Prototype Pantheon Normal Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Normal difficulty Encounter Journal for Prototype Pantheon in Sepulcher of the First Ones.
More Prototype Pantheon Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
For our strategy guide for the Prototype Pantheon, please use the following link.
The Prototype of Duty and the Prototype of War assault players on the ground, using Necrotic Ritual and
Pinning Volley.
If a member of the Prototype Pantheon reaches 50% health remaining, they all retreat to the Progenitor Forge as Reconstruction begins, ushering other Prototype Pantheon members into the fight.
The Prototype of Absolution and the Prototype of Renewal then assault players on the ground, using Withering Seeds and
Hand of Destruction.
The Prototpye Pantheon then assaults players for a final showdown.
Humbling Strikes inflicts damage to all players for 30% of the amount of damage taken by the primary target.
- Upon reaching 100 energy,
Wracking Pain increases all damage taken by targets in front of the caster, and can also hit Necrotic Ritualists.
Hand of Destruction pulls all players to the current target's location.
Necrotic Ritual grows in size until all Necrotic Ritualists are defeated.
- Players caught in
Pinning Volley remain stunned until freed.
Animastorm silences players in the effect.
- Upon removal,
Runecarver's Deathtouch jumps to a nearby player unless protected with
Bastion's Ward.
Withering Seeds can be healed to provide
Invigorating Bloom.
Burden of Sin inflicts damage to all players periodically.
Stage One: War and Duty
If the Prototype of War or the Prototype of Duty reaches 50% health remaining, both retreat to the Progenitor Forge. The Prototype of Absolution and the Prototype of Renewal then begin their assault upon players.

The Primus calls forth several Necrotic Ritualists to usher an expanding ring of Necrosis into this realm, growing until all Necrotic Ritualists are defeated.
Necrosis reduces all healing received by 100% and inflicts 6,078 Shadow damage every 1 sec to all players in the effect.

The Prototype of War carves a sigil into several target's flesh, inflicting 4,863 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 30 sec. This effect inflicts 81,050 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yds upon removal and additionally jumps to a nearby ally if the wearer is not protected with Bastion's Ward.

Inflicts 12,152 Shadow damage to a random enemy, absorbing 81,050 healing received.

The Prototype of Duty takes to the skies, beating her wings and summoning a barrage of Kyrian armaments towards player locations.

The Prototype of Duty beats her wings with tremendous force for 12 sec, repelling all players and inflicting 4,457 Nature damage every 1 sec to all players.

A Kyrian armament impacts the ground with tremendous force, stunning all players within 6 yds of the impact and inflicting 4,851 Physical damage every 2 sec until freed by destroying the armament.

Projections of ascended Kyrians watch over the Prototype of Duty in combat, forming protective wards if called upon to give their life.

Upon giving their life, a protective barrier is formed reducing damage taken by Runecarver's Deathtouch by 100% and and preventing it from jumping to a nearby ally.
Damage and healing done by players in the effect reduced by 100%.

The Prototype of Duty strikes her current target inflicting 81,140 Physical damage, and increasing damage taken from Humbling Strike by 100% for 40 sec.
In addition, the impact radiates 30% of the damage inflicted to all other players as Physical damage.
Stage Two: Sin and Seed
If the Prototype of Absolution or the Prototype of Renewal reaches 50% health remaining, both Pantheon members retreat to the Progenitor Forge. All members of the Pantheon of Death then continue the assault upon players for a final showdown.

The Prototype of Renewal summons a herd of wild beasts to trample players, inflicting 8,095 Physical damage to players in the path and knocking them back.

The Prototype of Renewal sows seeds across the battlefield. If their life force is depleted, the seeds burst into a Withering Nova. If they are instead healed to full health, an
Invigorating Bloom is released.

Upon reaching full health, the Withering Seed blooms, instantly healing all players for 105,660. Additionally, healing done is increased for all players by 50% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.

Upon withering, the seed unleashes a wave of life force inflicting 14,183 Nature damage to all players instantly and 3,242 Nature damage every 2 sec for 16 sec. This effect stacks.

The Prototype of Renewal summons a torrent of Animastorms, inflicting 2,836 Nature damage to players caught in the effect every 0.2 sec and silencing them.

Hurls a bolt of coagulated life force, inflicting 6,889 Nature damage instantly and 4,052 Nature damage every 2 sec for 16 sec.

The Prototype of Absolution pulls all players to his location and conjures an image of himself.
After 6 sec, the image releases destructive energy that inflicts 24,315 Shadow damage to all players, reduced based on distance.

Sinful projections surge forth in multiple directions after 4 sec, inflicting 8,105 Shadow damage to other players and stunning them for 2 sec.
Sinful Projections apply a stack of Burden of Sin to players hit by the effect.

The Prototype of Absolution strikes with immense power, inflicting 36,472 Shadow damage to players and Necrotic Ritualists in the direction of his current target and increasing all damage they take by 25% for 40 sec. This effect stacks.

All players gain Burden of Sin as the Prototype of Absolution becomes active. Every 2 sec, Burden of Sin inflicts 3,647 Shadow damage per application.
Stage Three: Pantheon of Death
The Pantheon of Death enters the fight for a final showdown.

The Primus calls forth several Necrotic Ritualists to usher an expanding ring of Necrosis into this realm, growing until all Necrotic Ritualists are defeated.
Necrosis reduces all healing received by 100% and inflicts 6,078 Shadow damage every 1 sec to all players in the effect.

The Prototype of War carves a sigil into several target's flesh, inflicting 4,863 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 30 sec. This effect inflicts 81,050 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yds upon removal and additionally jumps to a nearby ally if the wearer is not protected with Bastion's Ward.

Inflicts 12,152 Shadow damage to a random enemy, absorbing 81,050 healing received.

The Prototype of Duty takes to the skies, beating her wings and summoning a barrage of Kyrian armaments towards player locations.

The Prototype of Duty beats her wings with tremendous force for 12 sec, repelling all players and inflicting 4,457 Nature damage every 1 sec to all players.

A Kyrian armament impacts the ground with tremendous force, stunning all players within 6 yds of the impact and inflicting 4,851 Physical damage every 2 sec until freed by destroying the armament.

Projections of ascended Kyrians watch over the Prototype of Duty in combat, forming protective wards if called upon to give their life.

Upon giving their life, a protective barrier is formed reducing damage taken by Runecarver's Deathtouch by 100% and and preventing it from jumping to a nearby ally.
Damage and healing done by players in the effect reduced by 100%.

The Prototype of Duty strikes her current target inflicting 81,140 Physical damage, and increasing damage taken from Humbling Strike by 100% for 40 sec.
In addition, the impact radiates 30% of the damage inflicted to all other players as Physical damage.

The Prototype of Renewal summons a herd of wild beasts to trample players, inflicting 8,095 Physical damage to players in the path and knocking them back.

The Prototype of Renewal sows seeds across the battlefield. If their life force is depleted, the seeds burst into a Withering Nova. If they are instead healed to full health, an
Invigorating Bloom is released.

Upon reaching full health, the Withering Seed blooms, instantly healing all players for 105,660. Additionally, healing done is increased for all players by 50% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.

Upon withering, the seed unleashes a wave of life force inflicting 14,183 Nature damage to all players instantly and 3,242 Nature damage every 2 sec for 16 sec. This effect stacks.

The Prototype of Renewal summons a torrent of Animastorms, inflicting 2,836 Nature damage to players caught in the effect every 0.2 sec and silencing them.

Hurls a bolt of coagulated life force, inflicting 6,889 Nature damage instantly and 4,052 Nature damage every 2 sec for 16 sec.

The Prototype of Absolution pulls all players to his location and conjures an image of himself.
After 6 sec, the image releases destructive energy that inflicts 24,315 Shadow damage to all players, reduced based on distance.

Sinful projections surge forth in multiple directions after 4 sec, inflicting 8,105 Shadow damage to other players and stunning them for 2 sec.
Sinful Projections apply a stack of Burden of Sin to players hit by the effect.

The Prototype of Absolution strikes with immense power, inflicting 36,472 Shadow damage to players and Necrotic Ritualists in the direction of his current target and increasing all damage they take by 25% for 40 sec. This effect stacks.

All players gain Burden of Sin as the Prototype of Absolution becomes active. Every 2 sec, Burden of Sin inflicts 3,647 Shadow damage per application.
- 31 Dec. 2021: Guide added.
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