Protection Paladin Best Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits — Dragonflight 10.2.5
Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits are the most important character customization options in Shadowlands. They have a substantial impact on your toolkit and performance as Protection Paladin. This page's purpose is to help you pick the right options according to the content you intend to do in Shadowlands.
Dragonflight Disclaimer
Please be aware that as of the Dragonflight Pre-Patch and Dragonflight expansion, all Covenant abilities, Soulbinds, and Conduits will only function while within the Shadowlands. This page will temporarily remain as a reference.
Introduction: Prerequisites
This page assumes that you are already familiar with Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits. If that is not the case, we have a number of pages that can help you get up to speed:
- Covenants Guide, which explains what Covenants are, what perks they bring, and how you can join one;
- Paladin Covenant Abilities, which lists all the abilities that Paladins gain by joining each Covenant;
- How To Change Covenant?, which tells you how you can switch Covenant (rejoining a former Covenant will require you to perform a number of tasks to regain their trusts);
- General Soulbind Guide, which explains what Soulbinds are and how you can pledge yourself to them to open up their Soulbind tree;
- Paladin Conduits, which lists all of the Conduits available to Paladins.
Note for Kyrians. During the pre-patch if you take Divine Toll
in the talent tree this will overwrite your Covenant ability and you will
gain no benefits from your Unity legendary or conduits.
Summary of the Best Covenants, Soulbinds, and Conduits
Your choice of Covenant as a Protection Paladin is a big choice of your adventure into the Shadowlands. To help you make this choice we have summarised some of the strengths and weaknesses of each covenant:
Covenant | Focus | Details | Grade |
Kyrian | Raiding | Combining ![]() ![]() ![]() |
B |
M+ | ![]() |
![]() |
S |
Venthyr | Raiding | Very High Burst DPS and the ability to cast ![]() ![]() |
A |
M+ | The high DPS from ![]() ![]() |
C | |
Night Fae | Raiding | Provides buffs for your raid group which need to have some pre-planned
use to be the most effective. When used correctly it can provide very competitive
Raid DPS increases. ![]() ![]() |
A |
M+ | As with Raiding the buffs can be quite difficult to manage, as each should go on a
different player, but if you are able to manage this task successfully you
can provide a good bonus to your group. ![]() |
B | |
Necrolord | Raiding | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
C |
M+ | Similar to raiding, the concerns with having to alter how you use
![]() ![]() |
D |
An additional note about Arena, as this is an important part of the gearing process this season: Kyrian and Night Fae do quite well in this area. Kyrian gives you more Holy Power for healing, and Night Fae allows you buff your team.
We advise this all-purpose Pelagos (Kyrian) tree for Raiding, Mythic+, and Torghast as Protection Paladin. For more in-depth information about Soulbinds and Covenants as Protection Paladin, please continue to the Choosing the Right Covenant section below.
Best Conduits for Protection Paladin
Conduits are very similar to Azerite Traits in that they are something that
you specifically target to enhance your character. They are also shared among
all Covenants with the exception of one Potency Conduit, which is
Covenant-specific and interacts with the Class ability from that Covenant. These
are Ringing Clarity,
Hallowed Discernment,
Righteous Might and
The Long Summer.
Your first Potency Conduit will always be Punish the Guilty. On some
Soulbind trees you will find yourself in a position where you are looking to
insert another Potency Conduit as not all trees will facilitate you using 2x
Potency Conduits. The Covenant Potency Conduits mentioned above will be
that 2nd choice.
Best Potency Conduits for Protection Paladin
Punish the Guilty
Ringing Clarity,
Hallowed Discernment,
Righteous Might, or
The Long Summer
Best Endurance Conduits for Protection Paladin
Resolute Defender
Royal Decree
Shielding Words
Best Finesse Conduits for Protection Paladin
Light's Barding
Echoing Blessings
Conduits for Protection Paladin
The Conduits mentioned under each subsection are ranked from best to worst.
Protection Paladin Potency Conduits
Punish the Guilty turns what was already a strong ability (
Shield of the Righteous) into an even stronger one! A must-have for any Protection Paladin.
Ringing Clarity (Kyrian) allows your
Divine Toll to have a chance to cast 3 more times on the main target. This also means that in Single Target each Divine Toll has a chance to generate 4 Holy Power!
Hallowed Discernment (Venthyr) allows
Ashen Hallow to heal the lowest health ally and strikes the lowest health enemy an additional time in its duration.
The Long Summer (Night Fae) increases the duration of
Blessing of Summer.
Righteous Might (Necrolord) increases the damage dealt by
Vanquisher's Hammer and heals you for the damage done.
Vengeful Shock makes targets hit by your
Avenger's Shield take more damage for 5 seconds. This was previously a powerful pick but recent tuning has made it a low-priority pick.
Adaptive Armor Fragment is new for Patch 9.1 and will increase your Strength by a set percentage of your total Strength (3.2% at 226 item level) when you are healed by another player. The relative power of this Conduit compared to all other options means that you are very unlikely to use it.
Protection Paladin Endurance Conduits
Resolute Defender allows
Shield of the Righteous to extend the duration of
Ardent Defender turning it into a more powerful defensive cooldown.
Shielding Words applies a shield after you heal with
Word of Glory. As this is only really cast when it is free, it is lower down on the list.
Golden Path provides passive healing to
Consecration. The healing it provides is very minor and should not be chased after for that purpose. It is a nice perk rather than a powerful modification of a spell.
Royal Decree adds a nice perk to
Guardian of Ancient Kings where it makes your next
Word of Glory free; additionally it reduces the cooldown of
Guardian of Ancient Kings.
Divine Call reduces the cooldown of
Divine Shield when you take damage, but this cooldown reduction has a cooldown of its own making this conduit very unappealing.
Condensed Anima Sphere is new for Patch 9.1 and will heal you for a small percentage of your Maximum Health when you take damage every 10 seconds. The total amount of healing provided by this Conduit is not worthwhile to consider.
Protection Paladin Finesse Conduits
Light's Barding increases the duration of
Divine Steed. Finally, a way to make our movement speed boost last a reasonable amount of time!
Echoing Blessings modifies your Blessings. It gives a small speed boost to
Blessing of Freedom, but the main reason this would be used is the additional damage reduction it provides to
Blessing of Sacrifice and
Blessing of Protection. All of these effects stay for an additional 8 seconds after the Blessing ends.
Pure Concentration allows your
Concentration Aura to also reduce the duration of Fear effects. Very specific conditions are required for you to need this conduit. It is more of an "I will take it if I need it" than an "I must use it".
Wrench Evil reduces the cast time of
Turn Evil and increases the range by 10 yards. As you do not really use
Turn Evil that often in normal play, enhancing it at the cost of another Conduit seems like a waste of a Conduit.
Choosing the right Covenant
Before going more in depth about Covenants it is important to understand that any of the 4 Covenants can be played as a Protection Paladin. There will definitely be better and worse options but the choice will not be hindering your daily activities.
While all of the Covenants have their place some simply perform better on a day-to-day basis than others. Kyrian and Venthyr are the two that stand out the most for Protection Paladin due to their powerful Class Abilities and Soulbinds.
- Kyrian — Strong in AoE scenarios, Good generic pick
- Venthyr — Strong single-target DPS, group healing, and the ability to teleport!
- Night Fae — Utility for group members and, when planned well, high group DPS.
- Necrolord — Off-healing potential and single-target DPS.
Since Patch 9.1.5 brought the ability to swap Covenants freely (after reaching Renown 80 on one of them), you will typically be interested in switching between, at the very least, Kyrian for Mythic+ and Venthyr for Raiding.
Kyrian For Protection Paladin
Kyrian is a good generic option for Protection Paladins.
Divine Toll fires up to 5
Avenger's Shields on nearby enemies
(total amount is based on enemy count). Each of the
Avenger's Shields
will generate Holy Power, and bounce to nearby targets. It can be further
enhanced and have a good place in single-target scenarios with the
Ringing Clarity Conduit.
Summon Steward summons an owlkin steward. You can speak with your
steward and he will offer you a range of services, the most important of which
Phial of Serenity. This potion restores 20% of your health and more
importantly removes all diseases, poisons, curses and bleeds on you. Being able
to remove any of these is a huge benefit of being a Kyrian, as it means that
you can use
Divine Shield elsewhere.
Kyrian Soulbinds
Mikanikos is the go-to Soulbind choice. Effusive Anima Accelerator
reduces the cooldown of your
Divine Toll based on the amount of targets
around the target of Divine Toll.
Reactive Retrofitting provides you with a very potent absorb shield on a
regular basis. Spawns of Bron are very impactful and the final trait allows
you to use Divine Toll more regularly!
Pelagos is a fairly all-round Soulbind Choice. Combat Meditation
is a powerful throughput increase, and
Let Go of the Past is a consistent
piece of magical damage reduction.
Newfound Resolve works like the Lady Inerva Darkvein Mythic
mechanic, and granting you 12% Strength and Stamina for 15s if you succeed in
its test. This can be problematic as the add can spawn behind you.
As an alternative you can also use Kleia. All of her benefits are tied to
group play. Valiant Strikes,
Mentorship and
Pointed Courage all tie into this.
Light the Path modifies
Valiant Strikes
by making each stack grant 0.25% more Critical Strike. When the stacks convert
into a heal, you and the affected party member gain 5% Critical Strike. This,
again, is just purely offensive.
Venthyr For Protection Paladin
Where Kyrian's focus was AoE, Venthyr's focus is high single-target burst. It really shines on longer encounters, such as in Raiding.
Ashen Hallow, when used, creates a large red
circle on your targeted location. This will last for 30 seconds and will deal
very high damage to 5 targets. Whilst you are inside the Ashen Hallow
you are able to use
Hammer of Wrath and the damage of it will be
increased by 100%. It will also heal allies in the area. Yes, it has a 4-minute
cooldown, but the power of it more than justifies the cost.
Door of Shadows is a targeted teleport. If you have played
Overwatch before, you know what to expect. Pick a location that is within
Line of Sight and after a 1.5-second cast you are teleported there. Typical
uses of this are to cover large distances of space, traverse vertically, skip
packs in M+, etc.; the possibilities are endless!
Venthyr Soulbinds
Nadjia the Mistblade provides you with a mini bloodlust in the form of
Thrill Seeker and increases the effectiveness of consumables with
Exacting Preparation.
Sinful Preservation is new in
Patch 9.1 and this will provide you with an absorb shield when you use a
Health Potion or Healthstone; this will be very powerful (as long as you remember
to use them!). Nadija will be your default choice as a Venthyr.
Fatal Flaw, granting you 20% Critical Strike
or Versatility after The Euphoria effect from
Thrill Seeker ends for 10
seconds. Since both are percentage ratings, they are unaffected by diminishing
returns making it a blatantly ludicrous amount of stats.
Theotar the Mad Duke is a bit of a mix of Nadjia and Draven. However if you can
play around the Soothing Shade Parasol you will get the best of both worlds.
Soothing Shade provides you with a random chance to spawn a Parasol which
grants you Mastery and
Wasteland Propriety provides you and the group
with Versatility when
Ashen Hallow is used.
It's Always Tea Time attaches a damage reduction to the
Soothing Shade
Parasol. This means if you are able to stay inside the Parasol you will be gaining
Damage Reduction from it directly, more damage reduction from having enhanced Mastery
on your
Consecration, and a higher chance to Block from the Mastery.
Party Favors will provide you with an Augment
Rune-style item once per day. When used you will gain a 4-hour buff (which
persists through death) that provides either Strength or a random secondary stat.
This item will have a 1-hour cooldown allowing you to change what benefit you
get each time. If you change your Soulbind to Nadija or Draven the buff will
General Draven provides you with more personal defensive utility than the
others. Service In Stone provides you with damage reduction at low health,
Enduring Gloom provides you with a health shield when you use
Door of Shadows, and
Hold Your Ground provides you with
more Stamina when standing still. Draven will be picked when you need more
Effective Health for Raid Progression — during the last season of content
the benefits of Draven were not necessary as a reference — however it
comes at the cost of losing DPS.
Battlefield Presence provides you with up to
3% damage reduction based on the amount of enemies nearby. This functions the same
as the old Protection Paladin talent Last Defender. Ultimately, it is quite a
minor gain when compared to other Soulbinds.
Night Fae For Protection Paladin
Night Fae is the group utility pick for Protection Paladins.
Blessing of the Seasons provides you with a new Blessing spell which
rotates through 4 individual spells. They always rotate in the following order
Blessing of Summer >
Blessing of Autumn >
Blessing of Winter >
Blessing of Spring. These Blessings are best
used on other players rather than yourself as the benefit to the group will be
greater on them rather than yourself.
Blessing of Summer — Adds a damage proc to all attacks
Blessing of Autumn — Increases cooldown reduction
Blessing of Winter — Adds a small damage proc to attacks and reduces enemy attack speed/li>
Blessing of Spring — Increases healing done and received
New in Patch 9.1 — The debuff from
Blessing of Winter can now be applied to multiple enemies simultaneously.
Soulshape is very similar to
Ghost Wolf but accessible to
all! Whilst you are in the travel form you are unable to cast spells, but if
you press
Soulshape again you will
Flicker a short distance!
Night Fae Soulbinds
Niya will be your go-to Soulbind choice as a Night Fae.
Grove Invigoration provides you with additional health/Mastery whenever
you cast
Blessing of the Seasons, which is a nice bonus. For reasons that will be
mentioned in the sections for Dreamweaver and Korayn, it is
your only competitive option as a Protection Paladin.
Niya's Tools: Poison will trigger from
Avenger's Shield
making it a consistent DPS increase.
Bonded Hearts, causing you to effectively heal up
to 5 nearby friendly targets for 2% of their health every 15s. If you heal somebody
from another Covenant — which is kind of difficult considering that 95% of
the DPS are Night Fae these days — each stack of
Grove Invigoration
is amplified by 50%.
Dreamweaver has the unfortunate effect of having Podtender
as an inevitable pick, which ultimately makes it a less-than-ideal choice.
When Podtender triggers, you lose all threat, are unable to be
resurrected until the effect is over, and, worst of all, you just have to sit there
and watch whatever killed you kill others. The defensive aspects of Dreamweaver
are relatively unimpactful as a Protection Paladin as you will rarely overheal
Empowered Chrysalis and
Waking Dreams has a long cooldown
associated with the effect.
Dream Delver is a very simple damage/healing benefit
which increases your damage/healing to targets by 1% per event for 4 seconds,
stacking up to 3%. The uptime on this effect is near 100%.
Korayn is similar to General Draven as it is a strictly
defensive option, however similar to Draven it comes at the cost of DPS.
Face Your Foes is a consistent damage reduction as you are always facing
your foe! Alternatively you can use
Hold the Line for a larger amount of
damage reduction, however it is only Physical damage that is reduced
(this is a majority of your damage taken in many scenarios).
You are also able to make Korayn into a Damage-oriented Soulbind by
capitalizing on First Strike windows and playing around
Wild Hunt Strategem,
however it typically comes at a lower total DPS amount than Niya.
Wild Hunt Strategem allows you to gain a small amount
of execute damage whenever you trigger
First Strike. However, to trigger
Wild Hunt Stratagem you will require another target on low health, therefore
in many realistic scenarios it will be very difficult or impossible to trigger.
Necrolord For Protection Paladin
Necrolord is our last Covenant. When stacked against the other Covenants it does not have a remaining clear strength, but it is still strong in its own right.
Vanquisher's Hammer is a strong single-target damaging ability that
when cast will generate 1 Holy Power and make your next
Word of Glory
also trigger
Shield of the Righteous. While this seems good in theory, it quite
heavily restricts how you use Word of Glory as you only get 1 free cast
each time Vanquisher's Hammer's cooldown is back.
Fleshcraft is a 3-second channel granting you a
shield for 40% of your Maximum Health, with 20% damage reduction bolted on to it
for good measure. You are still able to block, dodge, and parry during it, and its
cooldown is reduced by 1 second every time you walk past a corpse you helped
Necrolord Soulbinds
Plague Deviser Marileth provides you with some interesting effects.
Volatile Solvent passively soaks up corpses and grants you buffs related
to the enemy type it came from: 120 Mastery for Humanoids, 2% Primary Stat for
Beasts, 5% Stamina for Demons, and a 5% heal for Undead. In Mythic+, this means
you will almost always have 120 Mastery, and get relatively frequent 5% max HP
heals at the end of packs.
Ooz's Frictionless Coating provides you with a 15% shield every 30
seconds (it triggers when below 50% health, but as part of normal play as a
Protection Paladin it is every 30 seconds at least).
Ultimate Form will
allow you to regenerate Health during and after
Fleshcraft and be
immune to Crowd Control.
Undulating Maneuvers is new in Patch 9.1. This works as a
reduced version of a Brewmaster Monk's
Kevin's Oozeling will spawn when you use
Vanquisher's Hammer. It will spawn a pet guardian that melees whatever you
autoattacked last. Whenever somebody nearby takes real damage (i.e. not absorbed),
they gain a small shield. You gain 2% extra damage to anything the oozeling
touched while it was up. When it despawns, all the effects go away.
Emeni will be your go-to pick. Lead by Example provides you
and nearby allies with primary stat when you use
Vanquisher's Hammer.
Emeni's Magnificent Skin provides you with a max health buff for 30
seconds after using
Gnashing Chompers provides you
with stacking Haste when an enemy is defeated, great in Mythic+,
not so great in most raiding scenarios.
Resilient Stitching
will provide you with a shield that absorbs 15% of your max health of magic damage
every minute. It is simple and powerful.
Pustule Eruption triggers when you cast
You will generate 3 pustules per second you channeled
Fleshcraft. When you
take damage a pustule will detonate and deal some damage to nearby enemies
and heal nearby allies as well.
Bonesmith Heirmir is a more DPS-oriented Soulbind choice with
Serrated Spaulders reflecting damage taken and
Heirmir's Arsenal: Marrowed Gemstone further enhancing your damage output.
Waking Bone Breastplate provides you with a 5% health buff
when you are surrounded by 3 or more enemies which can be quite frequently, even
in raid scenarios.
Mnemonic Equipment is a fairly simple damage buff
to targets below 35% health.
- 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
More Paladin Guides
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This guide has been written by Panthea, who raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a Moderator for the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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