Protection Warrior Tank Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 20, 2025 at 12:00 by Mwahi 52 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Protection Warrior for each boss of the following raid: Liberation of Undermine. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Liberation of Undermine. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Liberation of Undermine Boss guides.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Protection Warrior and how you can deal with each fight as best as possible.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.


Liberation of Undermine Boss Guides for Protection Warrior


Liberation of Undermine Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Protection Warrior

Vexie Fullthrottle Cauldron of Carnage Rik Reverb Stix Bunkjunker Sprocketmonger Lockenstock One-Armed Bandit Mug'Zee Chrome King Gallywix

Tips for Vexie Fullthrottle for Protection Warrior


Defensive Tips

  • Be sure to keep Shield Block Icon Shield Block up for Tank Buster Icon Tank Buster;
  • Backfire Icon Backfire is blockable with Spell Block Icon Spell Block if needed;
  • Tank Buster Icon Tank Buster leaves behind a long lasting bleed, use Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance, Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall and Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain to help reduce the damage as needed;

Cooldown Usage

  • Be sure to have cooldowns up for when all the Protective Plating Icon Protective Plating stacks are about to fall off. The boss takes increased damage during Mechanical Breakdown Icon Mechanical Breakdown;
  • If needed, save some offensive cooldowns for when the Geargrinder Bikers come in;

Mechanical Tips

  • Taunt swap with your co-tank after one cast of Tank Buster Icon Tank Buster;
  • Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap and Intervene Icon Intervene can be used to move the boss long distances whenever you are stuck on a Oil Slick Icon Oil Slick;

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Cauldron of Carnage for Protection Warrior


Defensive Tips

  • Eruption Stomp Icon Eruption Stomp is blockable with Spell Block Icon Spell Block. Use other defensives as needed when Spell Block Icon Spell Block is not available, to help mitigate the damage;
  • Lightning Bash Icon Lightning Bash's physical part is not blockable, so ensure you have Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance up and pair it with other cooldowns like Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall, Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout and Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain to reduce the damage taken. The magic damage part of the ability is blockable with Spell Block Icon Spell Block;

Cooldown Usage

  • Use offensive cooldowns on cooldown;

Mechanical Tips

  • Use Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap to position the boss in an emergency if they are about to get closer than 40 yards to each other to avoid Raised Guard Icon Raised Guard;

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Rik Reverb for Protection Warrior


Defensive Tips

  • Sonic Blast Icon Sonic Blast is not blockable, so be sure to stay in Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance and use defensive abilities like Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout and Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall to keep yourself healthy at higher stacks;
  • If you are assigned to soak an Amplifier, the Lingering Voltage Icon Lingering Voltage debuff is mitigatable with Spell Block Icon Spell Block. At higher stacks, or when Spell Block runs out, you can also use Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall and Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection as needed.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use offensive cooldowns on cooldown;

Mechanical Tips

  • Sonic Blast Icon Sonic Blast puts a debuff called Tinnitus Icon Tinnitus on anyone hit, this stacks and acts as a tank swap mechanic as it increases your damage taken from Sonic Blast Icon Sonic Blast;
  • Use Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap to move the boss after the cast of Amplification! Icon Amplification!;
  • Be sure to keep the boss faced away from other players so they do not get hit by Sonic Blast Icon Sonic Blast;
  • Be sure to attack the Pyrotechnic barrels that spawn, as they buff you with Excitement Icon Excitement, stacking up to 3 times.

Mythic Difficulty


Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Stix Bunkjunker for Protection Warrior


Defensive Tips

  • Demolish Icon Demolish deals a mix of physical and magical damage. Physical part is blockable with Shield Block Icon Shield Block, and magical part with Spell Block Icon Spell Block. If you do not have Spell Block available, use Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall as a substitute.
  • Meltdown Icon Meltdown is a big magic damage hit, which is blockable with Spell Block Icon Spell Block. If you do not have Spell Block available, use Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall as a substitute.
  • Infected Bite Icon Infected Bite from Junkyard Hyena is blockable with Shield Block Icon Shield Block.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use offensive cooldowns on cooldown;

Mechanical Tips

  • Demolish Icon Demolish acts as a tank swap mechanic.
  • The active tank will get targeted by Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish, once this happens roll over the garbage on the ground to grow your ball. You can also roll your ball over the adds that spawn from this boss, but avoid the Territorial Bombshells.
  • If assigned to do so, be sure to pickup the Junkyard Hyena adds that spawn.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock for Protection Warrior


Defensive Tips

  • Pyro Party Pack Icon Pyro Party Pack is blockable with Spell Block Icon Spell Block. You can use Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall and Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection as a backup.
  • Gravi-Gunk Icon Gravi-Gunk is a debuff which is applied by the bosses attacks. It increases your damage taken, and slows you.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use offensive cooldowns on cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • Pyro Party Pack Icon Pyro Party Pack acts as a tank swap mechanic. Use Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap to put distance between you and the group once you get the mechanic.
  • Charge Icon Charge is a quick way to get back to the boss after leaping out with Pyro Party Pack Icon Pyro Party Pack.
  • Be sure to move the boss quickly to a new safe zone once the boss casts Wire Transfer Icon Wire Transfer. Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap and Intervene Icon Intervene can both be used for quick movement.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for One-Armed Bandit for Protection Warrior


Defensive Tips

  • The Big Hit Icon The Big Hit inflicts massive physical damage and leaves a damaging puddle on the ground after a few seconds. Use Shield Block Icon Shield Block to mitigate the damage. You can additionally use other defensives like Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall or Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout as needed.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use offensive cooldowns on cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • The Big Hit Icon The Big Hit acts as a tank swap mechanic.
  • If possible, try to kick Overload! Icon Overload! casts from the Reel Assistant adds. You can use Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap or Charge Icon Charge to get to them quickly if needed.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Mug'Zee for Protection Warrior


Defensive Tips

  • Molten Gold Knuckles Icon Molten Gold Knuckles deals a mix of physical and magical damage and knocks you back. The physical part is not blockable, so use a cooldown such as Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall paired with Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout to deal with it. The magic part is blockable with Spell Block Icon Spell Block. It also leaves a Golden Drip Icon Golden Drip debuff on you, which makes you leave behind pools of gold as you move around. To get rid of it, you need to keep moving while also making sure not to waste too much room.
  • Stormfury Finger Gun Icon Stormfury Finger Gun deals a lot of Nature damage in a cone in-front of the boss. Be sure to face this away from the raid.
  • If a player gets targeted by Double Whammy Shot Icon Double Whammy Shot, be sure to stand between the target player and the boss, in their indicator line and use defensives such as Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall and a maxed out Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain to reduce the damage taken.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use offensive cooldowns on cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • Molten Gold Knuckles Icon Molten Gold Knuckles is the tank swap mechanic.
  • Charge Icon Charge and Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap can be used to cancel to knockback of Molten Gold Knuckles Icon Molten Gold Knuckles. Be wary of doing so, as you need to run around after to get rid of Golden Drip Icon Golden Drip. Alternatively, use Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap to position yourself in a proper place to drop the gold pools when moving.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Chrome King Gallywix for Protection Warrior

This boss was not testable on the TWW Alpha/Beta servers. Information will be forthcoming once it is available on Live servers.


Defensive Tips

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the Heroic week for some tips.

Cooldown Usage

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the Heroic week for some tips.

Mechanical Tips

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the Heroic week for some tips..

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


General Defensive Usage Notes

As a tank, we have access to various defensive cooldowns. Using them properly, depending on the mechanic you are facing, is a crucial part of surviving in Raids. This holds especially true as Warrior Protection since a bulk of our mitigation comes from blocking abilities. Unfortunately, it is not always clear which abilities are blockable and which are not. There is also the case of abilities that are either not blockable or deal some other type of damage (nature, magic..). For such scenarios, we have to use other defensives, which are mentioned below.

  • Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance
    • While not technically a cooldown, it can be used as one;
    • Use it whenever you feel uncomfortable with the damage intake;
  • Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall
    • Use it on mechanics which are not blockable;
    • Reduces all damage taken;
  • Spell Block Icon Spell Block
    • Use it on magic damage, if it is blockable;
  • Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout
    • Usually used on cooldown offensively due to Booming Voice Icon Booming Voice, but should be used defensively if the situation warrants it;
  • Last Stand Icon Last Stand
    • Can be used as an extra defensive against big hits if you are not sure if you would survive otherwise;
    • Can use it if you drop low on HP to get yourself back up;
  • Impending Victory Icon Impending Victory
    • Used to heal yourself after dropping low;
    • Best paired with Last Stand Icon Last Stand since the heal is based on our maximum health;


  • 20 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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