Reputations and Factions in Shadowlands
This guide is an overview of all the factions you can gain reputation with in Shadowlands, going over the most important rewards that each has to offer.
We also have links to more detailed guides for each of the factions in this guide.
New Factions in Patch 9.1
There are two new factions for players to earn reputation with in Patch 9.1: The Archivist's Codex and Death's Advance.
You can find links to both of the guides below, which go over how to unlock them, obtain reputation, and the various rewards you can receive from them.
Earning Reputation in Shadowlands
Players gain barely any reputation with the zone factions while questing, instead having to complete activities at max level in order to do so.
So far, it seems players will gain the most reputation from completing dungeon quests and doing World Quests.
Factions in Shadowlands
There are currently 6 main factions that players can gain reputation with in Shadowlands: these are the 4 zone factions, Ve'nari in the Maw, and the Avowed in the Halls of Atonement.
The Ascended
The Ascended are the reputation faction found in Bastion and their base is in Hero's Rest, at the centre of the zone.

Their rewards include a ring and wrists at Honored and Revered respectively, as well
as a number of cosmetic rewards, such as the Gilded Prowler mount. They
are also the source of the
Memory of the Arbiter's Judgment legendary power.
Court of Harvesters
The Court of Harvesters is the reputation faction found in Revendreth, with their base being found in the Sinposium.

Their rewards include a belt and shoulders at Honored and Revered respectively, as well
as a number of cosmetic rewards, such as the Court Sinrunner mount. They
are also the source of the
Memory of Norgannon legendary power.
The Wild Hunt
The Wild Hunt is the reputation faction found in Ardenweald, with their base being at the Heart of the Forest.

Their rewards include feet and leg pieces at Honored and Revered respectively, as well
as a number of cosmetic rewards, such as the Duskflutter Ardenmoth mount. They
are also the source of the
Memory of Eonar legendary power.
Undying Army
The Undying Army is the reputation faction found in Maldraxxus, with their base being at the Theater of Pain.

Their rewards include hands, a neck, and chest pieces at Honored, Revered, and
Exalted respectively, as well
as a number of cosmetic rewards, such as the Lurid Bloodtusk mount. They
are also the source of the
Memory of the Rattle of the Maw legendary power.
The Ve'nari is an ethereal trader who has taken up residence in The Maw.
The reputation functions slightly differently than normal, with ranks such as Envied rather than Exalted. Ve'nari is linked to Torghast upgrades, as well as the ability to put gem sockets on your gear manually.
The Avowed
The Avowed are a special faction linked directly to the Halls of Atonement dungeon in Revendreth. Their reputation gain works somewhat differently to the others, requiring players to kill mobs within the dungeon and world area and hunt special mobs with their sinstones.
You can find more information in our guide below.
- 30 Jun. 2021: Added links to the Patch 9.1 reputation guides.
- 04 Dec. 2020: Added Ve'nari and the Avowed.
- 18 Nov. 2020: Guide added.
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