Best Bait Crafter Process Talent Build Guide for Skinning in Dragonflight
This page goes into detail on the Bait Crafter specialization of Dragonflight Skinning, and will guide you through multiple talent builds capable of covering the various aspects of the tree and profession.
Best Bait Crafter Talent Build in Dragonflight
The Bait Crafter tree enables the creation of Elusive Creature Bait,
a special craft with a baseline cooldown of 12 hours, which can be reduced by skinning
enemies during its cooldown.
This cooldown reduction can be increased by allocating points into the various
nodes of the specialization, but beware of using Elusive Creature Bait at
low levels, as the enemies called by it might be of maximum level and too much for
you to handle!
Best Skinning Talents for Rare Beast and Dragon Hunting
- 10 points into Bait Crafter for pathing;
- 40 points into Mastery to enable the summoning of special creatures with special rewards;
- 15 points into Bait Crafter to unlock
Bottled Pheromones which can facilitate enemy grouping when farming;
- Learn Elemental Infusion (no knowledge point investment required) to
enable creation of
Frost-Infused Creature Bait for
Awakened Frost farming;
- 15 points into Bait Crafter for maximum cooldown reduction on
Elusive Creature Bait;
- 40 points into Elemental Infusion to unlock
Titan-Infused Creature Bait for valuable
Awakened Order farming.
The Mastery build focuses on reducing the cooldown on Elusive Creature Bait
as much and as quickly as possible, allowing you to farm more rare enemies. The
final point of Mastery also unlocks the summoning of special creatures
in special locations with
Elusive Creature Bait, which have special rewards
such as
Obsidian Cobraskin, the new
Dreaming Antler Fragment, and
previously grey
Auric Fleece, all of which are very valuable!
The bait locations for each of the items are shown in the screenshots below:

Best Skinning Talents for Essence Farming
- 10 points into Bait Crafter for pathing;
- 40 points into Elemental Infusion to unlock
Titan-Infused Creature Bait for valuable
Awakened Order farming;
- 15 points into Bait Crafter to unlock
Bottled Pheromones which can facilitate enemy grouping when farming;
- Learn Mastery (no knowledge point investment required) to reduce the cooldown on
Elusive Creature Bait;
- 15 points into Bait Crafter to further reduce the cooldown on
Elusive Creature Bait;
- 40 points into Mastery for maximum cooldown reduction on
Elusive Creature Bait.
With these talents, you can quickly unlock Awakened Essence farm with Skinning, by crafting Elemental-Infused Baits. These require two Rousing Essences to be used in their creation, but the amount you get back from killing the lured mob is well worth your while!
- 18 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 13 Nov. 2023: Added image locations of the rare skins mentioned in the guide.
- 12 Nov. 2023: Further updated with Season 3 Skinning tips.
- 30 Nov. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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