out you will be able to craft daggers, swords, and glaives very well, to the point where you can guarantee maximum quality when using maximum rank reagents and Illustrious Insight Icon Illustrious Insight. Alternatively, you can rely on Inspiration and Hammer Control talents to be able to proc the maximum quality well before maxing out the proposed talents!


Best Blacksmithing Talents for Maces, Hammers and Axes

  • 10 points into Weaponsmithing for pathing;
  • 10 points into Hafted for pathing;
  • 25 points into Maces and Hammers, or Axes, Picks and Polearms as you prefer. The final 5 points only unlock free repairs for that slot, and thus points are best invested going back into maxing Hafted and Weaponsmithing, for extra crafting stats and unlocking the other nodes.

With these talents maxed out you will be able to craft maces, hammers and, axes very well, to the point where you can guarantee maximum quality when using maximum rank reagents and Illustrious Insight Icon Illustrious Insight. Alternatively, you can rely on Inspiration and Hammer Control talents to be able to proc the maximum quality well before maxing out the proposed talents!



  • 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 13 Jun. 2023: Revamped for Season 2.
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