Renown Reputation Guide in Dragonflight
Your complete guide to Renown in the Dragonflight expansion.
Dragonflight adopts the Renown system from the Shadowlands expansion in simplified form.
When you finish the primary campaign, you can start gathering Renown with the four significant factions.
Renown rewards in Dragonflight are account-wide. Renown is capped at 30 at launch with the exception of the Maruuk Centaur, where the cap is 25.
Major Factions in Dragonflight
You can increase your Renown with 6 Major Factions in Dragonflight.
The Dream Wardens
Loamm Niffen
Dragonscale Expedition
Iskaara Tuskaar
Maruuk Centaur
Valdrakken Accord
Minor Factions in Dragonflight
At Dragonflight launch, Blizzard added one minor faction that is part of the Valdrakken Accord. It is named The Cobalt Assembly.
Cobalt Assembly
Members of the Cobalt Assembly can be found in northern Azure Span. The reputation rewards include Dragonriding cosmetics and various Profession recipes.
Winterpelt Furbolg
Winterpelt Furbolg is a new optional faction grind added in Patch 10.0.7. It offers various rewards, including Dragonriding Customization options.
The Winterpelt Furbolg speaks a language no one understands. Perhaps more will be revealed in the future.The Dragon Isles Summary Tab
The Dragon Isles Summary offers insight into your Reputation Standing with the six main Renown Factions and Dragonriding talents.
You can bring it up by clicking on the new minimap button named Dragon Isles Summary.
Alternatively, you can view the information from within the default Reputation Tab that is brought up by pressing the "U" key.
Renown Levels in Dragonflight
The Renown cap in Dragonflight is 30 at launch, with more levels coming in future content updates. You must gather 2,500 reputations per Renown rank to increase your Renown. Renown levels are not account-wide and must be earned on every single character.
How to Increase Renown in Dragonflight
You can increase your Renown with a faction through the weekly quest named Aiding the Accord, which you can pick up in Valdrakken.
The exact location of the quest is marked with an exclamation point icon on the map below.
The quest objective is simple. You must gather 3,000 reputation throughout Dragon Isles to complete the quest in addition to an activity of your choicer. All activities that give Reputation upon completion with any factions will count toward the objective.
In Patch 10.2, players can choose one out of two event they would like to complete for the Aiding the Accord weekly quest. The two events are random. For us, it was Superblooms and Zskera Vaults.
Based on datamining, the following events can be completed for the weekly quest —
- Siege of Dragonbane Keep;
- Dreamsurges;
- Emerald Bounties;
- Grand Hunts;
- Reasearchers Under Fire;
- Sniffenseeking;
- Suffusion Camps;
- Superblooms;
- Time Rifts;
- World Quests;
- Zskera Vaults.
The weekly quest rewards 500 Renown with all four factions, 5 Primal Chaos
(Crafting Reagent), 250 Dragon Isles Supplies and a piece of loot (not guaranteed).
Furthermore, you will receive a small amount of Reputation from World Quests, Daily Quests and Side Quests.
Upon reaching Renown 2, you will unlock various treasure chests for each faction.
For Dragonscale Expedition, the objects are Expedition Scout Packs, for Maruuk Centaur they are called Centaur Hunting Trophies, Iskaara Tuskarr have Sacred Tuskarr Totems and Valdrakken Accord have Titan Relics.
Opening them grants a small amount of Reputation and various other goods.
During the World Quests Bonus Event, you will gain 1 entire Renown level for the Major Faction of your choice from the weekly quest that requires you to complete 20 world quests.
Renown Rewards in Dragonflight
The vast majority of Renown rewards in Dragonflight is account-wide. For example, reaching Renown 5 with Valdrakken Accord unlocks the Siege of Dragonbane Keep event in the Waking Shores for all characters on your account.
Account-wide Renown rewards will indicate this information in the tooltip.
Renown Catch-Up in Dragonflight
The first Renown catch-up becomes available upon Reaching Renown 10, increasing reputation gains with the 4 major factions by 100% while below rank 10. The second one unlocks at Renown 20 and increases reputation gains by 100% while your alts Renown is below 20 or by 200% when it is below rank 10.
Furthermore, you can buy Bind-to-Account reputatation tokens from Chelnen at
38, 37 in Valdrakken. The vendor sells the following tokens for 150 Flightstones each.
They increase your reputation standing with the 5 Major Factions by 50 per token.
Dragonscale Expedition Insignia;
Iskaara Tuskarr Insignia;
Maruuk Centaur Insignia;
Valdrakken Accord Insignia;
Loamm Niffen Insignia.
The Level 70 Boost from War Within increases your Renown with the four Major Factions to 20 and Loamm Niffen to 12.
- 13 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 15 Nov. 2023: Updated with reputation token vendor.
- 28 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2.
- 13 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
- 03 May 2023: Button fixed.
- 28 Apr. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1 launch.
- 06 Dec. 2022: Clarified gear from the weekly quest is not guaranteed.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Cobalt Assembly added.
- 24 Nov. 2022: Guide updated with alt catch-up, weekly bonus event quest, and interlinking.
- 13 Oct. 2022: Guide revamped based on latest Beta testing.
- 31 Aug. 2022: Guide added.
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