Kazzara, the Hellforged Raid Guide in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
I also have my own website dedicated to both tanks and raid leaders where I share my insight on the bosses with strategy and preparation advice which I will update after my guild has completed progress. If you are interested in this or want to discuss it on Discord, the links to them are below:
Strategy Guide: Quick TLDR Guide
As this fight is very static in how it plays out, I've provided a raid plan link to show a step-by-step visual explanation for movement on this encounter. Click the numbered tabs at the top of the page to work through the boss encounter.
Phase 1
- Use
Bloodlust /
Heroism on the pull.
- Several players will be targeted with
Dread Rifts. They will have a circle around them indicating where the puddle will spawn when the debuff expires..
- After
Dread Rifts's have spawned, the same number of people will be targeted with
Rays of Anguish.
Rays of Anguish will spawn a beam that follows a player. You can make the beam stop following you by kiting it into a
Dread Rifts.
Mythic: The
Rays of Anguish beam will not despawn until it has consumed a
Dread Rifts.
- Dodge
Hellbeam (Cast at 100 energy).
- At 80%, 60% and 40% the boss will cast
Hellsteel Carnage and deal raid wide damage. This will also spawn
Revenant's Blood pools for the rest of the encounter, which you must avoid.
Hellsteel Carnage also increases the amounts of
Dread Rifts (and by extension
Rays of Anguish) by 1 each cast.
- Healers:
Infernal Heart will deal ticking damage to the raid when the boss is below 80%. The tick rate increases at 60% and 40%.
- Tanks:Tanks swap on 1 stack of
Terror Claws.
- Avoid
Strategy Guide: Full Guide
The entry boss to the raid is a fairly straightforward encounter. The key
mechanic for the fight is to spawn Dread Rifts pools away from the boss
and destroy them with
Rays of Anguish. As the encounter goes on, there
will be more rifts and beams.
- Before the pull, establish if you are going to keep the boss in the middle
of the room and have
Dread Rifts's placed around the side of the room, or if you are going to move the boss around the room and place
Dread Rifts's near the boss.
- At the start of the fight, use
Bloodlust /
Heroism and DPS cooldowns and take advantage of this period of time with no mechanics.
- When players get
Dread Rifts they should move in the pre-designated areas and drop their debuffs away from each other (you do not want them to overlap).
- After
Dread Rifts expires, it will spawn a rift on the ground. These deal very large amounts of damage to players that stand in them.
- Shortly after, Kazzara will cast
Wings of Extinction, which will deal a large amount of damage to the raid and push them away from the boss.
- After this several players (the same amount as
Dread Rifts) will be targeted by
Rays of Anguish. This will place a small arrow above the player indicating that the beam is following them, and the player can remove this by making the beam go into a
Dread Rifts.
- Tanks: Swap on 1 stack of
Terror Claws.
- When Kazzara reaches 100 energy, they will target a random player and cast
Hellbeam in their direction. Stay close to the boss to minimize movement. Consider using
Stampeding Roar if the group is very spread out.
- At 80%, 60% and 40% Kazzara will cast
Hellsteel Carnage and deal raid wide damage.
- After
Hellsteel Carnage has been cast,
Hellsteel Fragments will fall in the room, an additional player will be targeted by
Dread Rifts, and
Revenant's Blood will spawn periodically in the room.
- Avoid
Hellsteel Fragments and
Revenant's Blood.
- Healers:
Infernal Heart will occur from 80% onwards. This deals ticking damage to the raid, and the frequency of ticks increases at 60% and 40%.
Heroic changes:
Rays of Anguish will follow players until they kite the beam into
Dread Rifts.
Mythic changes:
- If
Dread Rifts goes over any patch of
Molten Scar the raid will be hit by
Infernal Fusion.
Mythic Strategy:
Your strategy for this boss is largely unchanged, but you must be better
with your placement of Dread Rifts to minimize the
amount of damage that the raid will take from
Infernal Fusion.
- 22 May 2023: Removed Disclaimer and reviewed page.
- 09 May 2023: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Panthea, who raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a Moderator for the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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