Protection Warrior Patch 9.2 Changes Analysis and Tier Set Thoughts
On this page, we tell you how the Patch 9.2 changes for Protection Warrior affect the spec and what the current state of theorycrafting is.
Protection Warrior in Patch 9.2: Eternity's End
This page will go over the changes in Patches 9.2, specifically how the changes impact the playstyle, Legendaries, Covenants and other topics. If you are simply interested in what the current changes are for Protection Warrior in 9.2, you can instead read our full list of changes to the entire Warrior class on our dedicated pages below. For an additional list of content in Patch 9.2, you can also check out our Patch Overview page.
Base Spec Changes for Patch 9.2
Currently there are no base spec changes for Protection Warriors in Patch 9.2. However, with the addition of Tier sets and double Legendaries there will be likely a change to how you play the class.
Protection Warrior Talent Changes in Patch 9.2
There have been no changes to the Talents for Protection Warriors. While no changes have been made to the Talents themselves, we will be able to choose between various options more freely due to being allowed to equip 2 Legendaries at once.
Protection Warrior Tier Set in Patch 9.2
Within the new Sepulcher of the First Ones raid that will be coming in Patch 9.2, every class will once again earn pieces of a gear set that is uniquely class-themed with its own two- and four-piece bonuses for every specialization. For Protection Warrior, these set bonuses currently are:
Protection Warrior 2-Piece — Consuming 30 rage grants a stack of
Seeing Red, which transforms into
Outburst at 8 stacks, causing your next
Shield Slam or
Thunder Clap to be 200% more effective and grant
Ignore Pain.
Protection Warrior 4-Piece —
Avatar increases your damage dealt by an additional 10% and decreases damage taken by 10%. Avatar instantly grants
Protection Warrior Tier Set Thoughts
The Protection Warrior 2-Piece bonus stack management is going to be
fairly important in how well you will be performing as a Protection Warrior.
You need to pay close attention to your
Seeing Red stacks as to not use
the wrong ability once it reaches 8 stacks and transforms to
Outburst. When paired together with the
Protection Warrior 4-Piece
Anger Management you can expect to use an empowered
Shield Slam
Thunder Clap every ~20 seconds. Talking about the abilities, it is
almost always better to use the buff on Shield Slam unless you are
dealing with heavy AoE situations. The 200% bonus applies for both the Rage
generated and the damage dealt by the abilities, also the slow applied by
Thunder Clap. This means that instead of 15 Rage, Shield Slam
generates 45 Rage. 45 Rage is almost half of our Rage bar, so
overcapping Rage is going to become a real issue if not paying attention. Another,
although smaller, benefit we gain is the free
Ignore Pain every time we
consume the Outburst stack. Considering the frequency we will be
benefiting from this buff we can also expect an increase to our survivability in
the form of free Ignore Pains.
While the 2-piece bonus requires some additional thought and attention to
use properly, the Protection Warrior 4-Piece bonus is fairly straightforward
and mostly passive. Both the increased damage dealt and decreased damage taken
Avatar is active are solid benefits. This bonus further encourages
us to pick the already-potent
Anger Management Talent on the last row to
provide us even more Avatar uptime. Every time you use Avatar you also
will empower your next
Shield Slam or
Thunder Clap which in turn
leads to more damage, more Rage, and feeds nicely into Anger Management.
All things considered, these bonuses will make the class play even smoother
than before thanks to the extra Rage generation. It also pushes us into using
Anger Management due to the increased
Avatar uptime which in
return leads to more
Outburst stacks creating a nice little circle.
You should definitely try to get the set bonus as fast as possible when it becomes
available, either from Sepulcher of the First Ones raid or from other sources!
Covenant Changes in Patch 9.2 for Protection Warrior
Generally speaking Kyrian and Night Fae will still be the
best generic choices for Protection Warriors. There is however one Covenant
which is becoming a lot better with Patch 9.2 — Necrolord.
While there have not been any changes to Necrolord, the ability to use 2 Legendaries
and the increased Rage generation from our new Tier set make it a very solid choice.
Glory, the Necrolord Legendary, is already pretty strong, but
with the chance to also equip
Reprisal and our new Tier set, both of
which increase our Rage generation, the uptime of this bonus skyrockets!
While the other 3 Covenants are all solid options for us now, Venthyr
unfortunately lacks behind due to the lackluster Covenant Legendary,
Sinful Surge.
Legendary Changes in Patch 9.2 for Protection Warrior
Recall that in Patch 9.1, every class received a Legendary Power that was unique to each Covenant. For Warriors, these Powers were:
- Kyrian —
Elysian Might — Increases the duration of
Spear of Bastion and also increases your Critical Strike damage while remaining within its area.
- Necrolord —
Glory — Causes
Conqueror's Banner to affect 1 additional ally and increases the buff's duration on you depending on the Rage spent.
- Night Fae —
Nature's Fury — Increases the duration and damage dealt of
Ancient Aftershock.
- Venthyr —
Sinful Surge —
Condemn extends the duration of
Avatar by 2.5 seconds.
With Patch 9.2 comes the ability to use 2 Legendary Powers
— one Covenant-specific and one generic one. The Covenant-specific
Legendaries were already in a solid place but they were mostly not used due to
how strong our other options like Reprisal and
Seismic Reverberation are. With this change we can use a combination of
Legendaries making for a lot of fun interactions!
Potential Double Legendary Combinations
Glory is all about generating as much Rage as possible in order
to increase the uptime of
Conqueror's Banner. While you could already
maintain this buff for a significant duration this will become even better when
paired together with a Rage generating Legendary like
The Wall
Reprisal. The extra Rage provided by either of these Legendaries
will make Necrolord a strong contender for one of the best Covenants
due to the sheer value and potential uptime of Conqueror's Banner.
Night Fae
Nature's Fury increases your damage output by a solid amount, the
downside is that it comes with no defensive benefit making it a lackluster
choice when compared to something like
Reprisal. All of this is in
the past now! You can equip
Nature's Fury and Reprisal and
gain the best of both worlds! When talking about Mythic+ you can also pair
it with
Seismic Reverberation for extremely high AoE damage!
Elysian Might is going to pair well with both
Seismic Reverberation. When paired with Reprisal it makes for a solid
all-around combination providing a good combination of offensive and defensive
powers. Pairing it with Seismic Reverberation mostly makes sense in
Mythic+ dungeons or Sepulcher of the First Ones fights that have the constant
presence of 3+ enemies. This will be your damage-heavy option if survivability
is not a issue.
Sinful Surge is a fairly lackluster power as you only benefit
from it while the enemy is at certain health thresholds. Venthyr is
also the only Covenant with an ability that does not directly generate Rage
but rather spends it. If you do however enjoy playing Venthyr you could pair
Sinful Surge together with
Reprisal for the increased Rage and
defensive gains which feeds into the
Condemn usage.
- 21 Feb. 2022: Reviewed for the release of Patch 9.2.
- 15 Jan. 2022: Page added with initial thoughts and information.
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This guide has been written by Mwahi, a Protection Warrior theorycrafter and moderator of the Skyhold Warrior Discord.
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