Renown: A Guide to the Covenant Reputation System in Shadowlands

Last updated on May 28, 2022 at 14:00 by Stan 15 comments

Renown is Covenant reputation and the "Artifact Power" of Shadowlands.

You will start collecting Renown after choosing a Covenant at maximum level to unlock various rewards with increasing levels, including cosmetics, mounts, pets, Soulbind rows, and more.

A weekly Renown cap limits you from earning it indefinitely, and there is a catch-up mechanic in place that helps you earn it on alts should you fall behind.


Are There Any New Renown Levels in Patch 9.2.5?

No, the Renown cap does not increase beyond 80 in Patch 9.2.5. However, you must reach Renown 80 on at least one character to purchase Incense of Infinity Icon Incense of Infinity that teaches you all Conduits and raises their Item Level to 200.


Renown Changes in Patch 9.2.5

If you have not reached Renown 80 yet, Renown catch-up is accelerated through Renown 60 (was 48). These activities will now have a guaranteed chance to reward 1 Renown upon completion in Patch 9.2.5:

  • Mythic and Mythic+ Dungeons;
  • Torghast Layers 9-16;
  • Defeating a Shadowlands raid boss encounter;
  • Winning a Rated Battleground.

Broker Mark of Distinction Icon Broker Mark of Distinction increases the Renown of your currently active Covenant to 60 (was 40) in Patch 9.2.5.


Renown Catch-Up for Alts in Patch 9.2.5

If you fall behind or are leveling an alternate character, you will be able to earn additional Renown from endgame activities, such as dungeon end-bosses, raids, PvP, Callings, and completing Covenant Campaign chapters, up until you reach the Renown cap of 80.

Patch 9.2 content such as completing Zereth Mortis story chapters and the new weekly quest Patterns Within Patterns also reward Renown levels.

You can buy Certified Vouchsafe Icon Certified Vouchsafe from Ko'tul in Oribos for 1 Attendant's Token of Merit Icon Attendant's Token of Merit. You can send it to alts to increase the Renown of their currently active Covenant by 1.

Additionally, Patch 9.1.5 introduced an item called Broker Mark of Distinction Icon Broker Mark of Distinction that increases the Renown of your currently active Covenant to 60. Characters who reach 80 Renown can buy it from Au'Dara the Heirloom broker located in Oribos next to the Flight Master for 500 Gold.

Renown is also a possible reward from Torghast completions, with better chances at Renown coming from higher Torghast difficulties.

Renown levels will not be gone when you decide to come back later after switching to a different Covenant.


Renown Changes in Patch 9.1.5

Patch 9.1.5 introduced the following Renown changes:

  • Players who reach 80 Renown with any Covenant can freely switch among any of the 4 Covenants without cooldown or restriction.
  • Cosmetic rewards that have been earned from a Covenant with which the player has reached 80 Renown may be used even if that character is currently a member of a different Covenant.
  • Reaching 80 Renown no longer requires completing the Shadowlands Covenant Campaign.
  • Players who have reached 80 Renown can buy Broker Mark of Distinction Icon Broker Mark of Distinction from Au'dara by the Oribos Flight Master to instantly reach 60 Renown in one's Covenant. This token may also be sent to alts.

What is Renown?

Renown (Covenant Reputation) increases the amount of trust your character has earned within your chosen Covenant.

The main goal is to advance and reach Renown Level 80 to unlock all rewards that come with the system. Increasing your Renown enables:

  • Unlocking a new row of Soulbind Powers for your Soulbinds.
  • Increasing the item level of rewards from World Quests, and PvP upgrades.
  • Increasing the potential level of features of your Sanctum.
  • Earning Legendary recipes from the Runecarver in Torghast.
  • Earning Covenant-themed cosmetics, such as battle pets, mounts, titles, back attachment transmogs, weapon illusions, and cosmetic armors sets.
  • Unlocking flying in Shadowlands.
  • Unlocking Enhanced Conduits.

Increasing Renown

In Patch 9.1, granted that you are not behind the current Renown cap, you can increase your Renown by completing the Chains of Domination story chapters, returning Anima to the Sanctum, and completing the weekly Shaping Fate quest in Korthia or the Patterns Within Patterns quest in Zereth Mortis.


Covenant Campaign Chapters

You will gain access to a new Covenant Campaign chapter at Renown 5, 8, 11, 13, 17, 20, 22, 44, 47, 50, 52, 56, and 58. You can pick the quests up at your Covenant Sanctum when they become available. Completing each chapter in Patch 9.1 increases your Renown by 2.


Weekly Quests

Two weekly quests can be completed each week to increase your Renown.

The first weekly quest is called Replenish the Reservoir. It requires you to collect 1,000 Anima for the Anima Reservoir in your Covenant Sanctum. Anima can be acquired from various sources, like World Quests, rares, and dungeon quests.

The fastest way to do that is by completing dungeon quests. They reward up to 750 Anima.

The second weekly quest is called Shaping Fate and can be picked up in Korthia. To complete it, you must complete various objectives relevant to the 9.1 update, which means you must kill the new world boss, complete daily quests and kill rares in Korthia, complete Covenant Assaults, and more. Filling the bar to 100% will increase your Renown by 1.

In Patch 9.2, a new weekly quest was added to Zereth Mortis. It is offered by Highlord Bolvar Fordragon located in Haven. To complete the quest, you must complete fill the bar to 100% by completing various objectives tied to Zereth Mortis, including killing the World Boss Antros, opening treasures, defeating rare elites, completing daily quests, world quests, and more. You will also receive Renown upon quest completion if you are not yet at the cap.


Renown Cap

Renown has a weekly cap, so the maximum level you can reach each week is limited, and there is no open grind.

Renown increased by 3 each week until the week of August 17, 2021 when the Chains of Domination campaign ended. Currently, it increases by 2 each week.

Below, you will find Renown caps for each week following the Patch 9.1 launch.

  • Week of June 29: Renown 42;
  • Week of July 6: Renown 45;
  • Week of July 13: Renown 48;
  • Week of July 20: Renown 51;
  • Week of July 27: Renown 54;
  • Week of August 3: Renown 57;
  • Week of August 10: Renown 60;
  • Week of August 17: Renown 62;
  • Week of August 24: Renown 64;
  • Week of August 31: Renown 66;
  • Week of September 7: Renown 68;
  • Week of September 14: Renown 70;
  • Week of September 21: Renown 72;
  • Week of September 28: Renown 74;
  • Week of October 5: Renown 76;
  • Week of October 12: Renown 78;
  • Week of October 19: Renown 80.

Renown User Interface

You can bring up the Renown UI by clicking on the Covenant Sanctum icon on your minimap and selecting "Renown" or by talking to Keepers of Renown at your Covenant Sanctum. You will find all the important information about Renown there, including your current level, and rewards that you earned or have not unlocked yet.



The following achievements are tied to Renown in the Shadowlands:

  • The Road to Renown Icon The Road to Renown — Reach Renown level 10.
  • Gaining Respect Icon Gaining Respect — Reach Renown level 20.
  • Becoming a Hero Icon Becoming a Hero — Reach Renown level 30.
  • Champion of the Covenant Icon Champion of the Covenant — Reach Renown level 40.
  • Renowned Icon Renowned — Reach Renown level 80.


  • 28 May 2022: Guide updated with catch-up acceleration in Patch 9.2.5.
  • 24 Mar. 2022: Guide updated with new alt catch-up item. Some sections were rearranged.
  • 17 Feb. 2022: Additional sources of Renown added.
  • 15 Feb. 2022: Updated for Patch 9.2 release.
  • 29 Oct. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.5 release.
  • 22 Aug. 2021: Added weekly Renown caps.
  • 26 Jul. 2021: Torghast runs now increase Renown.
  • 16 Jul. 2021: Updated with weekly caps.
  • 27 Jun. 2021: Updated with Patch 9.1 changes.
  • 10 Feb. 2021: Added required Renown to increase the max item level of World Quest rewards.
  • 03 Feb. 2021: Specified means of catching up on Renown.
  • 11 Jan. 2021: Added a section about getting stuck behind Renown cap.
  • 12 Dec. 2020: Added exact weeks for individual Renown caps.
  • 04 Dec. 2020: Weekly quest requirements reduced to 5 souls.
  • 02 Dec. 2020: Removed minor outdated information.
  • 01 Dec. 2020: Overhauled Renown a bit to make the sources clear, added weekly caps.
  • 27 Nov. 2020: Fixed Renown quest requirements.
  • 26 Nov. 2020: Added Anima Renown quest source.
  • 21 Nov. 2020: Guide updated for Shadowlands launch.
  • 18 Nov. 2020: Guide added.
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