Remnant of Ner'zhul Mythic Encounter Journal
Welcome to the Mythic difficulty Encounter Journal for Remnant of Ner'zhul in Sanctum of Domination.
More Remnant of Ner'zhul Content
If you are interested in more information about this encounter, we are please to tell you that we have more content. First of all, we have the encounter journal for the other difficulties.
The Remnant of Nerzhul periodically manifests Orbs of Torment, that inflict damage to all players until they are they are slain and thrown from the platform.
At 80%, 60%, and 30% health remaning, a piece of the armor encasing the Remnant of Ner'zhul shatters away, increasing the intensity of Aura of Spite.
- The Remnant of Ner'zhul uses
Suffering when reaching 100 energy.
- Orbs of Torment take reduced damage until struck with
Malevolence knocks back all players from the position of the victim upon removal.
- Orbs of Torment take reduced damage until struck with
Torment will inflict damage to all players until Orbs of Torment are thrown off the edge of the platform.
Malevolence knocks back all players from the position of the victim upon removal.
Torment will inflict damage to all players until Orbs of Torment are thrown off the edge of the platform.
Malevolence knocks back all players from the position of the victim upon removal and inflicts signifcant damage to the raid.
Malevolence can be dispelled.
Torment players until it is carried to the edge of the platform and thrown off.

While active the Orb of Torment takes 99% reduced damage from all sources.
This effect is removed when the Orb of Torment is struck by Suffering.

The Orb of Torment corrupts several players, inflicting 5,490 Shadow damage every 3 sec for 15 sec.

Once slain, players can pick up the Orb of Torment and carry it to the edge of the platform to throw it into the abyss.
While holding the Orb of Torment your soul is weakend, inflicting 5,490 Shadow damage every 3 sec and reducing movement speed by 50%.

At 80%, 60%, and 30% health remaining a piece of the armor restraining the Remnant of Ner'zhul is destroyed, unleashing a wave of energy that inflicts 32,953 Shadow damage to all players.
In Mythic difficulty, each of the piece of shattered armor drops to the ground and duplicates one of the Remnant of Ner'zhul's spell casts.
At 80% health remaining, the Helm of Suffering drops to the ground and will duplicate casts of Suffering.
At 60% health remaining, the Gauntlet of Malice drops to the ground and will duplicate casts of Grasp of Malice.
At 30% health remaining, the Rattlecage of Agony drops to the ground and will duplicate casts of Malevolence.

The Remnant of Ner'zhul afflicts random targets with Malevolence for 21 sec. When this effect is removed all players are knocked back from the victim's location and take 10,980 Shadow damage.

The burst of Malevolence leaves an area that inflicts 21,966 Shadow damage every sec to players standing within its confines.

At 100 energy, the Remnant of Ner'zhul unleashes a blast of energy at their current target, inflicting 38,437 Shadow damage to all players caught in a line and increasing their damage taken from Suffering by 500% for 30 sec.
Orbs of Torment caught in the effect lose the effect of Eternal Torment and become vulnerable.

The Remnant of Ner'zhul unfurls ethereal fingers that erupt, inflicting 27,451 Shadow damage to all players caught in the effect, knocking them back.

The Remnant of Ner'zhul is wrapped in throes of pain that inflict 4,387 Shadow damage to all players every 3 sec.
Once the first armor piece is shattered away, Aura of Spite periodically unleashes a barrage of missiles at random players.

The Remnant of Ner'zhul's pain manifests as missiles of shadowy energy that inflict 21,960 Shadow damage to all players within 5 yards of the impact and renders them unable to attack or cast spells for 4 sec.
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