Engineering Guide for The War Within
This page covers the most important aspects of Engineering in The War Within, including talent builds and suggestions on how to make gold with the profession.
Engineering in The War Within
Engineering makes profession gear, such as Lapidary's Aqirite Clamps, the
P.0.W. x2 gun, helmets and wrists with special Tinker Sockets, such
Overclocked Idea Generator and
Venting Vambraces, Potion Bomb
consumables, such
Potion Bomb of Power, and Embellishments, such as
Concealed Chaos Module.

You will also be able to do tinker items that fit into the aforementioned sockets.
The two new ones are Tinker: Earthen Delivery Drill for Unrated Battleground
and World PvP and
Tinker: Heartseeking Health Injector which heals for much
more than a regular
Algari Healing Potion free of cost, but also deals 30%
of the healing as damage over time, and can occasionally backfire.
Engineering also has many unique gadgets, such as the Wormhole Generator: Khaz Algar
for quick transportation, the
Pausing Pylon consumable-saving device,
Irresistible Red Button for quick wipe recovery,
Algari Repair Bot 11O
for quick repairs when in an instance, coveted
Crowd Pummeler 2-30 mount that
is either massively expensive or time-consuming as you sift through tens of thousands
of parts to assemble it, and
Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables battle ress
item that is now usable by anyone without needing a Tinker Socket, along
with many other cosmetic toys.
It is also one of the few professions with direct combat benefits, albeit minor,
from being able to skip on the Recalibrated Safety Switch thanks to the
knowledge talent Tinkers in the Devices tree, allowing you to use
one of the other two optional reagents available instead,
Complicated Fuse Box
or the fun (for you!)
Blame Redirection Device.
Best Race for Engineering in The War Within
There are no Horde races with Engineering bonuses, but Alliance players can be Gnomes for +5 skill points or Kul'Tiran for +2 skill points.
Best Crafting Stats for Engineering in The War Within
Engineering can make great use of all four stats, but you might want to focus on specific stats with different Engineering specializations. We go into detail with Engineering stats and the gear you can use to boost them in the specialized guide below:
Leveling Engineering in The War Within
Increasing your skill in The War Within is done by crafting items that grant
skill points as usual, but the way you learn new recipes with Engineering is completely
unique. Instead of learning most of them from the trainer and / or world dropped
recipes, you will use the cooldown craft Invent, which grants skill all
the way to 100 to obtain random Prototypes, such as Prototype: Potion Bomb of Speed,
and which mostly work like the real thing.

Once used, these Prototypes will teach you the recipe they are based
off. You will also get a number of Hastily Scrawled Notes (through Invent
also if you have 40/40 into the Inventing talent tree) when destroying a
Prototype you do not care about with the Disassemble Invention craft ability.
15 of these notes can be used to let you learn one of 3 random recipes you do not
already possess of your choosing.

Engineering Knowledge in The War Within
You will be able to track all weekly and one-time sources of profession knowledge with Myu's Knowledge Points Tracker, a very helpful Weak Aura!
There are multiple treasures around Khaz Algar that you can loot for up to 24 extra knowledge. You can find them all easily in-game with the aforementioned Weak Aura or the Rarescanner addon, which will put up small treasure icons with a hammer underneath at their map location, as exemplified below.

Best Engineering Specializations and Talents in The War Within
If you want to craft Engineering combat and profession gear, the Engineered
Equipment tree is what you should invest your knowledge into. The left tree
focuses on the Gun and Bracers, and while you will learn your own armor specialization
bracer recipe easily from the trainer once you unlock the final sub-node, you will
need to discover the rest through Hastily Scrawled Notes.
The right tree focuses on Profession gear and Goggles, with Goggles having a similar recipe discovery method to bracers, where you can learn your own armor version from the trainer but need to discover the rest the hard way.
The Devices tree, and specifically its Tinkers sub-node is what
grants you the personal benefit of having the benefit of Recalibrated Safety Switch
active whenever you use a tinker. It will also massively increase the skill you
can craft your tinkers at. The other sub-node focuses on Explosives, specifically
the new Potion Bombs such as
Potion Bomb of Power, and its 15/30 node allows
you to occasionally not spend the Potion Bombs when you use them.
Finally, the Inventing tree allows you to learn recipes faster by
making Invent also grant Hastily Scrawled Notes at 40/40, and provides
skill towards all of your Engineering crafts otherwise.
Its sub-nodes increase your crafting stats, with the Ingenious sub-node
being particularly valuable due to granting massive passive Ingenuity bonuses
and allowing you to obtain the near-permanent Inventor's Guile 150 Multicraft
and 150 Ingenuity buff!
Scrapper is also a valuable node, especially if you like to use your Scour Through Scrap
craft, as it will increase your scrap yield and also allow you to sometimes find
Dragonflight tinkers that can be used on maximum level gear and Dragonflight Engineering
The bottom tree is all about Parts reagent crafting and the Crowd Pummeler 2-30
mount in particular. You can get the materials needed for the mount by simply buying
them from Paxton Bombshell at 64,78 in the Ringing Deeps..but the
prices are incredibly expensive! The catch is that you can also use your Pilfer
Through Parts craft to go through Parts reagents, including those of previous
expansions, in the hopes of getting some of the components for free, and thus saving
a massive amount of Gold on the mount.
Finally, the last sub-nodes at the very bottom are simply there to increase your skill and Resourcefulness benefit when crafting cogwheels to set the secondary stats of Engineering combat gear.
Making Gold with Engineering in The War Within
From a gold-making perspective, Engineering allows you to convert cheap ore and
other materials into expensive Gear, Potion Bombs, Parts, Scopes, and the new pets,
mounts and toys. If you have a large stockpile of old world materials, this is a
great time to Pilfer Through Parts on them until you can assemble a Crowd Pummeler 2-30!
Or just sell them, as prices rise due to other Engineerings trying to get in on
the fun.
Until you fully max out skill, gear, and knowledge for your desired crafts, you will be reliant on Concentration to get maximum ranks out, which can quickly be exhausted every day, so make sure to create some alts to increase your production cap while it is still very profitable to do so! Even later on those can still be useful as they will be able to create maximum rank items more cheaply than the guaranteed method, which requires full Rank 3 reagents.
Gear crafting is expected to hold out for longer on high prices than consumables,
but the epic crafts will require you to find customers willing to tip well, and
also that you find the recipes you need when you need them through your Hastily Scrawled Notes.
We have a specialized guide for The War Within gold-making below, which contains a gold-making tier list and goes deeper into techniques and habits for successful gold making, as well as websites and addons that can help you on your journey!
- 26 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
- 22 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within launch.
- 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 04 Sep. 2022: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
- 15 Dec. 2022: Clarified that bombs do not work inside Dragonflight instances.
- 27 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight.
- 17 Feb. 2022: Updated for Patch 9.2.
- 26 Jun. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.
- 09 Mar. 2021: Removed journal mention.
- 01 Jan. 2020: Added information on the Engineering Battle Resurrection item, leveling tools and more gold making strategies based on live testing.
- 30 Nov. 2020: Added a small clip showcasing the usefulness of the Wormhole Generator.
- 28 Nov. 2020: Added a note on how Engineering is one of the few professions that can make a lot of gold with old world content.
- 25 Nov. 2020: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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