Protection Paladin Tank Ny'alotha Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Treckie 68 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Protection Paladin for each boss of the following raid: Ny'alotha. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.


The Eternal Palace Boss Tips for Protection Paladins

This page will focus on how to best prepare as a Protection Paladin for the Nyalotha raid encounters, rather than a general guide for the instance. These guides and their talent recommendations are purely for progression kills, allowing you to increase your chances of killing the bosses. Once you have killed a boss and are more familiar with the fight and feel comfortable with it, you may very well wish to change talents in order to do more damage.

Throughout most of this raid, from a progression point of view, we will almost always recommend using Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting for its cheat death effect. Spiky damage intake from an encounter you have yet had time to get famililar with can esily cause a death. It is however important to look back and reflect after a couple of pulls if this is ever really proccing, and should that not be the case you will be able to min/max a bit better by using another Essence that strengthen your character in other ways.

This page is based on PTR testing alone and may not perfectly reflect the exact encounter released on live, as changes to the encounters are very common. Frequent updates during the first Heroic week, as well as upcoming Mythic weeks will complete the encounter information. Mythic tips and tricks will be added once the fights have been defeated.


Talent Cheatsheet


Wrathion, the Black Emperor

We advise you to use the following essences against Wrathion, the Black Emperor.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


When offtanking, avoid standing in front or behind the boss as he does both a Searing Breath Icon Searing Breath as well as a Tail Swipe Icon Tail Swipe. Tanks will likely swap on two stacks of Searing Breath Icon Searing Breath, so the first hit will not do a lot of damage, but make sure to have a cooldown up for the second stack. Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding as well as a well timed Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield can be used to negate stacks of Searing Armor Icon Searing Armor.



You are able to reset and be immune to the stacking Creeping Madness Icon Creeping Madness stacks with Blessing of Freedom Icon Blessing of Freedom, which can also be used on other raid members should they reach high stacks.

For more information, please refer to our Wrathion, the Black Emperor guide.



We advise you to use the following essences against Maut.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding as well as Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield can be used to avoid applications of Shadow Wounds Icon Shadow Wounds allowing you to tank the boss for a longer period of time, to either solo tank the boss or to make tank swapping easier with less debuffs.

Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding can be used in Phase 2 to make a player immune to the damage reflect for 10 seconds. You can also use Aegis of Light as a raid cooldown, alternatively Blessing of Sacrifice Icon Blessing of Sacrifice on a single player.

For more information, please refer to our Maut guide.


The Prophet Skitra

We advise you to use the following essences against The Prophet Skitra.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


There is no physical damage in this encounter, so Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous is completely useless to reduce damage intake in this encounter. Since there is no physical damage Seraphim Icon Seraphim can be used as a defensive option as well as offensive option. Righteous Protector Icon Righteous Protector will however still give more Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath should that be preferred.

For more information, please refer to our The Prophet Skitra guide.


Dark Inquisitor Xanesh

We advise you to use the following essences against Dark Inquisitor Xanesh.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


Avoid getting knocked off the platform or into Queen Azshara from the Abyssal Strike Icon Abyssal Strike as we do not have any means to change direction in the air. Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding will negate the damage as well as the knockback from Abyssal Strike, but you will still recieve the stack.

For more information, please refer to our Dark Inquisitor Xanesh guide.


The Hivemind

We advise you to use the following essences against The Hivemind.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


You should most likely be tanking Ka'zir to help interrupt Mind-Numbing Nova Icon Mind-Numbing Nova with Avenger's Shield Icon Avenger's Shield as you can solo interrupt that boss while people are mainly focusing the other boss.

For more information, please refer to our The Hivemind guide.


Shad'har the Insatiable

We advise you to use the following essences against Shad'har the Insatiable.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


Make sure to never get both the Crush Icon Crush and Dissolve Icon Dissolve debuffs at the same time as it will kill you. Paladin tanks do fairly well taking Dissolve as we have good magic mitigation with Holy Shield Icon Holy Shield as well as being able to heal ourselves. The damage taken with Dissolve is very even and smooth damage which means it should not take you by surprise. When taking the Dissolve buff, as you are likely not tanking the boss you can fully immune yourself for a couple of seconds with Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding or Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield. Be careful if you are running Final Stand Icon Final Stand when offtanking and want to use Divine Shield. You can also use Seraphim Icon Seraphim here when offtanking as you will only take magical damage, Seraphim will both reduce magic damage taken, as well as increase your damage potential.

For more information, please refer to our Shad'har the Insatiable guide.



We advise you to use the following essences against Drest'agath.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


There will be a lot of running around in this encounter, as every time you recieve the Volatile Seed Icon Volatile Seed debuff you should run out to a couple of tentacles to debuff them. Remember that sometimes he may cast these very frequently, and you may sometimes still have the 60% increased damage taken debuff when the other tank gets his Volatile Seed, either wait untill your debuff drops, or use cooldowns to survive tanking untill the debuff drops.

For more information, please refer to our Drest'agath guide.


Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn

We advise you to use the following essences against Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


The second stack of Eye of N'Zoth Icon Eye of N'Zoth will hurt, make sure you use a cooldown for it, alternatively Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding or Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield.

A protection Paladin can solo interrupt the Organs of Corruption on the edges of the room rotating Rebuke Icon Rebuke and Avenger's Shield Icon Avenger's Shield to avoid any Pumping Blood Icon Pumping Blood casts to go off.

For more information, please refer to our Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn guide.



We advise you to use the following essences against Vexiona.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


A well timed Light of the Protector Icon Light of the Protector, preferably empowered with Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath to guarantee a critical strike, right before the Despair Icon Despair debuff is about to fall off can guarantee you are at full health and will not be nuking the raid with Shattered Resolve Icon Shattered Resolve.

Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield as well as Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding can be used to great effect on this encounter to negate the Twilight Breath Icon Twilight Breath or Annihilation Icon Annihilation.

For more information, please refer to our Vexiona guide.


Ra-den the Despoiled

We advise you to use the following essences against Ra-den the Despoiled.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


When the boss reaches 100 Energy he will cast Nullifying Strike Icon Nullifying Strike, Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding as well as Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield can be used to negate both its damage as well as the application of the 25% health reduction debuff.

In phase two, when the boss reaches 100 Energy he will instead do a very small physical hit, however it will place a debuff on you that will inflict 100% of the health you had when the application was applied, every 2 seconds. This means you need to make sure to go to low health before he casts Decaying Strike Icon Decaying Strike in order to have a smaller ticking Decaying Wound Icon Decaying Wound. You can safely go to low health using Ardent Defender Icon Ardent Defender a bit before he reaches 100 Energy. While Decaying Strike is a physical hit, the debuff Decaying Wound is magical, which means both Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding as well as Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield can be used to negate the damage as well as application.

For more information, please refer to our Ra-den the Despoiled guide.


Carapace of N'Zoth

We advise you to use the following essences against Carapace of N'Zoth.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


Do NOT interrupt Gaze of Madness with Avenger's Shield Icon Avenger's Shield as every time it is interrupted it drains sanity from the raid.

Blessing of Spellwarding Icon Blessing of Spellwarding as well as Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield can be used to negate the application of Black Scar Icon Black Scar.

For more information, please refer to our Carapace of N'Zoth guide.


N'Zoth the Corruptor

We advise you to use the following essences against N'Zoth the Corruptor.

  • Major Slot
    • Touch of the Everlasting — Rank 3: Touch of the Everlasting Icon Touch of the Everlasting + Will to Survive Icon Will to Survive
  • Minor Slots
    • Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3: Null Barrier Icon Null Barrier
    • Conflict and Strife — Rank 3: Strife Icon Strife
    • The Formless Void — Rank 3: Symbiotic Presence Icon Symbiotic Presence


Help interrupt the Corruptor Tentacle with Avenger's Shield Icon Avenger's Shield while tanking the Basher Tentacle. Remember that the Void Lash Icon Void Lash ability from the Basher Tentacles are magic damage, and Shield of the Righteous Icon Shield of the Righteous will not have any effect against it.

For more information, please refer to our N'Zoth the Corruptor guide.



  • 13 Oct. 2020: Page updated for the Shadowlands pre-patch.
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