Protection Paladin Tank Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Protection Paladin for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
Uldir Boss Tips for Protection Paladins
This page will focus on how to best prepare as a Protection Paladin for the Uldir raid, rather than a general guide for the instance. These guides and their talent recommendations are purely for progression kills, allowing you to increase your chances of killing the bosses. Once you have killed a boss and are more familiar with the fight and feel comfortable with it, you may very well wish to change talents in order to do more damage.
Talent Cheatsheet
More Taloc Guides on Icy Veins

Protection Paladin Tips for Taloc
Try to help top yourself off with Light of the Protector right
Cudgel of Gore hits you to increase your chances to survive.
Blessing of Spellwarding or
Divine Shield can be used should
you be really low.
Divine Steed can help you get out to the red
Blood Storm pools if you are slow.
In Phase Two and onwards you are able to soak Volatile Droplets
safely if you have full health, but can also soak without taking any damage
with Divine Shield and
Blessing of Spellwarding.
In Mythic the tank gets the Enlarged Heart debuff. Paladins are
great at soaking this ability and completely solo it to avoid having to have
the whole raid stack up and split the damage. Which order you use cooldowns
to survive is up to you and will depend on how long the fight is for timings
and cooldowns, and we recommend using
Unbreakable Spirit to have a
lower cooldown on
Divine Shield should you be unsure of timings. You
can use either of these combinations to survive the hit.
- Every 3 min
Blessing of Spellwarding
- Every 3.5min
Divine Shield (IF you are running
Unbreakable Spirit)
- Every 5 min
Guardian of Ancient Kings +
Ardent Defender
More M.O.T.H.E.R. Guides on Icy Veins

Protection Paladin Tips for M.O.T.H.E.R.
You can use Blessing of Spellwarding on a player walking through the
Defense Grid to avoid him spawning a Remnant of Corruption
add, as well as
Divine Shield for yourself. Paladins are great at
dealing with the adds due to the fact that
Avenger's Shield silences
the mobs for 3
seconds even if it does not interrupt a current cast.
Fist of Justice
shines to single target interrupt while
Blinding Light can be used as
an AoE interrupt on the adds should multiple need to be dealt with at once.
In Mythic, Blessing of Spellwarding and
Divine Shield do
NOT work to avoid spawning adds, however are still very good to throw on
yourself when walking over along with a taunt on the boss to prevent taking
high damage while moving.
When tanks run through the
Defense Grid they now spawn a tank-specific
add that needs to be tanked and killed off as soon as possible.
Healers running through the Defense Grid now spawn a new form of add that
needs to be stunned to interrupt when it is casting;
Fist of Justice
is heavily recommended for this if you are the tank running over first.
Always be careful when running over to the third room due to bad timings on
Uldir Defensive Beam, and do not be afraid of using
Blessing of Spellwarding or even
Divine Shield if you are
running over while beams are on their way. Generally for Protection Paladins
the most deadly part outside of standing in bad things is tanking the boss
while the majority of the healers have moved over to another room. Against
this, either
Final Stand or even
Bastion of Light can be used
to mitigate damage during those dangerous periods. Some guilds choose to run
a strategy where you all run through the beams at once and use all raid
cooldowns to survive, and for this we recommend using Aegis of Light
to help out.
Fetid Devourer
More Fetid Devourer Guides on Icy Veins

Protection Paladin Tips for Fetid Devourer
The two tank roles on this fight are vastly different, one takes sustained
damage while the other one takes massive damage every so often. Paladins do
best in the Thrash tank role as we can have Shield of the Righteous up
for the majority of all
Terrible Thrash attacks. Try your best to
maintain Avenger's Valor from casting
Avenger's Shield to
empower each
Shield of the Righteous, especially below 50%. Do your
best to rotate
Shield of the Righteous,
Ardent Defender,
Guardian of Ancient Kings, as well as
immunities for each hit; this toolkit allows you to never take a hit without
at least one of these effects. Remember that the boss will deal 25% more
damage below 50% health due to
Fetid Frenzy. Careful to not waste
Shield of the Righteous charges against Stomps. As the Thrash tank you can
also use Aegis of Light to reduce damage intake on both yourself and
your co-tank as long as you Shield of the Righteous first. You are also able
to use Divine Shield as well as Blessing of Protection to avoid the knockback
Shockwave Stomp.
This fight does not change on Mythic for tanks outside of the need to move the boss to accommodate being in range for damage dealers to reach the big add spawns.
Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
More Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth Guides on Icy Veins

Protection Paladin Tips for Zek'voz
You should always try to rotate some major cooldown for each time you face
a triple attack, be that with Ardent Defender,
Blessing of Spellwarding,
Guardian of Ancient Kings, or
Divine Shield (with a taunt) any of these alone should make you able
to survive without much effort. Make sure to always have
Shield of the Righteous against
Shatter, and a well timed
Light of the Protector right after will help top you off to survive the
Void Lash.
Try to target the Nerubian Voidweavers with
Avenger's Shield to help with interrupting as it does not only
interrupt, but also silences them for 3 seconds, you are also able to crowd
control them with
Repentance should your group be lacking crowd
controls. You can help stun Void Weavers with
Hammer of Justice and should they become stun immune you can use
Blinding Light to help with an interrupt should you have it talented.
These abilities
are also effective against mind controlled people in the last stage of the
fight, but note that Avenger's Shield does NOT silence mind controlled
On Mythic both waves of adds spawn at once but nothing else really
changes. The most dangerous part is generally to move the boss during the
Surging Darkness without facing the raid, during these attack
combinations we recommend using cooldowns such as
Blessing of Spellwarding or
Divine Shield (if you are specced
Final Stand).
More Vectis Guides on Icy Veins

Protection Paladin Tips for Vectis
Make sure to not stand close to the rest of the raid as to not get the
Omega Vector debuff. In this fight, the majority of damage you
take is going to be magical.
While you are most likely going to want to run
Righteous Protector for extra healing, it is worth mentioning that
Seraphim can seem
like a viable choice as well since the Mastery and Versatility gained will
help reduce the magic damage as well, but this is usually only true in the
absense of physical damage. Vectis still hurts from physical attacks, and his
debuff damage is steady and reliable, making
Shield of the Righteous
strong at reducing the physical damage you take while tanking as it is a lot
more random damage intake compared to the magical dot. The
Evolving Affliction damage goes through immunities like
Blessing of Spellwarding and
Divine Shield, so while not
really impactful when tanking the boss, they can be used to negate both
damage and debuffs in the intermission phases.
Final Stand will still
be very effective and safe when tanking the boss as it is still negating the
auto attack damage even if the debuff is ticking.
Blessing of Spellwarding and
Blessing of Sacrifice are very
good tools to help others soak
Plague Bomb.
On Mythic the main difference is generally that most raids prefer to
rotate tanks in to soaking the Omega Vector debuff, which brings extra
damage to the tank from
Evolving Affliction damage being
increased, so try to save strong cooldowns such as
Guardian of Ancient Kings for the later stage of the fight.
Zul, Reborn
More Zul, Reborn Guides on Icy Veins

Protection Paladin Tips for Zul, Reborn
While tanking the Bloodthirsty Crawg adds, try to keep
Shield of the Righteous up as much as possible to further reduce the
damage they deal, as they will heal themselves depending on how much damage
they deal to you. Paladins are great for helping interrupt and move the
Nazmani Bloodhexers into the boss to be able to cleave effectively,
also great at stunning them during their
Congeal Blood cast with
Hammer of Justice coupled with the
Fist of Justice talent. If
your group has a very limited amount of crowd control on the Hexers,
Repentance can work, but it is far from optimal to have to run out
to do so.
In Phase Two you will take a lot of damage when tanking the boss while also
surviving through the damage over time debuff Rupturing Blood. Try to
maintain a very high uptime on
Shield of the Righteous to at least
reduce the auto attack damage as much as possible. When it comes down to the
other tank taking the boss, you should quickly run out and cast either
Divine Shield or
Blessing of Protection on yourself to remove
the debuff and drop the pool away from the raid, this way you can get rid of
the debuff safely and can start saving up Shield of the Righteous charges for
when you taunt Zul back. If you choose to use Divine Shield on yourself, you
should be able to help your co-tank out with a Blessing of Protection when it
is his time to drop the debuff, but be careful to make sure he is out of the
As you are unable to dispel the Mythic buff adds gain on this encounter
nothing really changes unless you are a Blood Elf. As a Blood Elf you can
dispel the debuff, but be careful to not do it unless you are supposed to. The
Phase Two damage is rather high, make sure you have all cooldowns and maybe
even externals at your disposal to survive taking 4 or 5 stacks before you
use Divine Shield remove the debuff so that you can prolong the last
phase as long as possible, and have your
Blessing of Protection
available for your co-tank to do the same. Most guilds choose to run 3 tanks
for this fight, to have one dedicated to Bloodthirsty Crawgs, if your
group is lacking other slows
Consecrated Ground can be a good option
to help out slowing them.
Mythrax the Unraveler
More Mythrax the Unraveler Guides on Icy Veins

Protection Paladin Tips for Mythrax the Unraveler
While you should be able to survive Essence Shear if you are
topped in health, be careful as he melee hits during his cast as well, which
can spike the damage up further if not covered by
Shield of the Righteous. You should try to time
Light of the Protector to hit in the middle of the Essence Shear cast
to make sure you survive the hit. Cooldowns such as
Blessing of Spellwarding and a well timed
Divine Shield with a
taunt negates the damage, however you still gain the stacks. Should people
need to be released from
Oblivion Spheres Paladins have multiple
range spells to help knock them out even if it is less efficient than proper
knockbacks. In Phase Two, Protection Paladins can be very useful to help
interrupt the N'raqi Destroyers
Void Volley.
The main thing that changes in Mythic is the damage increase. Due to the
frequent tank swaps you are almost able to keep 100% uptime on
Shield of the Righteous during the period you are tanking the boss. If
you are tanking the N'raqi Destroyer on the side where the group is
not stacked, you are able to solo interrupt the add at a small loss of damage
output and survivability should you need to.
More G'huun Guides on Icy Veins

Protection Paladin Tips for G'huun
In the first phase, make sure to help interrupt
Blightspreader Tendril and Cyclopean Terror with
Avenger's Shield as much as you can. During the first intermission you
can help heal the raid with
Flash of Light or
Hand of the Protector should you have it. During periods of high damage
intake, you can remove a lot of pressure by using
Blessing of Spellwarding on yourself to negate the magic damage
portion from the boss to be able to tank a lot longer. By swapping tanks
often in Phase 3, you should be able to have close to 100% uptime on
Shield of the Righteous while you are tanking.
Mythic forces most players to go upstairs and help out handing in the
Power Matrix, Paladins greatest tool against this is
Blessing of Freedom which ignores the slow from the
Amorphous Cysts. Freedom can also be used to move freely around after
killing the Gibbering Horror as it leaves a big area with a 70% slow
where it dies. Freedom does however NOT prevent the slow from holding the
Power Matrix. If you have not used
Blessing of Spellwarding on
yourself during the fight, you can use it on a healer during
Collapse to prevent them from having to move while healing. During
the collapse you are also able to help shield the raid rather effectively
with Aegis of Light, however the healing from
Judgment of Light,
while a small effect, comes in handy in the last phase as well.
- 14 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
- 25 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 15 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 10 Dec. 2018: Major revisions, and Mythic added.
- 03 Sep. 2018: Added initial boss by boss outline for Uldir.
More Paladin Guides
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This guide has been written by Treckie, a long-time leading Protection Paladin who competed for world first kills for 5 years. He currently raids in NollTvåTre and has been a caster and an analyst of Blizzard's Mythic Dungeon Invitational. You can watch his stream on Twitch and you can follow him on Twitter.
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