Protection Warrior Tank Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Mwahi 52 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Protection Warrior for each boss of the following raid: Sepulcher of the First Ones. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.



On this page, you will find Protection Warrior-specific information to deal with each boss in the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Protection Warrior and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.

Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection and Shield Block Icon Shield Block tips will be frequently updated as the abilities which can be reflected / deflected / blocked can change at any time.

As a note, all information provided was given before the release of Dragonflight and therefore will not reflect any changes made after the release of the Dragonflight Pre-patch.

During the Dragonflight Pre-Patch, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones will be simultaneously featured as Fated Raids. During this time encounters within each specific raid will include an additional mechanic and items will drop at increased item levels. If you would like to learn more general information about the Fated Raids system as a whole, please see our overview below. Otherwise, continue to use this page for specialization-specific tips.


Talent Cheatsheet

This talent builds works well for every single boss encounter, you can import the loadout as follows


Vigilant Guardian

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Vigilant Guardian.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • Make good use out of Taunt Icon Taunt, Challenging Shout Icon Challenging Shout, and the taunt reset from Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap to help you pick up any straggler adds.
  • Keep Shield Block Icon Shield Block up for Dissonance Icon Dissonance as it is blockable.
  • Split Resolution Icon Split Resolution and Wave of Disintegration Icon Wave of Disintegration are reflectable so use Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection on them.

For more information, please refer to our Vigilant Guardian guide.


Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • Dust Flail Icon Dust Flail, Ravening Burrow Icon Ravening Burrow and Wormhole Jaws Icon Wormhole Jaws are all blockable, keep Shield Block Icon Shield Block up for these.
  • You can also block the initial hit of Rend Icon Rend, but not the bleed that follows.
  • Using Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection on Ephemera Dust Icon Ephemera Dust will deflect it.

For more information, please refer to our Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener guide.


Artificer Xy'Mox

We advise you to use the following Legendary against Artificer Xy'mox.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • Debilitating Ray Icon Debilitating Ray is reflectable.
  • You can deflect Relic Collapse Icon Relic Collapse with Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection.
  • Use a cooldown like Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout or Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall paired with Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain for Glyph of Relocation Icon Glyph of Relocation.

Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • Use Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection on Domination Bolt Icon Domination Bolt, Obliteration Arc Icon Obliteration Arc, and Staggering Barrage Icon Staggering Barrage.
  • Have a defensive up and use Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain for Infused Strikes Icon Infused Strikes to reduce the incoming damage.

For more information, please refer to our Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle guide.


Prototype Pantheon

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Prototype Pantheon.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • Animastorm Icon Animastorm and Sinful Projection Icon Sinful Projection can be deflected with Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection.
  • Gloom Bolt Icon Gloom Bolt, Windswept Wings Icon Windswept Wings, and Withering Nova Icon Withering Nova can be reflected with Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection.
  • Use Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain together with Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall or Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout to reduce the damage taken from Humbling Strikes Icon Humbling Strikes.

For more information, please refer to our Prototype Pantheon guide.


Lihuvim, Principal Architect

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Lihuvim, Principal Architect.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • You can deflect Degenerate Icon Degenerate with Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection.
  • You can use Shield Block Icon Shield Block to block the Physical portion of the Kinetic Resonance Icon Kinetic Resonance.
  • Use a cooldown paired with Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain to reduce the magic damage taken from Sundering Resonance Icon Sundering Resonance.

For more information, please refer to our Lihuvim, Principal Architect guide.


Halondrus the Reclaimer

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Halondrus the Reclaimer.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • Try to keep Shield Block Icon Shield Block up for Lance Icon Lance; it is the bosses "auto-attack".
  • Have Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall, Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout or Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection up together with Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain for Lightshatter Beam Icon Lightshatter Beam.

For more information, please refer to our Halondrus the Reclaimer guide.


Anduin Wrynn

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Anduin Wrynn.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • Shield Block Icon Shield Block will block the Physical portion of Soul Reaper Icon Soul Reaper, use Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain or any defensive cooldown on-top of it for the magical portion.
  • Be sure to keep Shield Block Icon Shield Block up as much as possible when actively tanking to help manage your damage taken when the boss gains more Dark Zeal Icon Dark Zeal stacks.

For more information, please refer to our Anduin Wrynn guide.


Lords of Dread

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Lords of Dread.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • Use Shield Block Icon Shield Block to block the initial hit of Anguishing Strike Icon Anguishing Strike and also Leeching Claws Icon Leeching Claws.
  • Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection can be used against Cloud of Carrion Icon Cloud of Carrion.
  • Cover any magic damage parts like the DoT from Anguishing Strike Icon Anguishing Strike with Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain and other defensive cooldowns.

For more information, please refer to our Lords of Dread guide.



We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Rygelon.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • Keep Shield Block Icon Shield Block up for Corrupted Strikes Icon Corrupted Strikes to reduce the Physical part of the hit. Use Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain, Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout, or Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall as needed as it hits hard.
  • Gravitational Collapse Icon Gravitational Collapse is not blockable so use Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain together with Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout or Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall. Call for external defensives as needed.

For more information, please refer to our Rygelon guide.


The Jailer

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against The Jailer.

  1. Reprisal Icon Reprisal
  2. The Wall Icon The Wall
  3. Glory Icon Glory
  • Keep Shield Block Icon Shield Block up against melees. Unfortunately the abilities themselves are not blockable or reflectable.
  • Use Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain as often as needed to help smooth out the damage intake.
  • Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection, Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout, and Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall paired with Ignore Pain Icon Ignore Pain are all effective abilities against magic damage. Try to plan out their usage according to your raid's strategy.

For more information, please refer to our The Jailer guide.



  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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