Protection Paladin Tank The Eternal Palace Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Protection Paladin for each boss of the following raid: The Eternal Palace. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
The Eternal Palace Boss Tips for Protection Paladins
This page will focus on how to best prepare as a Protection Paladin for The The Eternal Palace encounters, rather than a general guide for the instance. These guides and their talent recommendations are purely for progression kills, allowing you to increase your chances of killing the bosses. Once you have killed a boss and are more familiar with the fight and feel comfortable with it, you may very well wish to change talents in order to do more damage.
Minor Essences such as Strife,
Sphere of Suppression,
Lifeblood, which give more or less passive Versatility,
Haste, or Strength
are always viable options should no encounter specific abilities play much of a
role with other Essences.
Talent Cheatsheet
Abyssal Commander Sivara
We advise you to use the following essences against Abyssal Commander Sivara.
- Major Slot
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
Azeroth's Undying Gift +
Hardened Azerite
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Null Barrier
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Lucid Dreams
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Make sure to try to stand still if you have Toxic Brand, or
constantly move around on the spot should you have
Frost Mark. Every
time you tank swap to drop your debuff
Septic Taint), take care for when the duration
expires, as it will create a pool on the ground, with its size depending on how
many stacks you had.
The damage from Crushing Reverberation is split between all targets
within 5 yards. This damage is rather manageable to solo as long as
Shield of the Righteous is active, and there is no need to stack.
For more information, please refer to our Abyssal Commander Sivara strategy guide.
Nothing really changes on Mythic other than you get stacks slightly faster. This should be a rather irrelevant change for tanks, but you may want to reset them more often.
Blackwater Behemoth
We advise you to use the following essences against Blackwater Behemoth.
- Major Slot
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
Azeroth's Undying Gift +
Hardened Azerite
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Null Barrier
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Avoid picking up Bioluminescence from the cloud, as tanks will be
able to be healed again due to the
Radiant Biomass debuff the boss
applies and refreshes on you every time he attacks. By swapping shortly before
or after the
debuff fades, you will also naturally reset his
Feeding Frenzy, which
would otherwise force him to hit very quickly.
Note that Divine Steed does not work on this fight as you are
Blessing of Spellwarding is also useful because it makes you
immune to the damage over time effect when tanking. You can also throw
Blessing of Spellwarding on another player who find themselves unable to be
healed but may be on very low health when a
Shock Pulse is
For more information, please refer to our Blackwater Behemoth strategy guide.
Mythic changes nothing for tanks, and the only thing that is added is
Piercing Barb. This is a 1.3-million Nature damage hit, which one
person will take after a channel on this person. You want to help soak this
beam that goes between the boss and the player in order to split the damage.
Blessing of Spellwarding will make the player immune to the damage and
effectively makes any player able to solo it if they receive Spellwarding.
Radiance of Azshara
We advise you to use the following essences against Radiance of Azshara.
- Major Slot
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
Azeroth's Undying Gift +
Hardened Azerite
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Null Barrier
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Lucid Dreams
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
You are safe to taunt during the Tide Fist cast. The boss frequently
knocks the tanks back, so you will not have to tank for very long at a time.
Make sure to always have 3 charges of
Shield of the Righteous saved up
for when you start tanking.
Paladins are great at helping interrupt the Stormlings adds which
damages the group. Try to keep them interrupted and silenced right
before the Gale Buffet cast.
For more information, please refer to our Radiance of Azshara strategy guide.
The Mythic mechanic here splits the raid into two groups during the
intermission. This means that you will have to tank the big
Stormwraith as well as all 3 Stormlings by yourself. Each wave
of Stormlings spawn in the exact middle of the Eye of the Storm, so
try to keep the Stormwraith close so Avenger's Shield always hits all
4 targets.
Lady Ashvane
We advise you to use the following essences against Lady Ashvane.
- Major Slot
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
Azeroth's Undying Gift +
Hardened Azerite
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Null Barrier
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Lucid Dreams
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
While tanking, make sure to keep Shield of the Righteous active
Barnacle Bash. Tanks can and will be the target of several
abilities on this encounter, meaning that you may sometimes have to take an
extra stack at times. You are able to use
Blessing of Spellwarding as
well as
Divine Shield before you get stunned by the
Briny Bubble in order to not spawn the bubble on you.
For more information, please refer to our Lady Ashvane strategy guide.
There are two popular strategies for Lady Ashvane, one involves 3 tanking
it while dealing with 3 Shield Phases, while one strategy involves 2-phasing
it with only 2 tanks. Generally speaking either case will be somewhat of a
DPS race, and it can be recommended to use more offensive Essences such as
Concentrated Flame together with
Seraphim to deal more
damage, however only do this if you feel comfortable doing so without
dying. If you have
Null Barrier from Nullification Dynamo
Rank 3, it will deal a lot of damage. Make sure to pick up a
Waterlogged debuff from the very first wave, as it will keep it
proccing for a lot of extra damage through the whole fight.
Should you be 2-phasing the fight (i.e., you expect to deal about 50% of
her health in damage during each Exposed Azerite phase and have her dead on the
second phase), you can generally go for a more offensive setup, as the fight will
be a lot shorter. You should most likely help by soaking the very last
Rippling Wave before you break the second shield, and take a bunch of
Waterlogged stacks so the raid does not have to.
Should you be 3-tanking it, one tank is designated to be soaking most of
the Rippling Wave bubbles. Paladin tanks do this task very well due
to having immunities to survive when you run around and pick up the bubbles
as you should be reaching around 20+ stacks. It also involves Combat Resurrections on
you as healers will not be able to keep you alive for prolonged periods of
time. This strategy is falling out of favor as better gear (and more DPS)
makes the 2-phase strategy easier.
We advise you to use the following essences against Orgozoa.
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
Hardened Azerite
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Null Barrier
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
As the boss damage will be incredibly high before you have obtained a couple
of Desensitizing Sting debuffs, you will need to start tanking with
heavy cooldowns or externals active right away as
Shield of the Righteous
is not enough alone at the start.
You are able to soak the pools on the ground in Phase 1 with
Divine Shield,
as well as
Blessing of Spellwarding should you need to soak without
Desensitizing Sting debuffs.
Help interrupt all casts from the Azshari Witch should it spawn.
For more information, please refer to our Orgozoa strategy guide.
Outside of Mythic hitting a lot harder, Orgozoa spawns adds a lot faster
as well. Most guilds use 3 tanks on the boss for this reason, as it makes swapping
tanks a lot easier with one tank on adds full time, and the other two swapping on
boss and soaking the pools on the ground that Zoatroids spawn. If you
are tanking the Zoatroids you are not going to be taking a lot of damage and
can basically focus on damage output on those adds instead. If you are
tanking the boss, make sure you have a heavy cooldown as well as
Shield of the Righteous for the first few stacks, as the boss deals an
incredible amount of damage. If you soak a wave of Zoatroid
Amniotic Splatter with
Divine Shield or
Blessing of Spellwarding, you can offset when you need to change
tanks, and can let the tanks reach 9 stacks a lot more often and make it
safer to tank and soak.
In Phase two you also need to tank and soak the Dreadcoil Hulk and
its Powerful Stomp, which deals 2 million Nature damage split between
people in the circle. Note that the Dungeon Journal says it is Physical
damage, but this has been changed to Nature damage and not been updated
properly. This is a lot of damage and you definitely need some form of
cooldown or immunity to survive it even with 7 stacks of
Desensitizing Sting. Help interrupt the Azshari Witch as much
as you can when you are not on the boss.
The Queen's Court
We advise you to use the following essences against The Queen's Court.
- Major Slot
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
Azeroth's Undying Gift +
Hardened Azerite
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Null Barrier
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
You can use Blessing of Spellwarding against
Deferred Sentence to move around freely without taking damage. It can
also be used to help another player solo soak the
Frenetic Charge
from Silivaz the Zealous.
You are able to use abilities such as Shield of the Righteous and
Rebuke during
Repeat Performance should you want to cast 2x
Judgment or
Hammer of the Righteous/
Blessed Hammer in
a row.
For more information, please refer to our The Queen's Court strategy guide.
On Mythic, there is no downtime between edicts, and they simply rotate
around the room quickly (disabling a big part of the room close to the
corresponding banner). This leads to some complicated overlaps, but mainly
the one right after Deferred Sentence ends and the
Obey or Suffer phase begins.
Divine Shield as well as
Blessing of Spellwarding prevents the application of
Suffering which makes you immune to healing for 5 seconds, this is
especially useful if you are tanking Pashmar the Fanatical during
Zealous Eruption, as you will be immune to both.
Blessing of Spellwarding is also a powerful tool against certain
Frenetic Charge during awkward timings should people not have their
own immunities. Aegis of Light can be a great tool to help your raid
Potent Spark overlapping with
Form Ranks.
Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha
We advise you to use the following essences against Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha.
- Main Tank
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Null Barrier
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
Hardened Azerite
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
- Major Slot
- Off Tank
- Major Slot
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Empowered Null Barrier +
Null Barrier
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3:
Strive for Perfection
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Major Slot
When main-tanking, make sure to try to take as little damage as possible
with high effective uptime of Shield of the Righteous to make life
easier for your co-tank.
If you should be off-tanking, you are able to use
Blessing of Spellwarding to
avoid taking any damage from your co-tank through
Mind Tether.
For more information, please refer to our Za'qul, Harbinger of Ny'alotha strategy guide.
This fight is a lot about having proper movement with the boss, out of
tentacles, into adds, and into the Maddening Eruption as well as
constantly picking up all the small Horrific Vision adds. We heavily
recommend using Aegis of Light against specific
Dread and
Manic Dread dispells, as most guilds mass dispell them or Tremor totem
to dispell them all at once. If you are off-tanking, you should be able to
survive just fine with
Seraphim, considering you will take close to
no Physical damage and all the damage you do take is magic.
Blessing of Spellwarding can be used to make sure people who come
out of the
Delirium Realm with a lot of stacks of
to help them survive.
Queen Azshara
We advise you to use the following essences against Queen Azshara.
- Major Slot
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
Azeroth's Undying Gift +
Hardened Azerite
- Azeroth's Undying Gift — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Null Barrier
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- Nullification Dynamo — Rank 3:
Prepare to be mainly taking Physical damage when tanking Cyranus,
while mostly Physical with a lot of Magic burst when tanking Aethanel.
Make sure you keep them out of line of sight of each other during
Painful Memories and within line of sight of each other during
Longing. During Phase One, keep an eye on the energy bar of the boss
you are tanking, as they will drop a puddle of
Cursed Heart under you
whenever they reach 100 energy (keep in mind they sometimes cast it on
themselves when they are casting other spells.
Blessing of Spellwarding will make a person immune to
Sanction dot damage should they have a few too many stacks.
Tanking Azshara herself will involve taking a fair amount of spiky Arcane
regularly, most of which you can avoid with Blessing of Spellwarding,
Arcane Detonation.
Divine Shield can be used to remove the
System Shock
debuff in the last phase, should you be clicking the console.
For more information, please refer to our Queen Azshara strategy guide.
This encounter changes a fair amount in Mythic, but from a tanking perspective it is very similar. The biggest difference is generally the Queen's Decree, which is not tank specific and the whole raid has to deal with it.
In Phase Two, Queen Azshara radiates Arcane Mastery, which
Arcane Vulnerability throughout the whole fight every few
seconds. This only lasts for 5 seconds on DPS and healers, but it lasts for
15 seconds on tanks due to us naturally getting vulnerability from
Arcane Jolt. This means you will need to reset by line of sighting
the boss for quite a while every time you tank swap.
Be careful when she casts Arcane Detonation as she may sometimes
Arcane Jolt instantly through line of sight, if that should be
her next ability as soon as the detonation ends.
In Phase Three, raid position as well as tank position can be awkward to make sure you are in line of sight and be able to be healed in the first place. Make sure you and your healers know where you guys want to be standing to make sure you can receive healing.
As mentioned above, you can pre- Blessing of Spellwarding the
System Shock, or
Divine Shield it away if you are clicking
the console.
- 14 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
- 26 Aug. 2019: Updated and added Mythic tips.
- 13 Jul. 2019: Updated Za'qul Main tank and Off tank Essence recommendations.
- 12 Jul. 2019: Updated Essence recommendations.
- 09 Jul. 2019: Added Eternal Palace advice for Protection Paladins.
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This guide has been written by Treckie, a long-time leading Protection Paladin who competed for world first kills for 5 years. He currently raids in NollTvåTre and has been a caster and an analyst of Blizzard's Mythic Dungeon Invitational. You can watch his stream on Twitch and you can follow him on Twitter.
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