Best Mining Process Talent Build Guide for Mining in Dragonflight
This page goes into detail on the Mining Process specialization of Dragonflight Mining, and will guide you through multiple talent builds capable of covering the various aspects of the tree and profession.
Best Mining Process Talent Build in Dragonflight
The Mining Process tree enables you to mine while mounted and improves your mining yield in various ways. You can get more ore of the type you are mining with Sorting, rarer types of ore with Surveying, or Jewelcrafting gems directly from mining with Industrialization.
Best Mining Talents for Surveying
- 10 points into Mining Process for pathing;
- Learn Surveying (no knowledge point investment required) to increase rare drops from ore;
- 10 points into Mining Process for further pathing;
- Learn Sorting (no knowledge point investment required) for more ore when mining;
- 10 points into Mining Process for further pathing;
- Learn Industrialization (no knowledge point investment required) for quicker mining;
- 5 points into Mining Process to enable mining while mounted;
- 30 points into Surveying to unlock rare
Illimited Diamond drops from rich ore deposits;
- 30 points into Sorting for a significant increase in ore yield from mining;
- 30 points into Industrialization to occasionally receive gems when mining.
With this build you will be rushing mounted mining which is a huge quality of
life and efficiency increase. As the name suggests, Surveying will be the
main secondary focus, as well as the rare ores and Illimited Diamonds it
helps farm.
Best Mining Talents for Sorting
- 10 points into Mining Process for pathing;
- Learn Sorting (no knowledge point investment required) for more ore when mining;
- 10 points into Mining Process for further pathing;
- Learn Surveying (no knowledge point investment required) to increase rare drops from ore;
- 10 points into Mining Process for further pathing;
- Learn Industrialization (no knowledge point investment required) for quicker mining;
- 5 points into Mining Process to enable mining while mounted;
- 30 points into Sorting for a significant increase in ore yield from mining;
- 30 points into Surveying to unlock rare
Illimited Diamond drops from rich ore deposits;
- 30 points into Industrialization to occasionally receive gems when mining.
Besides mounted mining, Sorting is the focus on this build, and with it you should be able to farm a lot more ore to use with Jewelcrafting, Engineering and Blacksmithing, or for selling purposes.
Best Mining Talents for Industrialization
- 10 points into Mining Process for pathing;
- Learn Industrialization (no knowledge point investment required) for quicker mining;
- 10 points into Mining Process for further pathing;
- Learn Surveying (no knowledge point investment required) to increase rare drops from ore;
- 10 points into Mining Process for further pathing;
- Learn Sorting (no knowledge point investment required) for more ore when mining;
- 5 points into Mining Process to enable mining while mounted;
- 30 points into Industrialization to occasionally receive gems when mining;
- 30 points into Surveying to unlock rare
Illimited Diamond drops from rich ore deposits;
- 30 points into Sorting for a significant increase in ore yield from mining.
Alongside mounted mining, this build quickly maxes Industrialization
to mine gems alongside ores, which can be very useful for Jewelcrafting!
Surveying complements the build well as a secondary focus, enabling drops
of the rarer Illimited Diamond primary stat gem base material.
- 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 30 Nov. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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