Best Bountiful Harvests Talent Build Guide for Herbalism in Dragonflight
This page goes into detail on the Bountiful Harvests specialization of Dragonflight Herbalism, and will guide you through multiple talent builds capable of covering the various aspects of the tree and profession.
Best Bountiful Harvests Talent Build in Dragonflight
The Bountiful Harvests tree allows you to specialize in gathering the
basic herb types efficiently. The two best options are to invest into
Bubble Poppy due to its higher usage in Inscription or in the
Arboriculture node due to its high Perception skill bonuses, for
more rare drops from gathering.
Best Herbalism Talents for Bubble Poppy Farming
- 5 points into Bountiful Harvests for pathing;
- Learn Fungiculture (no knowledge point investment required) for added
Bubble Poppy gathering efficiency;
- 10 points into Bountiful Harvests for further pathing;
- Learn Horticulture (no knowledge point investment required) for added
Hochenblume gathering efficiency;
- 10 points into Bountiful Harvests for further pathing;
- Learn Floriculture (no knowledge point investment required) for added
Saxifrage gathering efficiency;
- 10 points into Bountiful Harvests for further pathing;
- Learn Arboriculture (no knowledge point investment required) for added
Writhebark gathering efficiency;
- 5 points into Bountiful Harvests to unlock the ability to refine maximum quality herbs;
- 40 points into Fungiculture for better
Bubble Poppy harvesting efficiency.
This talent pathing focuses on Fungiculture and its associated herb,
Bubble Poppy, which is milled by Inscriptions to create
Serene Pigments, the source of
Serene Ink. These inks are required
in large quantities for the best recipes, and thus are expected to be consumed
very frequently.
Best Herbalism Talents for Arboriculture
- 5 points into Bountiful Harvests for pathing;
- Learn Fungiculture (no knowledge point investment required) for added
Bubble Poppy gathering efficiency;
- 10 points into Bountiful Harvests for further pathing;
- Learn Horticulture (no knowledge point investment required) for added
Hochenblume gathering efficiency;
- 10 points into Bountiful Harvests for further pathing;
- Learn Floriculture (no knowledge point investment required) for added
Saxifrage gathering efficiency;
- 10 points into Bountiful Harvests for further pathing;
- Learn Arboriculture (no knowledge point investment required) for added
Writhebark gathering efficiency;
- 5 points into Bountiful Harvests to unlock the ability to refine maximum quality herbs;
- 35 points into Arboriculture for maximum Perception gain.
This talent pathing focuses on Arboriculture and its Perception gains. The rare herbs required to gain further profession skill drop based on your Perception skill, making this a good path for quicker Herbalism specialization skill growth.
- 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 29 Nov. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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