Queen Ansurek Raid Guide in Nerub-ar Palace

Last updated on Sep 29, 2024 at 23:35 by Panthea
Queen Ansurek is the final boss encounter in the Nerub-ar Palace raid in The War Within. On this page you will find a both a short and a full written guide for this encounter, with everything you need to know to take the boss on in Normal, Heroic, or Mythic difficulty.

Queen Ansurek Raid Guide

Quick TLDR Guide Strategy Guide: Full Guide Mythic Strategy

Quick TLDR Guide


Phase 1:

  • Pull the boss to the edge of the room and move around clockwise as a raid after each mechanic.
  • Tanks: The tank mechanic on this phase is a two hit combo.
    1. Tank A: Gets hit by Liquefy Icon Liquefy. This drops a large acid pool on the ground and smaller pools at the locations of players.
    2. Tank B: Taunts and gets hit by Feast Icon Feast. Has a large healing absorb applied.
    3. Tank B keeps the boss until the next combo.
  • Healers: Heal the tank with Feast Icon Feast to remove the absorb and prevent them from dying.
  • Dodge Web Blades Icon Web Blades.
  • Stand near the boss for Liquefy Icon Liquefy to bait the acid pools in locations you will not use again in this phase.
  • Place Reactive Toxin Icon Reactive Toxin near the boss and have designated players run into it when the cast of Venom Nova Icon Venom Nova is about to finish.
  • Move into the Reactive Toxin Icon Reactive Toxin area but not the centre of it unless assigned. This is used to jump over the Venom Nova Icon Venom Nova.
  • Heroic:Two Reactive Toxin Icon Reactive Toxin's happen and require an even split of your raid in each pool. New players must soak the pool each time.
  • Dodge the Waves that spawn from the Reactive Toxin Icon Reactive Toxin after it detonates.
  • Be close to the boss with Silken Tomb Icon Silken Tomb, but do not overlap other players. DPS will destroy the tombs. If you have an immunity such as Blessing of Freedom Icon Blessing of Freedom this removes the tomb.


  • Spread around the boss, but in range of your healers.
  • Do not stand on other players.
  • Remove the absorb shield on the boss by DPSing it.
  • Run away from the boss when Wrest Icon Wrest is cast. At least two thirds of the platform away.

Phase 2:

  • Split the raid into two even teams and move towards the Voidspeakers.
  • Ranged DPS/Healers: Stand away from the group as pools will be baited on you which fire orbs. This is present on the ground and platform 3.
  • Interrupt Shadowblast Icon Shadowblast.
  • When the Asceded Voidspeaker dies, position yourself between the voidspeaker and the first platform.
  • Kill adds and run away from the edge when Wrest Icon Wrest is applied to you.
  • Avoid the beams from the Chamber Expeller.
  • When both adds are dead click the crystals on the side to ascend to the next platform.
  • Healers: Dispel Gloom Touch Icon Gloom Touch from one healer instantly on each side and wait until after Wrest Icon Wrest to dispel the next one.
  • On the final platform position yourself between the add and the Phase 3 platform when it dies to get knocked to the final area.

Phase 3:

  • Tanks: The tank mechanic on this phase is a two hit combo.
    1. Tank A: Gets hit by Infest Icon Infest. This tank needs to run away from the boss as when they detonate adds will spawn. These cannot reach the boss.
    2. Tank B: Gets hit by Gorge Icon Gorge, which increases physical damage taken.
    3. Tank A runs back and takes the boss back after they have spawned adds from Infest Icon Infest.
  • Ranged DPS/Healers: Stand on the outer edge of the platform to bait pools from Gorge Icon Gorge.
  • Players targeted by Royal Condemnation Icon Royal Condemnation should move in front of the boss. These deal damage to the raid based on distance. Stand on each other.
  • Two players will be targeted by Abyssal Conduit Icon Abyssal Conduit one should move to the inner edge and one to the outer edge.
  • When Abyssal Infusion Icon Abyssal Infusion is cast players should move towards the Abyssal Conduit Icon Abyssal Conduit towards the centre and run into it after the beam has passed the one on the outer edge.
  • Heroic: A small AoE circle is applied to every player that teleported with an Abyssal Conduit Icon Abyssal Conduit. Spread out.
  • Kill Acolytes that spawn in the centre of the arena and interrupt their casts when their absorb shield has been removed.
  • Heroic: Acolytes create an Acolyte's Essence Icon Acolyte's Essence when defeated. This has to be picked up by running over it and taken through an Abyssal Conduit Icon Abyssal Conduit. If any are hit by the beam the raid will wipe.

Strategy Guide: Full Guide


Phase 1:

  • Pull the boss to the edge of the room and move around clockwise as a raid after each mechanic.
  • Tank Combo: The tank mechanic on this phase is a two hit combo.
    • Tank A: Gets hit by Liquefy Icon Liquefy. This drops a large acid pool on the ground and smaller pools at the locations of players.
    • Tank B: Taunts and gets hit by Feast Icon Feast. Has a large healing absorb applied.
    • Tank B keeps the boss until the next combo.
  • Liquefy Icon Liquefy: Tank Combo Part 1
    • This mechanic will hit the tank and apply a large physical damage taken debuff to them.
    • A large acid pool will spawn under the boss.
    • Smaller acid pools will spawn at player locations.
    • Players in the raid should aim to bait their acid close to the boss or against previous pools.
  • Feast Icon Feast: Tank Combo Part 2
    • This mechanic is cast after Liquefy Icon Liquefy and will deal a large amount of physical damage to the tank and apply a large healing absorb shield. This tank needs to keep threat of the boss becuase the other tank will die if they taunt.
    • Healers will need to be ready to heal the tank and remove the absorb. Tools such as Guardian Angel Icon Guardian Angel will help remove this absorb faster.
  • Web Blades Icon Web Blades: Lines
    • This mechanic will target three players in the raid and fire webs at their location.
    • All players in the raid will need to move out of the lines from these webs.
    • Getting hit by Web Blades Icon Web Blades will deal a large amount of Nature damage and slow you by 95% for 3 seconds.
  • Reactive Toxin Icon Reactive Toxin & Venom Nova Icon Venom Nova: Debuff and Soak
    • One player will be marked with Reactive Toxin Icon Reactive Toxin and have a green circle around them.
    • This player should place this circle near the boss.
    • Avoid the centre of the newly spawned Reactive Froth.
    • When Venom Nova Icon Venom Nova is being casted all players should run into the Froth circle but still not the centre.
    • At less than 1 second remaining on the Venom Nova Icon Venom Nova cast from the boss. One assigned player should run into the centre of the Froth and this will launch all players in the radius of it into the air and you will avoid damage from the nova.
    • The player that popped the froth will need to run away from the raid and explode.
    • The Reactive Froth will then explode and fire Toxic Waves which players need to avoid getting hit by.
  • Silken Tomb Icon Silken Tomb: Roots
    • If you did Tindral in Dragonflight this mechanic should be very familar for you.
    • All players in the raid should be close to the boss or the previous pools, this is to conserve space in the arena as this does not despawn until after the intermission.
    • Players will have a small ring around their feet. This shows if you will hit other players when your tomb spawns.
    • Once the tomb spawns you are rooted until it is destroyed, having them on or near the boss means that players can AoE them down.
    • Players with root immunity such as Blessing of Freedom Icon Blessing of Freedom can stand outside of the clump and not be affected by the mechanic.

Heroic Changes:

  • Reactive Toxin Icon Reactive Toxin will now spawn on two players. These should be placed on either side of the boss.
  • The two Reactive Froth circles will require an even split of your raid inside each of them. E.g. if you are a 20man raid, each pool requires 10 players in them.
  • The Froths contain debuff stacks which are equal to (raid size / 2) + 1. This means that if your raid is unevenly spread you will gain more debuff stacks.
  • Feast Icon Feast healing absorb is increased based on the amount of damage it deals to the tank. Using mitigation cooldowns will reduce the absorb size.
  • Silken Tomb Icon Silken Tomb now leaves webs on the ground after they are removed.


  • This intermission will begin after 3 Venom Nova Icon Venom Nova or 35% Health.
  • Ansurek will move into the middle of the arena and apply a large damage absorbtion shield to themselves.
  • If any players are pulled under the boss they will be killed by Devour Icon Devour.
  • All players in the raid will be tethered to Ansurek with Predation Threads Icon Predation Threads and be dragged towards the boss.
  • Wrest Icon Wrest: Pull in
    • When Wrest Icon Wrest is directly casted by the boss they will be aggressively pulled to the boss.
    • Move at least two thirds of the platform away from the boss to avoid being pulled under and getting killed.
    • Abilities such as Death's Advance Icon Death's Advance, Blink Icon Blink, Disengage Icon Disengage will allow those players to not need to move far away.
  • Paralyzing Venom Icon Paralyzing Venom: Debuff and Waves
    • This deals raid wide damage and applys a stacking movement speed reduction debuff.
    • This also triggers waves of venom to move across the platform. These get wider as they reach the edge of the platform.
    • Getting hit by a wave applys another stack of Paralyzing Venom Icon Paralyzing Venom.

Heroic Changes:

  • Predation Threads Icon Predation Threads deals damage to nearby players. Spread out.

Phase 2:

  • Ground Floor: 2x Ascendant Voidspeakers
    • Split the raid into two even teams and move towards the Voidspeakers.
    • Ranged DPS/Healer: Stand away from the add to bait Gloom Orbs Icon Gloom Orbs.
    • Interrupt Shadowblast Icon Shadowblast.
    • When they die position yourself between the corpse and the first platform.
  • Platform 1: 1x Chamber Guardian and 1x Chamber Expeller
    • Tanks: Keep threat of the Chamber Guardian and avoid being knocked off by the beam or Oust Icon Oust.
    • Melee DPS: Focus the Chamber Guardian.
    • Ranged DPS: Focus the Chamber Expeller.
    • Avoid the beams from the Chamber Expeller.
    • Similar to the intermission when Wrest Icon Wrest is cast move at least two thirds away from the edge that you are being pulled towards.
    • When both adds are dead click the crystals on the side to ascend to the next platform. When both have been clicked a platform will appear. This will also cancel any active Wrest Icon Wrest's on your group.
  • Platform 2: Many Spiders, 1x Devoted Worshiper and 1x Chamber Expeller
    • Tanks: Keep threat of the spiders and tank them on top of the Worshiper.
    • DPS: Don't hit the spiders until the tank has got threat of them. They hit hard!
    • DPS: Focus the Devoted Worshiper as if the cast completes from it you will die.
    • Avoid the beams from the Chamber Expeller.
    • Healers: Gloom Touch Icon Gloom Touch will be applied to Healers. One healer on each side should be assigned to instantly dispel one. Wait until Wrest Icon Wrest has been cast and the raid has been pulled to dispel the next one.
    • When both adds are dead click the crystals on the side to ascend to the next platform.
  • Platform 3: Many Spiders and 1x Ascendant Worshiper.
    • This is the ground floor add mechanics again, but with little spiders in the mix.
    • Interrupt Shadowblast Icon Shadowblast.
    • Ranged DPS/Healer: Stand away from the add to bait Gloom Orbs Icon Gloom Orbs.
    • When the Worshiper dies position yourself between the corpse and the final platform.

Heroic Changes:

  • The spiders now apply a stacking DoT to their target which increases their damage taken for 3 seconds. If the tank is in trouble use tools such as Ring of Peace Icon Ring of Peace or an AoE stun to reset the stacks.

Phase 3:

  • Once you reach the final platform the boss will be casting Aphotic Communion Icon Aphotic Communion during this time you can freely dps her as the phase will not begin until this has finished casting.
  • When the phase begins the boss will jump to the main platform. You can see in advance where she will leap with the small arrow indicator on the red hitbox outline.
  • Melee and Tanks should position themselves near to where the boss will jump and Ranged DPS and Healers should position themselves on the outer edge.
  • Tanks: The tank mechanic on this phase is a two hit combo.
    1. Tank A: Gets hit by Infest Icon Infest. This tank needs to run away from the boss as when they detonate adds will spawn. These cannot reach the boss.
    2. Tank B: Gets hit by Gorge Icon Gorge, which increases physical damage taken.
    3. Tank A runs back and takes the boss back after they have spawned adds from Infest Icon Infest.
  • Infest Icon Infest: Tank Combo Part 1
    1. A tank will be hit by this ability and have a giant circle put around them. This tank should run away from the group and more importantly away from the boss.
    2. Several adds will now spawn at this location which must be kept away from the boss.
    3. DPS: These adds need to be killed before they reach the boss. If they reach the boss it will explode dealing raid wide damage and buff the boss.
  • Gorge Icon Gorge: Tank Combo Part 2
    1. This will deal damage to the tank and apply a stacking damage taken debuff on them. Keep this tank alive until the other tank returns and takes the boss.
    2. Ranged DPS/Healers: Projectiles will be fired at the locations of Ranged players. They should be stacked on the outer edge of the room and move as a group to make avoiding these easier.
  • Summoned Acolyte Adds
    1. These addsa repeatedly cast Null Detonation Icon Null Detonation but cannot be interrupted until their absorb shield has been removed.
    2. Each cast increases the amount of raid wide damage taken.
    3. Break the shields and interrupt them.
    4. If any Acolytes remain alive when Frothing Gluttony Icon Frothing Gluttony is cast the raid will die from Froth Vapor Icon Froth Vapor.
  • Royal Condemnation Icon Royal Condemnation: Tethers
    1. Several players will be targeted by this ability and deal damage to the raid based on their distance away from them.
    2. To make managing this ability and the damage easier all players targeted should run just in front of the boss.
  • Abyssal Infusion Icon Abyssal Infusion and Frothing Gluttony Icon Frothing Gluttony: Portals and pull in
    1. Two players will be recieve this debuff and pulse damage around them. Ranged DPS players should be spread out for this.
    2. When the debuff expires portals will appear at their locations and these will be used to go through the Frothing Gluttony Icon Frothing Gluttony lines.
    3. One player should move towards the inner edge of the arena and one towards the outer edge of the arena.
    4. Ansurek will then cast Frothing Gluttony Icon Frothing Gluttony which pulls all players towards the middle of the arena. A slow moving beam will converge from the outer edge of the arena to the centre. Use the portals to avoid dying to the beam.

Heroic Changes:

  • Gloom Hatchlings from Infest Icon Infest now leave a puddle on the ground when killed.
  • Gorge Icon Gorge now deals increased Shadow damage based on the amount of Physical damage done. Use mitigation cooldowns to reduce this.
  • Royal Condemnation Icon Royal Condemnation now tethers the raid to the location the players detonated at and spawn a killable add (Royal Shackles). The tether breaks when the Royal Shackles have been defeated. All players affected should run towards the boss to drop their Royal Shackles so that the raid can cleave them down.
  • Acolytes create an Acolyte's Essence Icon Acolyte's Essence when defeated. This has to be picked up by running over it and taken through an Abyssal Conduit Icon Abyssal Conduit. If any are hit by the beam the raid will wipe. Picking this up will apply a debuff increasing your damage taken from holding it. New players should be assigned for each set. Tanks can use cooldowns to pick up multiple in a row.
  • If you are holding an Acolyte's Essence Icon Acolyte's Essence you must run through the portal last as it will start to destabalise as you run through it.

Mythic Strategy

Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.


Mythic Changes:

  • Phase 1: The amount of Reactive Toxin Icon Reactive Toxin pools increases with each cast.
  • Intermission: Webs are dropped on the ground after each cast of Wrest Icon Wrest.
  • Phase 2: Shadowgate Icon Shadowgate's appear on each side and platforms. Assigned players need to run through these to prevent them from wiping the raid. After running through the gate they will have Gloom Touch Icon Gloom Touch applied to them.
  • Phase 3: Acolyte's Essence Icon Acolyte's Essence's no longer get removed after going through the portals.


  • 29 Sep. 2024: Guide created.
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