Restoration Shaman Healing Battle of Dazar'alor Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Restoration Shaman for each boss of the following raid: Battle of Dazar'alor. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
Restoration Shaman Boss Advice: Battle of Dazar'alor
In this section, you will find information pertaining to each boss individually in the Battle of Dazar'alor Raid. It is recommended that you follow the standard talent build found in the Builds, Talents, and Glyphs section of the guide unless otherwise advised, on a per-boss basis. As this is an upcoming raid, the current information is based on PTR experience and theorycrafting using Warcraft Logs and the dungeon journal and will be updated over time.
Talent Cheatsheet for Restoration Shaman
Champion of the Light
General Tips
- Do not attack the boss during
Seal of Reckoning.
- Do not stand between the boss and adds to avoid
Wave of Light.
- Interrupt / stun as many casts from the Disciples as possible.
Healing Tips
- Save your
High Tide charges and
Cloudburst Totem for
Judgment: Reckoning.
Zealotry is a stacking tank debuff; be aware of this and spot heal tanks if stacks are not handled properly.
Wave of Light if it affects any enemies.
Mythic Tips
Angelic Renewal needs to be interrupted: help ensure this happens with liberal use of
Wind Shear and
Capacitor Totem.
Divine Mallet will fire hammers outward from the boss. Avoid these and be ready to spot heal those who may take damage from this ability.
General Tips
- Make sure to spread out 10 yards for
Megatomic Seeker Missile, unless
Ferocious Roar is about to happen.
- Stack up for
Ferocious Roar
- Interrupt
Apetagonize /
Death Empowerment as much as possible.
Healing Tips
- Plan
High Tide charges and
Cloudburst Totem for overlapping
Tantrums and
Bestial Impacts, approximately every 1 minute. This means you would cover every other time these two abilities overlap.
- Additional tank healing may be needed if
Bestial Combo stacks are not managed properly.
Bestial Throw (Heroic) will throw its target. Anyone who receives damage upon the subsequent
Bestial Impact will need to be spot healed.
Mythic Tips
- Timings from Heroic to Mythic will be much tighter due to faster cast times on several abilities, as well as different durations on certain debuffs.
Jadefire Masters
General Tips
- All Phases — When targeted by the Monk's
Multi-Sided Strike (Heroic / Mythic), be ready to face the direction that the visions are coming from to avoid taking damage. In LFR and Normal this ability only focuses the Tank.
- Phase One — During this phase (begins at 30 Energy), stand inside one Chi-ji's Song cloud with the rest of your raid to prevent line of sight issues.
- Phase Two — During this phase (begins at 60 Energy), make your way
through the maze while avoiding
Phoenix Strike circles on the ground.
- Phase Three — During this phase (begins at 100 Energy), avoid taking
damage from the
Dragon's Breath.
Healing Tips
- All Phases — Plan your
High Tide charges and
Cloudburst Totem for when
Rising Flames debuffs expire on the Tanks, causing
Burnout to deal a large amount of raid damage.
- All Phases — When the Tank or other players are being targeted by
Multi-Sided Strike they will be out of line of sight, so make sure they are topped going into it.
- All Phases — Dispel players with the lowest duration
Searing Embers debuff first.
- Phase One — Feel free to spend a lot of Mana and cooldowns on this
phase, as the raid will be taking a lot of continuous damage from
Chi-Ji's Song and
Explosion and later phases are easier on the healing requirements.
Mythic Tips
- All Phases —
Multi-Sided Strike will target 15 players in your raid. In addition to more players needing to know the mechanic, it is also less forgiving, dealing substantially more damage.
General Tips
- Phase One —
Flame Jets need to be dodged. If
Ruby Beam targets you it will need to be kited.
Healing Tips
- Phase One — Plan your
High Tide charges and
Cloudburst Totem for
Pulse-quickening Toxin rooms, letting players drop under 50% for the
Quickened Pulse buff, before quickly healing them up.
- Phase One — Dispel
Hex of Lethargy from players.
- Phase One — Pick up either Amethyst of the Shadow King or Tailwind
Sapphire from the Altar and heal as many different players as possible to give
your raid high uptime on the
Shadow-Touched /
Tailwinds buffs.
- Phase Two — All players should have the
Shadow-Touched debuff before their
Thief's Bane debuff (applied when picking up a gem) expires. This debuff also needs to be applied before and during
Wail of Greed casts. Use your cooldowns when this ability is cast.
- Phase Two — Spot heal players with
Liquid Gold.
Conclave of the Chosen
General Tips
- Use
Purge to cleanse
Gift of Wind unless your mages are spellstealing it.
- During
Pa'ku's Wrath, stand within 10 yards of Pa'ku.
- During
Kimbul's Wrath, spread out 5 yards from other players.
- During
Thundering Storm, move more than 10 yards away from Akunda's Aspect.
- Avoid touching
Static Orb after
Akunda's Wrath's targets explode. Make sure to spread out from other players during this time as well.
Healing Tips
- Save
High Tide charges and
Cloudburst Totem for
Cry of the Fallen (cast after an Aspect dies) and
Pa'ku's Wrath (cast about every 1:10).
- Decurse
Crawling Hex as soon as the player is 8 yards away from everyone else.
- Keep an eye on players with
Kimbul's Wrath as it leaves a permanent damage over time effect.
- Dispel players with
Mind Wipe as quickly as possible, making other healers a priority.
Mythic Tips
Bwonsamdi's Wrath will apply a permanent curse debuff to players that will make them immune to healing. Decurse it with
Purify Spirit if the target is in dire need of healing, but be aware that this will only make it disappear for about 5 seconds, after which it will reappear on a new target not already affected by the curse.
Spirit Link Totem does NOT work on targets with
Bwonsamdi's Wrath.
King Rastakhan
General Tips
- Stack during
Meteor Leap.
- If targeted by
Seal of Purification, run away from the rest of the raid.
- Dodge toads during
Plague of Toads.
- Avoid
Plague of Fire by spreading more than 8 yards from other players.
- If you are targeted by
Death Rift drop them on the outside edges of the room.
- Avoid
Dread Reaping pools.
- During
Inevitable End you will need to run away from the boss to avoid being pulled in.
Zombie Dust Totem's mind control effect can and should be (temporarily) removed by casting
Tremor Totem near the totem, such that it reaches anyone affected. Keep in mind that, if the totem takes too long to die, your allies will become mind controlled again when the totem expires.
Healing Tips
- Save
High Tide charges and
Cloudburst Totem for
Scorching Detonation.
- Do not heal allies that are debuffed by
Caress of Death.
- Focus healing on players debuffed by
Grievous Axe and
Focused Demise.
Mythic Tips
- More targets will be hit by the
Grievous Axe debuff. These targets will need quick healing past 90% health in order to remove the damage over time effect.
- If it is your responsibility to heal the Death Realm players while they take
Bwonsamdi to 50% health, keep in mind that you need to reset your
Deathly Withering stacks regularly (about every 5 applications) to avoid sure death while afflicted by
Caress of Death.
Spirit Link Totem does NOT work on targets affected by this debuff and anyone who dies will only be able to resurrect outside the Death Realm, which will likely cause further deaths inside, leading into a wipe.
High Tinker Mekkatorque
General Tips
- Line of sight yourself from other players when you are debuffed with
Gigavolt Charge.
- Normal sized players can run over
Shrunk players and
Trample them. This will likely kill the Shrunk player. Players need to be careful to not run over one another.
- When
Shrunk, you can enter a Spark Bot. Players will need to enter a code only their allies can see.
- In Heroic difficulty and above, only players inside Spark Bots can see the codes that need to be input by other allies who are also inside Spark Bots.
Healing Tips
- Save
High Tide charges and
Cloudburst Totem for
Crash Down.
- Players afflicted with
Gigavolt Blast will take heavy damage over time.
Mythic Tips
- Quickly dispel players affected by
- Immediately call for a slow fall effect / priest grip if you are affected by
Miscalculated Teleport.
Gigavolt Radiation Zone will quickly reduce the space available for the raid to safely drop
Gigavolt Charge debuffs.
- Due to the increase in Spark Bot spawns / Shrunk players, as well as the reduction of the time available to input codes to 30 seconds, quick communication is key.
Stormwall Blockade
General Tips
- Sister Katherine (Phase One) — Move away from
Crackling Lightning and dodge orbs during
Voltaic Flash.
- Brother Joseph (Phase One) — Place
Sea Storm around the edges of the ship and, if targeted by
Tempting Song, move such that there is a slowing pool between you and the Siren.
- Dock (Phase Two) — Spread 4 or more yards from other players during
Sea Swell. Soak
Freezing Tidepool if you are affected by
Storm's Wail. Also be ready to soak
Ire of the Deep pools if necessary.
Healing Tips
- Save cooldowns to counter the heavy raid damage that happens when an Energized Storm enemy dies in phase two and use them liberally in phase one.
Mythic Tips
- Spread out during Phase 1 and try to drop
Sea Swell casts on the pools left by previous casts of this spell. Avoid
Sea Storm pools at all costs, as they deal significantly more damage and apply a stronger slowing effect.
- In Phase 2, Sister Katherine and Brother Joseph will come back periodically
and fill the room with
Voltaic Flash orbs / call
Tempting Song Sirens, respectively, which will be dealt with through smart positioning of the raid.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
General Tips
- Some guilds opt to 5 heal this fight, with Restoration Shamans dealing
significant damage throughout most of the fight. This is made possible by stacking
Igneous Potential traits, which massively increase your DPS but still allow you to heal / use cooldowns when needed.
- All Phases — Avoid getting
Chilling Touch stacks.
- Phase One — Pick up barrels dropped by Kul Tiran Marines and throw them
off the side of the ship. Move out of
Freezing Blast. Move 30 yards from Jaina during
Ring of Ice while standing in
Searing Pitch pool. Avoid
Bombard targeting circles and Searing Pitch pools.
- First Intermission — Avoid
Glacial Shards and
Blistering Tornado.
- Phase Two — Move out of the raid when targeted by
Broadside (unless you are meant to remove
Refractive Ice with it) or
Siegebreaker Blast. Move out from
Glacial Ray. Move away from
Icefall. Stand in the
Warmth provided by burning Unexploded Ordnance but make sure to move more than 20 yards away before
Burning Explosion occurs.
- Second Intermission — Follow the raid into the safe room to avoid
Flash Freeze. Interrupt
Water Bolt Volley. Avoid standing near players with
Heart of Frost. Do not stand near the elemental when it reaches 100 energy, as it will cast
Frost Nova. Dodge
Arcane Barrage.
- Phase Three — Soak
Orb of Frost if assigned. Dodge
Shattering Lance.
Healing Tips
- Save
High Tide charges and
Cloudburst Totem for
Ring of Ice,
Siegebreaker Blast and
Orb of Frost.
- Keep an eye out for frozen players, as they will need heavy healing if they are to have any hope of surviving until freed.
Mythic Tips
- All Phases — Periodically,
Gathering Blizzard will require your raid to be located within 10 yards of another player to prevent
Freezing Blood. Players who receive this debuff will need to have one player move near them to clear the debuff. The number of players required to remove Freezing Blood will increase throughout the encounter; at 50 energy it requires 3 players, at 75 energy it requires 5, and at full energy all players will lose all visibility and line of sight to each other. This will require you to stack with your raid as much as possible, only moving out to drop specific abilities and returning quickly before your 6-second time limit is up.
- First Intermission — Icebound Images adds will be present in the
reduced vision area. These need to be killed very fast, as they will buff Jaina with
Arctic Armor, making
Howling Winds uninterruptable. Make sure to use
Wind Rush Totem to speed the raid past the ship and (from a different Shaman), again before splitting into groups.
- Second Intermission — Jaina's Tide Elemental will split into smaller
elementals upon death, which means you probably will not want to kill it at all. This
means that you will have to deal with
Heart of Frost throughout all of the phase. You should stand close enough to the raid to avoid being frozen by
Gathering Blizzard, while not hitting anyone with Heart of Frost.
- Phase Three — Drop
Ancestral Protection Totem whenever a tank calls for it in order to reset their stacks through death; this occurs without creating an iceblock and Shatter Lancing the raid in the process.
- 14 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
- 25 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 15 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 09 Apr. 2019: Added mention to Tremor Totem temporarily dispelling the Mind Control totem at Rastakhan.
- 16 Mar. 2019: Changed the recommended talents for Jaina Mythic and added an explanation to the text.
- 14 Mar. 2019: Removed mention of the Spouting Spirits and Ascendance combo, as it no longer works in Patch 8.1.5.
- 02 Mar. 2019: Added new Jaina Mythic tips.
- 07 Feb. 2019: Corrected some typos and updated tips for Stormwall Blockade and Jaina Mythic encounters.
- 05 Feb. 2019: Tweaked some recommendations and added extra input based on live experience.
- 21 Jan. 2019: Added boss by boss guide for Restoration Shaman in Battle of Dazar'alor.
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This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic Avengers and healing aficionado. You can find him answering questions and discussing Restoration Shaman gameplay on the Ancestral Guidance and Earthshrine Discords.
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