Protection Paladin Best Legendaries in Shadowlands — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Panthea 68 comments
General Information

Legendary Powers are targetable, unique effects that you can imbue certain base items with through the Runecarving system. In Shadowlands, these enable you to customize your Protection Paladin, drastically improving your performance, and are arguably the most important aspect of your gear.

The purpose of this page is to help you pick the right legendary powers (and item slots for them) for your character, depending on the content you are interested in.


Introduction: Legendaries in Shadowlands

As part of your progression through Shadowlands, you will gain the ability to craft Legendaries through Runecarving. Runecarving becomes available to you as you progress through Torghast. The Legendary powers are obtained via various gameplay sources, and once obtained you can craft your own specific, targeted Legendary! Each of these Legendaries will boost the power of your character in a specific way, however you can only wear 1 Legendary item at a time. This guide will detail the Legendary powers available and which are the best ones to use in any given situation.


Best Legendaries for Protection Paladin

In the table below, the recommended slot for each item is bolded.

Focus Legendary Available Slots Source Stats
Raiding The Mad Paragon Icon The Mad Paragon Waist or Feet Quest: The Great Vault Haste and Mastery or Versatility
Single-Target DPS The Mad Paragon Icon The Mad Paragon Waist or Feet Quest: The Great Vault Haste and Mastery or Versatility
Mythic+ Bulwark of Righteous Fury Icon Bulwark of Righteous Fury Shoulder or Finger High Adjudicator Aleez (Halls of Atonement) Haste and Mastery or Versatility
Torghast Stable Phantasma Lure Icon Stable Phantasma Lure Neck, Wrist or Back Torghast (Layer 6+) Haste and Mastery or Versatility
Generic Legendary Holy Avenger's Engraved Sigil Icon Holy Avenger's Engraved Sigil Head or Waist Torghast (Fracture Chambers, Layer 3+) Haste and Mastery or Versatility

Best Overall Legendary for Protection Paladin

The aim with the new Runecarving system is that you can target specific Legendaries, so you are not in a situation where you have to make the best of a bad situation. However, should you want a Legendary that works for all content types but is not strictly the best for all content types, we would recommend The Mad Paragon Icon The Mad Paragon.


Best Raiding Legendaries for Protection Paladin

The Mad Paragon Icon The Mad Paragon: This Legendary helps you push for more single-target DPS, and pairs exceptionally well with Ashen Hallow Icon Ashen Hallow as both the bonuses from the ability and the Legendary stack together.

Other competitive options for Raiding include:

The Magistrate's Judgment Icon The Magistrate's Judgment can be valuable if you are feeling as if you need additional Holy Power generation.

Should you find yourself in a situation where you do not require the defensive benefit from a Legendary, we would recommend simming your character to find out what your highest DPS option is.


Best Mythic+ Legendaries for Protection Paladin

For Mythic+, Bulwark of Righteous Fury Icon Bulwark of Righteous Fury will be your choice, as it allows you to do the highest amount of AoE DPS of any Legendary option.

Other competitive options for Mythic+ include:

  1. Holy Avenger's Engraved Sigil Icon Holy Avenger's Engraved Sigil: being able to reset Avenger's Shield Icon Avenger's Shield will facilitate higher AoE DPS.
  2. If you are a Kyrian, then Divine Resonance Icon Divine Resonance will provide you with additional utility. It will facilitate more AoE damage and silences/interrupts. However, for pure damage there are other options which are better.

Best Torghast Legendaries for Protection Paladin

Should you require additional Phantasma in Torghast then, Stable Phantasma Lure Icon Stable Phantasma Lure is a natural choice, as it will facilitate faster and more reliable Phantasma. Should you not need the additional Phantasma, then we would recommend a more generic Legendary choice, or the Mythic+ choice.


New Legendary in Patch 9.2 for Protection Paladin

In Patch 9.2 you will obtain Unity Icon Unity through the Zereth Mortis storyline. This will give you the power associated with your active Covenant and will change based on your current covenant. These powers are:

  1. KyrianDivine Resonance Icon Divine Resonance simply fires off additional casts of Avenger's Shield Icon Avenger's Shield to your current target. It can be exceptionally powerful in scenarios where you will get multiple hits on Divine Toll Icon Divine Toll such as Mythic+. This is further enhanced with the Soulbind trait Effusive Anima Accelerator Icon Effusive Anima Accelerator which can reduce the cooldown of Divine Toll Icon Divine Toll significantly.
  2. VenthyrRadiant Embers Icon Radiant Embers provides you with a reduced cooldown on Ashen Hallow Icon Ashen Hallow when you cancel the ability. This can potentially be used to allow Ashen Hallow Icon Ashen Hallow to line up with Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath better.
  3. NecrolordDuty-Bound Gavel Icon Duty-Bound Gavel provides you with an additional charge of Vanquisher's Hammer Icon Vanquisher's Hammer. This Legendary is a respectable gain in power for Necrolord Paladins, however it addresses a concern of Vanquisher's Hammer Icon Vanquisher's Hammer — where it is forcing you to use your Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory in a non-ideal way — via a Legendary Power, rather than addressing the concerns with the spell on its own.
  4. Night FaeSeasons of Plenty Icon Seasons of Plenty enhances your Blessing of Summer Icon Blessing of Summer and Blessing of Winter Icon Blessing of Winter, empowering them by 100% for 10 seconds. This feeds into the fantasy of being a support player, however it is yet another external buff to party/raid members in an expansion that has seen community issues arise from these (Power Infusion Icon Power Infusion being a key example).


  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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