Restoration Druid Healing Ny'alotha Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Restoration Druid for each boss of the following raid: Ny'alotha. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
In this section, you will find information and guidance for healing each boss individually in the Eternal Palace raid as a Restoration Druid. These are not complete encounter guides, but rather provide specific tips for healing the bosses as a Restoration Druid.
The tips on this page are based on PTR testing alone and may not reflect the state of encounters on live servers. This page will be updated with new information once the encounters have been experienced and killed on their respective difficulties.
Talent and Essence Cheatsheet
Wrathion, the Black Emperor
We advise you to use the following essences against Wrathion, the Black Emperor.
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
Make sure to put Rejuvenation on all targets affected by
After 8 seconds, they will explode for big raid damage; this occurs every 50-55
seconds. Another notable amount of raid damage happens from Gale Blast. At around
2:30 into the fight, both mechanics will overlap, with Incineration coming first.
You should use
Incarnation: Tree of Life with
Tranquility for the
explosion, then follow up with
Flourish for the Gale Blast, as you will
be unable to stand still and channel for it. Immediately after each Gale Blast,
Wrathion will teleport and start doing raid damage with
Burning Cataclysm.
On Mythic difficulty, you will be able to use shapeshifting to get rid of the slowing debuff, completely countering this entire mechanic.
For more information, please refer to our Wrathion, the Black Emperor guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Maut.
- Major Slot
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
Overcharge Mana +
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Lucid Dreams
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
Save all your Mana and cooldowns for Phase 2. Pay attention to players targeted
by Drain Essence and dispel them only when they run out of the group.
Keep in mind that the boss reflects damage to people in this phase, so you will need
to pay more attention to players using their DPS cooldowns.
For Mythic Maut, there is a new debuff called Ancient Curse. You can
either dispel it or run into Devoured Abyss. It is usually better to
dispel a tank staying on Maut and run into the puddle yourself. Each time this
curse is removed, the raid takes a small amount of damage. You can use Flourish
on the first application and still have it ready for first intermission.
For more information, please refer to our Maut guide.
The Prophet Skitra
We advise you to use the following essences against The Prophet Skitra.
- Major Slot
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
Overcharge Mana +
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Lucid Dreams
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Save all your cooldowns for intermissions, which occur every 33% of Skitra's
Health. The damage will increase periodically and will be the hardest by the end
of it, so make sure you have either Tranquility or
Flourish rolling
as the copy dies for the most optimal healing.
On Mythic difficulty, you can afford to use only Flourish in the first
intermission and save everything else for the second. Do not try to overly commit
to healing Shred Psyche. Unless the initial damage kills people, they will
be in no danger of dying afterwards. Save your Mana and cooldowns for intermissions
For more information, please refer to our The Prophet Skitra guide.
Dark Inquisitor Xanesh
We advise you to use the following essences against Dark Inquisitor Xanesh.
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
There are not any big raid damage events on this fights, just static damage
from Anguish. Players targeted by Soul Flay will need to
be full Health when the ability goes off. Depending on how far away they run
from their soul, they might take a huge burst of damage. Additionally, people
performing the Void Ritual will have a DoT on them on top of all the other
damage on the fight. On Mythic difficulty, this DoT lasts for entire encounter, so
there will be more of them to heal towards the end. Make sure you pace your Mana
There are generally no specific good spots to use your raid cooldowns. You should use them as soon as they become available, without overlapping with other healers. In some cases, it might be worth to save them for periods of time when other healers are doing the kicking.
For more information, please refer to our Dark Inquisitor Xanesh guide.
The Hivemind
We advise you to use the following essences against The Hivemind.
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
Use your cooldowns during overlaps of multiple abilities. You generally want
to DPS in the start of the fight, while one healer uses their cooldown to heal
through first Devouring Frenzy. First overlap starts at 1:10 into the fight.
Bosses swap control and Devouring Frenzy occurs, right after it is over
you get
Echoing Void, and then
Spawn Acidic Aqir immediately
after. You want to
Incarnation: Tree of Life and
Innervate at about
55 seconds to have
Lively Spirit buff for entire overlap. As soon
as the damage starts, use
Flourish. Use
Tranquility at any
other Devouring Frenzy. You are unlikely to get 2, so coordinate this with
other healers to not overlap.
You can use both Mighty Bash and
Ursol's Vortex to keep
Aqir Darters grouped under the bosses and interrupt their casts, significantly
reducing raid damage taken.
For more information, please refer to our The Hivemind guide.
Shad'har the Insatiable
We advise you to use the following essences against Shad'har the Insatiable.
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
In Phase 1 players affected by Debilitating Spit are good targets for
Regrowth spam. There is no big raid damage in this phase, but you
can use cooldowns just to save Mana, assuming they will be back for Phase 3. It
is unlikely that you will get to use any in Phase 2 and have them up for last phase.
On Mythic difficulty, Phase 2 is the hardest phase to heal. You will want to
use all your 3-minute cooldowns towards the end of it and use Flourish
in Phase 1 as a standalone cooldown. It might not be the most efficient way to
do a lot of HPS, but the end of Phase 2 is usually where players die the most.
Keep track of
Debilitating Spit. When there is only one up and the fixate
is about to hit, you should always
Ironbark them and try to land
Swiftmend right before the big raid hit.
For more information, please refer to our Shad'har the Insatiable guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Drest'agath.
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3:
Strive for Perfection
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Vision of Perfection — Rank 3:
Make sure to add Void Miasma to your raid frames. Players standing
inside will not be able to target those outside and players outside cannot target
anyone inside. If you are using VuhDo, you can instead change spell check to
45 yards (when using
Balance Affinity) and your frames will automatically
grey out players you cannot heal.
You can check Drest'agath's energy to know when he is going to cast Throes of Agony.
Try to use cooldowns only on this ability and preferably spread them out, since
the duration and damage are not that high.
For more information, please refer to our Drest'agath guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Vexiona.
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
Pay attention to Despair casts on the tank. You need to have all your
HoTs rolling before it starts and start spamming
Regrowth. Cast
early for extra Mastery stacks from
Grove Tending. Do not try to ramp
for raid healing during this debuff, as that can lead to raid dying.
Phase 3 starts at 40% Health, but damage does not ramp up until quite a bit later. You can spend first few percent just doing damage. On Mythic difficulty, you will usually get 3 Heart of Darkness casts. The first one is not very dangerous, second one you will be moving, and the third one hits the hardest. For this reason, you should do heavy ramp with all cooldowns for the third cast.
For more information, please refer to our Vexiona guide.
Ra-den the Despoiled
We advise you to use the following essences against Ra-den the Despoiled.
- Major Slot
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
Overcharge Mana +
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Lucid Dreams
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Alternate between raid cooldowns for each Orb hitting the boss. Try to use
Tranquility for Essence of Void and others for Essence of Vita.
In the last phase, make sure you do not heal the tank to full when the boss is close
to full energy. The higher Health on the tank, the bigger Decaying Wound
they will get. Save Mana and cooldowns towards the end. Damage from
increases over time and will be the highest towards the end.
For more information, please refer to our Ra-den the Despoiled guide.
Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn
We advise you to use the following essences against Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn.
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
Put Rejuvenation on a few players affected by
Cursed Blood,
make sure to
Wild Growth early into the debuff for more healing.
The only raid damage comes from Blood of Ny'alotha exploding after death. They will only start spawning in second Phase 1 and more of them will spawn in the third. You will have to pace your Mana to have more towards the end.
On Mythic difficulty, you will have a very heavy spread of the entire raid. Try to
keep ranged players healthy, since it is unlikely other healers are able to reach
them. You can use either Mighty Bash to reset fixate of Blood of Ny'alotha
or use
Mass Entanglement in the last phase to keep multiple Bloods under control.
For more information, please refer to our Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn guide.
Carapace of N'Zoth
We advise you to use the following essences against Carapace of N'Zoth.
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
Place yourself on the same tentacle side as tanks to not die from
Nightmare Antigen aggro. Save cooldowns for Mental Decay applications,
as players will take massive damage from those and will die if they receive no
healing. The amount of targets affected by it is increased as the fight progresses
so make sure you leave more Mana for the end of the fight and prepare to rotate
cooldowns towards the end. Coupled with
Infinite Darkness cast in the
last phase, this can be very deadly if not handled properly.
On Mythic difficulty, Phase 1 changes significantly with more strict side
assignments. Make sure you focus healing on players being focused by Breed
Madness. They will take heavy damage. The second round of fixates from the same
Eye is the most dangerous part, so save your Ironbark for that. It is probably
a good idea to do a heavy ramp into the Gaze of Madness spawning, followed
Tranquility during the first cast. You can then
Flourish it
and have free time healing Breed Madness, without worrying about other
players dying to random AoE.
Phase 2 does not differ much from Heroic difficulty and should present no problems
to heal. Phase 3 has strict movement requirements. Try to do heavy ramps into each
Infinite Darkness, followed by a pre-emptive
Wild Growth
just before the cast ends. You can use
Tranquility on the first Infinite
Darkness. Save
Incarnation: Tree of Life for fourth cast, since it is the
most dangerous by far.
For more information, please refer to our Carapace of N'Zoth guide.
N'Zoth the Corruptor
We advise you to use the following essences against N'Zoth the Corruptor.
- Major Slot
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
Memory of Lucid Dreams +
Lucid Dreams
- Memory of Lucid Dreams — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
- The Ever Rising Tide — Rank 3:
The Ever-Rising Tide
- The Formless Void — Rank 3:
Symbiotic Presence
- Conflict and Strife — Rank 3:
All major damage happens during Eternal Torment. The damage is short
but heavy, so try to spread out Flourish and
Keep an eye on the tanks, they will take heavy damage when Basher Tentacle
starts casting Void Lash. In Phase 2 use your cooldowns on Evoke Anguish,
it has similar damage pattern to Eternal Torment.
On Mythic difficulty, you will have to assign cooldowns for each Eternal Torment
cast. Make sure you have Flourish and
Tranquility spread, since
they do little together for this specific cast. If you are assigned to go into the
Psychus realm, you will need to plan your healing cooldowns accordingly.
The second Psychus phase especially has high damage in the very beginning. Pop
Tranquility immediately after using
Demonic Gateway. Coordinate
Incarnation: Tree of Life and Flourish casts with your partner inside to
not overlap unnecessarily.
Phase 2 has four Evoke Anguish casts. There is less than 90 seconds
between the first and fourth casts, so you will only be able to use one Flourish
there. The best spot to use
Tranquility is right after Mind Grasp,
on the third Evoke Anguish, since neither Discipline Priests nor Holy Paladins
will be able to effectively heal there.
Phase 3 has the same pattern of Evoke Anguish as Phase 2. The Chamber of Heart part of the fight will allow you to get every cooldown back for it. Tanks will be taking huge damage towards the end of the fight, so make sure you keep them alive.
For more information, please refer to our N'Zoth the Corruptor guide.
- 12 Oct. 2020: Page updated for the Shadowlands pre-patch.
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This guide has been reviewed and approved by Torty, one of the main Restoration Druid theorycrafters. He is an author of the Twig It spreadsheet and DPS action priority list. He currently raids in Pure.
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