Radiant Echoes (War Within Pre-Patch Event) Guide
Welcome to our comprehensive guide to Radiant Echoes, the War Within Pre-Patch Event, running for four weeks until the new expansion launches!
Radiant Echoes is the War Within Pre-Patch Event available from July 30, 2024, to August 26, 2024. During the event, you will defeat memories from the past for a currency that can be turned in for rewards at one of the quartermasters.
Who Can Participate in the Event?
Players level 10-70 with an active subscription can participate in the event.
Event Frequency
The event consists of two stages and cycles between three zones every hour. It is available in a zone for the whole hour.
During the third and fourth weeks of the event, zones will cycle every 30 minutes.
Radiant Echoes Intro Quest
When the pre-patch goes live, players who have reached Level 70 will automatically receive a quest
called Radiant Echoes from Khadgar and must go to Dalaran. Use your Dalaran Hearthstone toy to get there.
Dalaran Portals
When you complete a short quest inside the Dalaran Chambers, you will notice there are portals to the three locations where the pre-patch event takes place — Searing Gorge, Dustwallow Marsh, an Dragonblight. The location where the Radiant Echo is active will have a distinct, glowing portal and a timer displayed above it.
Additionally, you can also see an icon on the world map.
All three zones will have camps set up with portals leading back to Dalaran for quick access.
Radiant Echoes Daily Quest
When you reach the camp with an active Radiant Echo, you should first accept the daily quest
that requires you to defeat a Remembered version of Ragnaros, the Lich King, and Onyxia, for 3,000 Residual Memories, the event's main currency. The questgivers are also the event's quartermasters.
The daily quests are:
- Only Darkness: Remembered Lich King Slain (Dragonblight)
- Broken Masquerade: Remembered Onyxia Slain (Dustwallow Marsh)
- Champion of the Waterlords: Remembered Firelord Slain (Searing Gorge)
You can only complete the dailies once on your whole account and your alts cannot complete them when you completed them already on your main.
Residual Memories
The main currency of the War Within pre-patch event is called Residual Memories.
- You will receive 3,000
Residual Memories from each zone's daily quest.
- The first completion of objectives marked on the map will net you 225
Residual Memories and 2
Whelpling's Awakened Crest.
- Standard mobs grant 1
Residual Memories per kill.
- Elites grant 5
Residual Memories per kill.
- The main boss in each zone will drop 1,400
Residual Memories. This is repeatable and you will receive the same amount of memories even from repeated kills.
Residual Memories can be turned in for rewards at the event's quartermasters.
Radiant Echoes Rewards
For a detailed list of rewards you can unlock during the event, please refer to our separate guide linked below.
Radiant Echoes Overview
The Radiant Echoes Event consists of two stages and ends with a boss kill. During the event
you will automatically receive the Residual Memories, Flightstones, and crests when you defeat mobs and complete objectives marked on the map.
Radiant Echoes: Stage One
During the first stage, you must complete activities in the six marked locations.
At the top of your screen, there will be a progress bar decreasing from 100% to 0%, depending on how many objectives need to be completed in order for the final boss to spawn.
Every time you complete an objective, you will receive 200 Residual Memories,
Whelpling's Awakened Crests.
Radiant Echoes: Stage Two
During the second stage, you must defeat Onyxia in Dustwallow Marsh, Ragnaros in the Searing Gorge and Lich King in Dragonblight. The bosses are immune to all damage for 30 seconds before they become attackable. The exact location will be marked with an icon on the map.
The bosses drop Token of the Remembrancers, which creates an item level 493 piece
of Champion gear. You will receive one piece of item level 480 Warbound gear
that you can send to alts, 1,400
Residual Memories and
Memory of Northrend (Lich King),
Memory of Kalimdor (Onyxia), and
Memory of the Eastern Kingdoms (Ragnaros).
Radiant Echoes: Stage Three
The event immediately starts from the beginning when you kill the zone's main boss and
you can stay in the zone completing the same objectives, but you will see fewer
Residual Memories drop.
Radiant Echoes Trading Post Activities
For the duration of the event, you can complete several Trading Post activities related to the event for Trader's Tender:
- Collect 100
Residual Memories for 100 Tender;
- Collect 1,000
Residual Memories for 100 Tender;
- Collect 5,000
Residual Memories for 100 Tender;
- Collect 10,000
Residual Memories for 100 Tender;
- Defeat 1 Radiant Memory for 100 Tender;
- Defeat 5 Radiant Memories for 100 Tender;
- Defeat 10 Radiant Memories for 100 Tender;
- Defeat 15 Radiant Memories for 150 Tender;
- Defeat the Remembered Firelord for 150 Tender;
- Defeat the Remembered Onyxia for 150 Tender;
- Defeat the Remembered Lich King for 150 Tender.
- 03 Aug. 2024: Guides updated with recent improvements.
- 05 Jul. 2024: Guide added.
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